Robots Make Presents for Other Robots


Mar 3, 2018
Researchers at the Forschungszentrum Informatik Living Labs have been busy this holiday season. Among other things, they put robots to work making cookies, wrapping them, and delivering them to other robotics institutions around the world. ETH Zurich's ANYmal robot even makes a brief appearance in festive attire, and the researchers uploaded another video showing the making of the original.

Check out the holiday joy, and robotic doom, here.

Every year we combine our passion for cutting edge robotics with the joy of sending seasonal greetings and try to showcase some of the actual developments we have done in a lighthearted way. While we of course helped the robots preparing and packing the gingerbreads, most of the steps - for example the application of the frosting on the moving conveyor belt or the "milling" of the pattern - where done using our existing software pipelines developed to handle actual industrial use cases. As we use ROS for most of our developments, we wanted to include the strong community by sending out gingerbread turtles to various companies and researchers that use ROS, too.
Around the 1:20 mark reminded me of the Stroggification process from Quake IV...

It starts with cookies, and one day, we'll be the cookies.
THEY WENT TO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its the end of the world, It always starts with wrapped gifts and cookies...and then ends in nukes...….