rtx 2080 overclock safety


Nov 27, 2018
Might be a foolish question but better safe than sorry.

Previously used gtx 1080 and was happy to get 170/400 overclock on it.So did not tough that any harm will be done as temps ware fine.

Now I do own a RTX 2080 with NZXT G12 and Corsair h75 getting around 2055mhz core and 8000mhz @ stock voltage.
If temps are fine (62c under max load) is it safe to keep memory clock + 1000 .
Newer had a card witch could overclock that high.

Much appreciated for any guidance.
Well... it doesn’t void the warranty. Can’t be that bad. I run similar settings. *brofist*
I have no clue if my warranty is even valid anymore as i use g12 instead of stock cooler :D Plus its inno3d I dont want to send my GPU to china.I ordered socks from china 3 months ago and I am still waiting :D
I even did apply thermal pads on Vram modules as gpu came without them .

But if those clocks are safe then damn these cards overclocks like a beast