Quake Champions Dumps Loot Boxes for a Battle Pass


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The progression system in Quake Champions has been completely scrapped in favor of a linear Battle Pass system. Players will be able to complete challenges to unlock free cosmetics, and if they purchase the Battle Pass, they will be able to unlock even more cosmetic items. Luck and redundant rewards are being removed from the game as players will be able to zero in on the reward that they want and complete the challenges necessary to unlock it. Microtransactions will still exist, but they will be for players who want to level up their Battle Pass faster by purchasing levels and reliquaries which contain legendary items.

Quake Champions will still level up players as they duke it out, complete challenges and earn experience. Only now, when your level reaches a rewards milestone, you'll earn all kinds of cool items such as shaders, vanities and even Shards for Champion Progression. This new rewards system shows a clear track of what rewards are available, letting players know exactly what kind of loot they can earn and when they'll get them. Want to take things a step further? Upgrade with the Battle Pass! For just 1,000 Platinum, the Battle Pass sweetens the new rewards system by expediting player progress, adding bonus rewards milestones and granting access to special exclusive content!
i'd still be playing it if it wasn't dog-ass slow to load. when i'm working and i just want to quickly blow off some steam or distract myself i want to get in, frag, get out. but damn that game is a slow loader
This game sucked; the leveling system and all the player powers bullshit totally killed it.

I played the beta, they didn't listen to any of the og gamers, and were dedicated on supporting whales.

It was an un balanced shit fest, the last time I played I emptied a rocket launcher into an asshole, after three hits with a railgun.

One railgun hit was in the head, at close range. The rockets were in it's back after it followed me thru a teleporter.

No damage.

I finally died from splash damage, lol.

It's not quake. it's a shitfest, that ruins the remembrance of its original games.

Note: Full disclosure: I play Q2 and Q3 still, and will as long as I can get WinXP to boot. Of course, they do run well on a RasberryPI, but the keyboard feels funky.

Fuck the Fucking Fuckers. I hope they all die in a fire.

That is all.

This game sucked; the leveling system and all the player powers bullshit totally killed it.

they do run well on a RasberryPI, but the keyboard feels funky.

Can't you use a different keyboard on the PI...or are you saying there is kb lag?
Quake has micro-transactions? Is nothing sacred anymore? Better off cranking up Quake 3 Arena. Plus Quake 3 Arena is native on Linux anyway.
I play it all the time. Dunno, the music and voice overs get me all pumped like the old UT days! I refuse to spend a cent though.... ;)
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Quake has micro-transactions? Is nothing sacred anymore? Better off cranking up Quake 3 Arena. Plus Quake 3 Arena is native on Linux anyway.

I play Quake Champions under Linux, runs awesome and so easy to install.

Q2 4eva baby!

I remember playing the original Quake under DOS on my 486 DX. It actually ran it pretty well.
This game sucked; the leveling system and all the player powers bullshit totally killed it.

I played the beta, they didn't listen to any of the og gamers, and were dedicated on supporting whales.

It was an un balanced shit fest, the last time I played I emptied a rocket launcher into an asshole, after three hits with a railgun.

One railgun hit was in the head, at close range. The rockets were in it's back after it followed me thru a teleporter.

No damage.

I finally died from splash damage, lol.

It's not quake. it's a shitfest, that ruins the remembrance of its original games.

Note: Full disclosure: I play Q2 and Q3 still, and will as long as I can get WinXP to boot. Of course, they do run well on a RasberryPI, but the keyboard feels funky.

Fuck the Fucking Fuckers. I hope they all die in a fire.

That is all.


