Respawn's Star Wars Game Will Be Revealed on April 13


Mar 3, 2018
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is already scheduled to come out his fall, but unlike Respawn's last big release, they aren't going to drop it without an official announcement first. On the official Star Wars news feed, Disney revealed that EA and Respawn will "pull back the curtains" on April 13, at the Star Wars Celebration event in Chicago. Fallen Order is reportedly set between Revenge of the Sith an a New Hope, an EA talked it up quite a bit in their last earnings report.

In a special panel on Saturday, April 13, EA and Respawn will pull back the curtain on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, in which gamers will meet a Padawan who survived Order 66 and explore the galaxy in the time after the fall of the Jedi Order. The discussion will feature never-before-released details ahead of the game's fall 2019 release. Beyond this exciting debut, fans can invade the exhibition floor to try out other games including: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, a game of strategy, skill, and squad building; and Star Wars Pinball, Zen Studios' innovatively immersive take on an arcade classic. And Star Wars: The Old Republic, one of the longest running games set a thousand years before the rise of the Empire, will be hosting a special event with more details to come.
Battle royale is getting old. Seems like that is all anyone can create now.

It still surprises me that PUBG, being generally as buggy and terrible as it was (is), was able to kick off this trend in what seems like basically every FPS title coming out now.
It still surprises me that PUBG, being generally as buggy and terrible as it was (is), was able to kick off this trend in what seems like basically every FPS title coming out now.

They came at a time when I feel people were wanting something different to play and he did a good job at selling it. And the gaming industry is just full of copying each others format so that's where the tidal wave came from. If you look back on each new competitive or cooperative multiplayer mode they all followed a similar pattern. Starts off with one big one then a bunch of copies and everyone getting upset at the flooding. Then it just becomes a standard game mode that over time most forget who even started it. And more often than not, it wasn't the popular one.
RTCW, Team Fortress 2, those got me back into shooters back in the day....the battle royal games I cant connect with, even just watching a little twitch play exhausts me.

Maybe we can get back to some good basics, make it fun and use the KISS principle. Simple doesn't have to mean easy.
With Disney's hands all over it, rather than allowing you to have player choice (to choose your sex). You will play the game as a super powerful, Mary Jane, padawan that decided to give up on fitness and is violently unattractive. The premise is essentially that no one cares about you and no one pays attention to you so, you use your force powers to make people and this dark side expenditure has no consequences for you since the "Force is Female". It's probably going to suck, no matter how it turns out.

I had high hopes for 1313 prior to it being stalled and spun down the Boba Fett character arc. We needed a modern "Dark Forces" Star Wars game where the damn Force wasn't the entire focus of the game. Apparently even that was in the works (again) and it was scrapped... probably because it would have made fans happy and wasn't monetized with loot boxes and cosmetic changes.
It still surprises me that PUBG, being generally as buggy and terrible as it was (is), was able to kick off this trend in what seems like basically every FPS title coming out now.

Like with this and DayZ before it, both started out as ArmA mods. ;)
X Wing Vs Tie Fighter with a modern engine and VR support.


Careful what you wish for...

I can see EA selling a $60, buggy, half-completed "X Wing Vs Tie Fighter: 2": You would only be able to fly an A Wing or some such BS by default. Actually flying an X Wing would be limited to Origin Access Premium or some ungodly micro-transactions store. Oh, and loot boxes, somehow there would be loot boxes.
Careful what you wish for...

I can see EA selling a $60, buggy, half-completed "X Wing Vs Tie Fighter: 2": You would only be able to fly an A Wing or some such BS by default. Actually flying an X Wing would be limited to Origin Access Premium or some ungodly micro-transactions store. Oh, and loot boxes, somehow there would be loot boxes.

Ship skins. Rainbow unicorn poop skinned xwings shooting pink lasers.
Does anyone know what the genre will be for this game? Since it's respawn I would guess FPS but who knows i guess
Ooh ooh, I sure hope it's MP only, and comes with 3/4 of the game locked behind "coming soon", I need my Star Wars live service fix!
EA Dice has actually improved Battlefront 2 a bit played it today first time in about 7 months. Annoying squad respawn animation is gone.
Careful what you wish for...

I can see EA selling a $60, buggy, half-completed "X Wing Vs Tie Fighter: 2": You would only be able to fly an A Wing or some such BS by default. Actually flying an X Wing would be limited to Origin Access Premium or some ungodly micro-transactions store. Oh, and loot boxes, somehow there would be loot boxes.
Don’t tell EA this — but I would throw so much fucking money down it hurts my wallet to think about.

I would pay for all of it because I love that game so much.
"star wars was created for children"

-Grorge Lukans

That's 2005 George Lucas. But, he had previously said that his goal in making Star Wars was to create the kind of movies that he wanted to watch (as an adult).

So, the 'kids movies' thing is just him rationalizing why the prequels and every after has sucked and not lived up to the original movies.
Awaiting it with bated breath.

The shit-storm that's almost sure to surround the game, that is.
I'm going to be at SWC that day, so I'll stop by I guess. Not too excited about the news considering EA's recent shittier than normal output.
Must be a typo, I'm sure that's supposed to read April 1, not April 13.
I would actually guess that is right because Star Wars celebration starts on April 11th and goes to 15th, so it would be announced right smack-dab in the middle of that.