Researchers Develop Agile Flapping Robot


Mar 3, 2018
Researchers from the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, showed off a novel, flapping drone. The design was inspired by fruit flies, the researchers say, and can hover in place for 5 minutes or travel up to 1km under its own power. While this isn't the first wing powered drone I've seen, it is remarkably agile.

Check out the video here.

The MAVLab has been developing insect-inspired flying robots for over 10 years within the DelFly project. The MAVLab scientific leader, Prof. Guido de Croon, says: ’Insect-inspired drones have a high potential for novel applications, as they are light-weight, safe around humans and are able to fly more efficiently than more traditional drone designs, especially at smaller scales. However, until now, these flying robots had not realized this potential since they were either not agile enough – such as our DelFly II – or they required an overly complex manufacturing process.’ The robot in this study, named the DelFly Nimble, builds on established manufacturing methods, uses off-the-shelf components, and its flight endurance is long enough to be of interest for real-world applications.
After watching the video, the movie Minority Report comes to mind. Not that they had any drones in the movie, they didn't but they had some far off future law enforcement tech that seemed a bit terrifying. Regardless of how far-fetched some of it was, this little bat thing that seems very fast and maneuverable triggers that response in me all over again.

Imagine these things swarming around your home, car, backyard, etc capturing your every move and thought without you ever noticing their presence.

I even think it's possible that in the future, you could have these things laying in-wait in public / at your door-step and at the ready to follow around criminals out on parole with ankle bracelets as an added part of the criminal / court process. Yikes.

And without a doubt it's only a matter of time before each individual US soldier has these types of "small personal drones" to deploy at a moments notice to give them a commanding view of the battlefield, environment. Which they have now but they are much more bulking, expensive and not the easiest to deploy.

These things are super cool. Of course, we do all the hard work and then the Chinese steal it.
Me too, thought "the wonders of modern science". Eliminates strains and sprains from too-energetic fapping.
It's called a wife. Don't trust the sticker price though. Having one will cost you your soul and half of whatever you didn't already spend on her maintenance and upgrades.
Frankly, you would be better off uh...self-servicing.
It's called a wife. Don't trust the sticker price though. Having one will cost you your soul and half of whatever you didn't already spend on her maintenance and upgrades.
Frankly, you would be better off uh...self-servicing.

This is truth. Cheaper in long run to hire professional "contractors" for service.
Still waiting on Boston robotics to make a robo horse with like x4 the horse power for x4 the speed or x4 the power. I mean that's like upwards of 80-120MPH on a robo horse yeehaw yippee ki-yay! I figure if nerds can make a robo do they can make a far more practical robo horse.
Imagine bigger robots able to dodge projectiles really easily. It'll make them damn near impossible to shoot down.