Russian State TV Mistakes Man in a Suit for a Robot


Mar 3, 2018
The Guardian reports that state-owned Russian media thought a man in a costume was actually a "hi-tech robot." The TV station's praise for the "robot" was preserved on YouTube, and Russian bloggers and journalists were immediately suspicious when the footage first aired. After some digging, other journalists found a picture of a man in a similar looking suit, and claim that the robot costume costs about $3800 USD. Thanks to AceGoober for the tip.

Check out the Guardian's clip of the "news" here.

The organisers of the Proyektoria technology forum, held each year for the "future intellectual leaders of Russia", did not try to pass off the robot as real, the website reported. But whether by mistake or design, the state television footage did just that. "It's entirely possible one of these [students] could dedicate himself to robotics," an anchor reported. "Especially as at the forum they have the opportunity to look at the most modern robots..." On Wednesday morning, the television report briefly disappeared from Russia-24's YouTube channel but by early afternoon it was accessible again.
Robots don't move that fast and theur heads are usually perfectly still. It was instantly obvious that's a person inside.