Red Dead Redemption 2


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013

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Seems likely.

I'd say the "GTA 5 cycle" is all but a given.
I've been expecting this from the beginning. I understand why RDR didn't come to PC. GTA IV's engine was very buggy on PC, and I don't think they predicted the reception RDR got. The first game in the series was mostly overlooked, they probably assumed it was not cost effective from the beginning to work on a PC port, and by the time the game exploded in popularity, they would have been looking towards the future, not looking to rework RDR for PC.

That isn't true this time. They know the hype that surrounds this title, they know they are going to sell a shitload of copies. They also have a much smoother running engine on PC now, GTA V was a substantially better PC port than GTA IV was. GTA V sold very well on PC, and they know damn well RDR2 will as well. It's pretty obvious it will be delayed, R* has a history of this and it's not hard to see why when the consoles dominate PC sales. From a financial standpoint, getting the game running on your most popular platforms and then focusing on PC makes sense. As an added bonus, they know people will double dip, that's part of what lead to GTA V being one of the best selling video games in history, and you can bet their eager to make that happen again. Makes no difference to me, RDR was fun but I'm not losing my shit over it. I can wait until it's on PC.

Looks balls to the wall amazing! Definitely pre-ordering as soon as its an option.
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From what I have read, RDR had a troubled development which made it impossible to efficiently port to PC. Explained in this video:

Lots of valid points come up... I've been every which way but sideways for years on this...but honestly? It boils down to this: Rockstar simply didn't want to be bothered. Too bad.

I sincerely hope part 2 makes it to the PC. It likely will be the GTA 5 cycle would be my guess.
Wait for the PC version. I'd say that's all but a sure thing at this point. I'm saying that as someone who has it on the PS4 Pro right now. (I know about the XB1 X vs PS4 Pro controversies as well.)
If we go by the GTA V release schedule PC gamers are going to be waiting 2 years. :(
Hopefully it won't take as long to release on PC like GTA V did. I'd love to see a Christmas PC release date. One can dream.....
Haha....Almost broke down and ordered the PS4 Pro for this game.
Or just buy the $399 PS4 Pro bundle that includes the game. Finish game, sell the bundle. Every time I've done this I've ended up somewhere between getting 100% of my money back and making a profit. God of War bundle I finished the game, re-sold the bundle and made a $100 profit.

This time I'm keeping the PS4 Pro and RDRII because I'll be playing it a long time, and there are some PS4 exclusives on the horizon that I really want.

When the PC version of RDR2 finally releases I'll play through it again just like GTA5.

I care about experiences, not platforms, and find it hilarious how bitchy some people get that a game's not on a specific platform.
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Or just buy the $399 PS4 Pro bundle that includes the game. Finish game, sell the bundle. Every time I've done this I've ended up somewhere between getting 100% of my money back and making a profit. God of War bundle I finished the game, re-sold the bundle and made a $100 profit

or even better wait less then a month for Black Friday sales...the consoles always go on sale during that time with some really nice discounts...that's what I'm planning on doing
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I picked up the game on Xbox One X last night and so far I'm pretty impressed. The story and characters are interesting and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. This is the one of the most detailed worlds I've ever seen. The way your character moves and controls is different and takes time getting used to but the animations are great and the shooting feels pretty good. I did one mission where you have to lasso a guy off of his horse, hog tie him, and transport him on your horse which I thought was neat. The game is off to a slow start but I can already tell it's going be a great experience.
I own this for Xbox One X and I'll buy it again on PC at some point if it actually comes out. It looks amazing on Xbox, it should be even better looking on PC. Even moreso once the Enb and mods (of doable) come out.
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I bought it for xbox, then recently bought a PS4 bundle with it. You think the xbox looks good, the Ps4 version wipes the floor with it. Ill definitely be grabbing it for PC. Same as what i did for GTA5, Think I had version of that.. lol
I bought it for xbox, then recently bought a PS4 bundle with it. You think the xbox looks good, the Ps4 version wipes the floor with it. Ill definitely be grabbing it for PC. Same as what i did for GTA5, Think I had version of that.. lol

Interesting feedback because a number of outlets user feedback actually had the game better optimized on the newest Xbox X (did I get that right?)

I really do hope it comes to the PC so the vaseline softness is gone on the visuals and I can get something better than barely 30fps with this bizarre, extra input lag (for lack of a better term) on top of it like the console versions have. It feel like it's really 15fps at times even though it isn't to me.
Yeah I cant comment on the "4k" versions but between the regular Xbox one S and a PS4 Slim, there was definitely a noticeable difference.
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Interesting feedback because a number of outlets user feedback actually had the game better optimized on the newest Xbox X (did I get that right?)