I still play regularly and this last patch they made a lot of unified balance changes which basically took away the press F to instakill with abilities. The game is now more focused on play/aim rather than the champion abilities.
I still play regularly and this last patch they made a lot of unified balance changes which basically took away the press F to instakill with abilities. The game is now more focused on play/aim rather than the champion abilities.

remember when quake was all about aim and skill?
Remember when quake 2 would load in mere seconds? And that was on crap hardware too!

i'd still be playing it if it wasn't dog-ass slow to load. when i'm working and i just want to quickly blow off some steam or distract myself i want to get in, frag, get out. but damn that game is a slow loader
People caring about how their game character or in game gun look, really should get off the computer chair and do something better with their life.
If the game itself was fine i would play with a character wearing a pink leotard and matching tu tu if that was the only choice,,,,, really i couldn't care less.
Game is fast and plays like an old school shooter before regenerating health and all that stuff was introduced. It's fun to play a few rounds and make some gibs.
I play Quake Champions under Linux, runs awesome and so easy to install.

I remember playing the original Quake under DOS on my 486 DX. It actually ran it pretty well.

Quake was unplayable on a 486 DX. It was one of the first that required a Pentium. I had to upgrade my trusty 486 DX to play it.
Huh, I played a few games last night and the box/chest crap was still there.

At this point the biggest problem with the game is loading times. Net code has improved massively over the last year, too.

I still prefer Quake Live but... at my age, it's more like an energy vampire or something. The game is finally getting somewhere.

This game sucked; the leveling system and all the player powers bullshit totally killed it.

I played the beta, they didn't listen to any of the og gamers, and were dedicated on supporting whales.

It was an un balanced shit fest, the last time I played I emptied a rocket launcher into an asshole, after three hits with a railgun.

One railgun hit was in the head, at close range. The rockets were in it's back after it followed me thru a teleporter.

No damage.

I finally died from splash damage, lol.

It's not quake. it's a shitfest, that ruins the remembrance of its original games.

Note: Full disclosure: I play Q2 and Q3 still, and will as long as I can get WinXP to boot. Of course, they do run well on a RasberryPI, but the keyboard feels funky.

Fuck the Fucking Fuckers. I hope they all die in a fire.

That is all.


None of this makes any sense to me.

What kind of Quake person talks about head shots and such? Damage taken is always the same.

There are Health and Armor pickups in Quake. They provide protection.

Rockets do not pass through teleporters.

Quake 1/2/3/4... all run flawlessly on any modern windows. You don't need XP.

Sounds like you got owned, son.

p.s. I've been playing Quake games for 20+ years and I am easily triggered when someone starts spreading false information in a way that suggests they know what they're talking about
Huh, I played a few games last night and the box/chest crap was still there.

At this point the biggest problem with the game is loading times. Net code has improved massively over the last year, too.

I still prefer Quake Live but... at my age, it's more like an energy vampire or something. The game is finally getting somewhere.

None of this makes any sense to me.

What kind of Quake person talks about head shots and such? Damage taken is always the same.

There are Health and Armor pickups in Quake. They provide protection.

Rockets do not pass through teleporters.

Quake 1/2/3/4... all run flawlessly on any modern windows. You don't need XP.

Sounds like you got owned, son.

p.s. I've been playing Quake games for 20+ years and I am easily triggered when someone starts spreading false information in a way that suggests they know what they're talking about

The new update is not going live until the 20th or so better try to get all the runes you can before the update since they will all auto-complete regardless of how far you have progressed and you will receive the rewards.
The new update is not going live until the 20th or so better try to get all the runes you can before the update since they will all auto-complete regardless of how far you have progressed and you will receive the rewards.

I was about to blab about how I don't care about customization, and largely I don't, but I have Q2 rail and Q1 rocket. Need to get that Q3 plasma and I'll be all set. It fucking sucks that I have to earn trophies.
I was about to blab about how I don't care about customization, and largely I don't, but I have Q2 rail and Q1 rocket. Need to get that Q3 plasma and I'll be all set. It fucking sucks that I have to earn trophies.

Same here I am lacking the plasma as well and these 3 were the only ones I was ever interested in.
Really? Perhaps it was Doom then?

