Remembering deals of yesteryear


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 15, 2010
Sometimes I like to look at my eBay purchase history and wonder how we have strayed so far from reasonable GPU prices. Anybody else?

And no, I don't own any of these cards any more. Most of these went into builds that ended up with friends or family.







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The most I ever spent on GPUs was my two SLI 980TI's at $629 each. That's about 4 times more than any other GPU purchase I ever made. Two years passed and everyone was already proclaiming the death of SLI. Thanks NVidia, will you buy back my second card since it didn't future-proof shit?

Now these greedy bastards think I'm going to pay $1200 for a mid-tier card? I'll take up bird watching and basket weaving before I give them the satisfaction.
Those are some impressive deals, nice. I never took the risk of buying on ebay, even though I'm sure it's just fine most of the time. But I do remember back when I bought my first GPU I went with a 8800 GTS 512 for something like $300 because there was no way I was spending double that for a $600 GTX. Things have changed.
No GPU currently on the market is worth more than $850....not RTX3090, RTX3080Ti, RX6800XT or RX6900.
There isn't enough material to warrant any of the present prices.
Collective sale more than cover the R&D and assembly cost as well....(before people start shouting nonsense).
Of course AMD and Nvidia will gladly sell these all day long to people with more money than common sense.
I can't fault them for people's stupidity or impatience.
I sold a 1660 super spare for like 169 on fleabay last Feb....if only I knew what was to come. Also sold my 2080 ti for 725 in September right after the 3080 release...
Paid $860 for a original Titan from another forum so many years ago. Most I've ever payed for a graphics card.
I felt bad buying a GTX 980 back in the day for $500. Previous to that had bought either sub $250 cards, or sometimes the $300-$400 cards. But I've gotten to a point where I am typically happy with rigs for several years instead of upgrading something every year, so now I just get whatever top card I can for the budget I have available for that card. And yes I still feel a bit dirty for paying $650 for a 3070, but I had budgeted about $700 for a new card hoping for a 3080 FE, but we all know how that went.
I felt bad buying a GTX 980 back in the day for $500. Previous to that had bought either sub $250 cards, or sometimes the $300-$400 cards. But I've gotten to a point where I am typically happy with rigs for several years instead of upgrading something every year, so now I just get whatever top card I can for the budget I have available for that card. And yes I still feel a bit dirty for paying $650 for a 3070, but I had budgeted about $700 for a new card hoping for a 3080 FE, but we all know how that went.
I hear you about the 3070. I also thought I might get a 3070, but I will probably end up getting a 3060 Ti at well above MSRP, even if the price is lower than it is today.
I bought a 1080Ti on here for $275 september of last year, which was great because my 980Ti was just starting to feel dated and I had another one to test SLi stuff/VFIO with.
Great news is, prices are coming down. Feb 2021 you were spending about 700$ - 900$ on a 1080 TI. Now they are starting to hit the $400 on Ebay.

October 2020 I bought a 1080 TI for 315$. We are getting back to that level.
I finally found out that you need Firefox, along with a TamperMonkey script, in order to snipe RDNA2 cards from on Thursdays. No matter how many times I tried in Chrome it just wouldn't work. But I managed to snag a 6700 XT at MSRP, if just barely.
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Reminds me of when I bought a 5970 over 10 years ago for $320. A few months later I noticed GPU prices skyrocketed so I sold it for ~$580 and bought two 6950s. Then I realized Bitcoin mining was a thing. I could have made a few hundred $$$ just in mining (at sub ~$30 / BTC prices, now worth literally millions) and 5970s were selling on eBay for $1k+ (it was the best GPU at the time for mining)
Great news is, prices are coming down. Feb 2021 you were spending about 700$ - 900$ on a 1080 TI. Now they are starting to hit the $400 on Ebay.

October 2020 I bought a 1080 TI for 315$. We are getting back to that level.
Prices are still kinda stupid in the sense that they're now all over the place. It's like half the market hasn't gotten the message yet. I just sold a 1080ti for $650 today while an RTX 3080 FE on stockx (new) went for $1200. Prices on the high end cards are dropping a lot but the low end cards seem to have stabilized for the past couple of weeks so you see stuff like $1100-1200 6800s right next to $1200 6800xts and $1300 6900xts.
This is encouraging. I know the rest of the new egg shuffle is inflated but this is the first time I have seen a shuffle this close to MSRP.

This is encouraging. I know the rest of the new egg shuffle is inflated but this is the first time I have seen a shuffle this close to MSRP.

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Yah, I saw that also and I was tempted, until I remembered that a member of this forum, I forget just who, did a comparison of the 3060 and the 3060 Ti, and he pointed out that for not that much less money, you got a much less powerful card, although it had 12 GB instead of just 8 GB. When I looked at the 3060 Ti Shuffle, it was a bundle with something I don't need.

They used to be great , but now they are no different than the barrel-bottom types who always have a "Going out of business" sign in their brick-and-mortar shop windows. Heck, maybe Newegg will go out of business. They went from being one of the best to one of the worst. Exactly what happened there?
Even though the prices are still crazy high, it is nice to see that the EVGA B-stock did not sell out of video cards.

I still see 1080 TIs and 2080 TIs that were listed there yesterday.

EVGA 1080 TIs are listed for 629$. Ebay is selling 1080 TIs between $500 - $600

Lets hope those prices keep going down! =)
The most I ever spent on a video card was $230 for an 8800GT. Great deal for the performance but too bad the longevity of the card was crap. I blame the swap to RoHS compliant solder for the issue. Replaced that with a Radeon HD5770 a few years later for around $100. No disposable income to speak of for a long time so it wasn't until early last year that I picked up a Radeon RX570 for $120 and I'm currently using that and it serves my needs. I'd love a better GPU but even without the inflated prices there's little in my budget range which would be worth getting. Mainstream GPU prices are at or close to what high end cards used to cost and no one is making new cards under midrange for the most part anymore.
It is not just modern GPUs, old GPUs are getting out of hand too. even very old GPU like the 6800gt and 5900 ultra are getting out of hand, 3dfx cards are just plane nuts. a voodoo 3 used to be 15-20$ all day long, now they are near 100$, the voodoo5500 even worse, once a 50$ card is now going upwards of 500$
even less old cards like the 7xx and 9xx line are getting out of hand.
This is a market opportunity that just cries out for Intel, IF/WHEN/EVER they can get their act together.
I paid $239 for the 8800GTS 512MB, what a great deal.


I was able to run Crysis at 720p with a graphics mod and get 60 fps. It was awesome. Those days are gone for good.