I really do hope it comes to the PC so the vaseline softness is gone on the visuals and I can get something better than barely 30fps with this bizarre, extra input lag (for lack of a better term) on top of it like the console versions have. It feel like it's really 15fps at times even though it isn't to me.

Xbox One X > PS4 Pro > PS4 > Xbox One S. From the comparisons I've seen, it's actually pretty remarkable, both in how bad in looks on the OG/S Xbox, and how good it looks on the X. I have it on the X and it's really one of the best looking games in existence. On PC, even if the visuals aren't improved... to play it as is at 60fps would be reason enough for me to rebuy. Also, playing entirely in first person with a KB+M will make it feel like a completely different game. I really hate that R*'s strategy has become to get as many people as possible to double dip on their games, but it's obviously effective because I know myself and many others will oblige.
Like with GTA5, by the time this actually comes out, I won't care because I already played through it thoroughly on the PS4. The wait time is too long and by then the hype is gone. Not to mention the only "longevity" of these games are microtransaction-fueled online modes.

I know they want to try to double dip, but I still have never bought GTA5 on PC.
Like with GTA5, by the time this actually comes out, I won't care because I already played through it thoroughly on the PS4. The wait time is too long and by then the hype is gone. Not to mention the only "longevity" of these games are microtransaction-fueled online modes.

I know they want to try to double dip, but I still have never bought GTA5 on PC.

Unfortunately, you are the minority, and R* knows it. After how much money GTA V made, it's obvious they want to repeat with RDR2. We'll be seeing new consoles next year, and it wouldn't surprise me to see RDR2 as a launch title, with a PC release being at the same time or shortly after. A lot of people will buy the game again. And truthfully its one of the few games I'd say is worth it... it's really a remarkable achievement how well thought out and polished that game is. I played it on Xbox One X and at 4k30 it's one of the best looking games out there. I really want to give it another go at 4k60 on PC, especially in first person with mouse and keyboard. Should honestly feel like a totally different game.
I'd buy it again, the game is good enough to warrant it.
there is a chance we need to wait post ps5? or new xbox. il pirate it with good conscience :p as i already own a copy on ps4. but really need to see this game in all it's glory on the proper platform with proper periphials. anyway this leak is prety old already isnt it.
Unfortunately, you are the minority, and R* knows it. After how much money GTA V made, it's obvious they want to repeat with RDR2. We'll be seeing new consoles next year, and it wouldn't surprise me to see RDR2 as a launch title, with a PC release being at the same time or shortly after. A lot of people will buy the game again. And truthfully its one of the few games I'd say is worth it... it's really a remarkable achievement how well thought out and polished that game is. I played it on Xbox One X and at 4k30 it's one of the best looking games out there. I really want to give it another go at 4k60 on PC, especially in first person with mouse and keyboard. Should honestly feel like a totally different game.
It won't be a repeat of gtav. The online aspect failed on consoles. It will sell tho cause the single player is so amazing.
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Unfortunately, you are the minority, and R* knows it. After how much money GTA V made, it's obvious they want to repeat with RDR2. We'll be seeing new consoles next year, and it wouldn't surprise me to see RDR2 as a launch title, with a PC release being at the same time or shortly after. A lot of people will buy the game again. And truthfully its one of the few games I'd say is worth it... it's really a remarkable achievement how well thought out and polished that game is. I played it on Xbox One X and at 4k30 it's one of the best looking games out there. I really want to give it another go at 4k60 on PC, especially in first person with mouse and keyboard. Should honestly feel like a totally different game.

You are probably right about me being the minority, but as far as the quality of the game, I have to complete disagree. The story was fantastic and graphically yes, great. But mechanically the game had a LOT of problems that you can see pointed out in countless reviews. To be honest, if the game's atmosphere and story wasn't so good, this game would be shit. As a GAME it kind of is shit, but as an overall experience it warrants consideration.

I certainly have no desire to buy it on PC, or really even replay it on PS4.
I feel like Rockstar made a fantastic open world and handicapped it with a below-average game. I won't replay it unless they totally overhaul the gameplay and UI. Not sure they would or even can at this point. I'm also still doubtful this makes it to PC anyway. I guess it could be like GTA5 where they re-release it for the next-gen consoles and PC, but they're still more than a year off. By then I'm not sure anyone will really care. GTA4 was re-released a year later, not two.
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