

[H]ard DCOTM x2
Mar 1, 2014
Anyone else own any and manage to sell at todays 20% jump price?

I sold all I have and set a buy at 5¢ it's been at, and will go back to, for a month now.
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I own about 2000 RVN. Not much and not gonna bother selling any, just something to hold on to long term. I might start a card or 2 mining RVN at some point.
I might have sold the other day, FML.
I fucked up a bit, but not nearly at that level.

For a while raven was up and down from 5¢ to 6¢. So I sold it at 6 and set a buy at 5. It never went back below 6. Kept jumping from 6 to 6.2. So I set it at 6. Never dropped below 6.5 after that, so I set it to 6.5 AND THEN it never made it back to there, so in the end I said fuck it and bought it at 7¢ :(

Good way to lose out on a few hundred raven.
I mean, I'm not a fan of mining and playing the holding game with everything, you may as well just buy the coins at that point. If you're not profitable when prices are low then it pushes you to be more efficient, but yeah, sometimes you get lucky other times you sell 2 days before it booms 50% in price.
I fucked up a bit, but not nearly at that level.

For a while raven was up and down from 5¢ to 6¢. So I sold it at 6 and set a buy at 5. It never went back below 6. Kept jumping from 6 to 6.2. So I set it at 6. Never dropped below 6.5 after that, so I set it to 6.5 AND THEN it never made it back to there, so in the end I said fuck it and bought it at 7¢ :(

Good way to lose out on a few hundred raven.
I tried for the first time last night to trade, bought $100 worth at 10c and set to sell at 12c. I set the trigger limit to create the order at .096c and sell at .091c. but it sold at .095c. a little confused why it sold at the trigger price. I'm using binance.us. I lost $5 lol. I was prepared to lose $10 which if it sold at the .091 price I set it to thats what would have happened. when I woke up this am eth was at $3100 so I'm surprised all rvn did was go lower.
I tried for the first time last night to trade, bought $100 worth at 10c and set to sell at 12c. I set the trigger limit to create the order at .096c and sell at .091c. but it sold at .095c. a little confused why it sold at the trigger price. I'm using binance.us. I lost $5 lol. I was prepared to lose $10 which if it sold at the .091 price I set it to thats what would have happened. when I woke up this am eth was at $3100 so I'm surprised all rvn did was go lower.
Raven went up at an insane speed. It couldn't maintain that. I set another buy for 2000 at 8.3¢. I hope it never drops that far, but if it does, I'll get some on the cheap.
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