I'm getting old I think... :)

It was probably Doom. I had some great fun on that 486DX from Wolfenstein 3D, Doom/II, Descent, up til Duke Nukem 3D. I just remember finally building my own PC because it couldn't handle Quake :)
It was probably Doom. I had some great fun on that 486DX from Wolfenstein 3D, Doom/II, Descent, up til Duke Nukem 3D. I just remember finally building my own PC because it couldn't handle Quake :)

Yeah, it would have been Doom. Funny, I remember playing the exact same games! All under DOS. The issues I had trying to get my Soundblaster card working reliably were ridiculous.
I still play regularly and this last patch they made a lot of unified balance changes which basically took away the press F to instakill with abilities. The game is now more focused on play/aim rather than the champion abilities.

I'll have to check it out again before I give up totally.

The unkillable player thing sucked.

None of this makes any sense to me.

What kind of Quake person talks about head shots and such? Damage taken is always the same.

There are Health and Armor pickups in Quake. They provide protection.

Rockets do not pass through teleporters.

Quake 1/2/3/4... all run flawlessly on any modern windows. You don't need XP.

Sounds like you got owned, son.

p.s. I've been playing Quake games for 20+ years and I am easily triggered when someone starts spreading false information in a way that suggests they know what they're talking about

Your reading comprehension skills suck.

I know all about how to game, thanks, next.

There is a considerable difference in the keyboard and mouse drivers between XP and 7; if you were a better player, you would have noticed.

I dual boot xp32 an win7x64 on this system.

If you read what I said, you would have noticed I said "Railgun, FOLLOWED ME THRU A TELEPORTER, rocket launcher."

Headshots do not help in Q2, that is correct; but they do in every game since.

We also play UT2003; it's fun to load up the announcer such that they are still saying "Ludicrous Kill" for a while after you die and respawn.

Kiss my ass, Dad. (insert bird here.)

We used to shoot arms and legs off in SoF; that game needs to be remade.
I'll have to check it out again before I give up totally.

The unkillable player thing sucked.

Your reading comprehension skills suck.

I know all about how to game, thanks, next.

There is a considerable difference in the keyboard and mouse drivers between XP and 7; if you were a better player, you would have noticed.

I dual boot xp32 an win7x64 on this system.

If you read what I said, you would have noticed I said "Railgun, FOLLOWED ME THRU A TELEPORTER, rocket launcher."

Headshots do not help in Q2, that is correct; but they do in every game since.

We also play UT2003; it's fun to load up the announcer such that they are still saying "Ludicrous Kill" for a while after you die and respawn.

Kiss my ass, Dad. (insert bird here.)

We used to shoot arms and legs off in SoF; that game needs to be remade.

Of all Quake games only QL and QC have a "headshot" medal but actual damage is always the same. If there is no damage modifier based on location in terms of points, then there is no headshot. That is all I am saying.

Now, UT2003, like all UT games, does have an headshot. Loved UT2003. Digital extremes made a fantastic game. UT2004 made some improvement: no more ridiculous boost jumps, also delayed armor spawn on map start.

You're secretly a Quake pro trying to fool simple Chinese person dgz, aren't you?
I've been banned from using the railgun in Q3 forever, in my group; it caused a player revolt many years ago.

If you're from China, that might explain the things that hacked me off; cultures are different.

I'm a Gray Beard, I''ve been playing fast twitch games since the early 90's.
Can't you use a different keyboard on the PI...or are you saying there is kb lag?

The KB/mouse is different; I can't say it's lag, because it's constant.

But it's not what I'm used to. It's different.

I used to be the team "killer", when out group was losing, they'd call me, lol. They were using my skins and map disks from 15 years before for their Q3 PI games. ( I gave a copy of my shit to a student at a university in 2003, lol)

I got called out for not "Changing the default name" for the game; I said, "That is my name, and my skin, bitches!!"

I taught several people to be really good. :)

Everyone else thought I was cheating; I had witnesses, and it made me feel SO good.

You only learn by playing people better than yourself, that's why it gets SO hard at the upper end of gaming to get better. :) And you hit physical limits, of course.
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Quake was unplayable on a 486 DX. It was one of the first that required a Pentium. I had to upgrade my trusty 486 DX to play it.

I ran Q2 on my first PC... a Pentium 2 300 with a Matrox G400 ( think thats what it was... or was that my upgraded card) for CAD use. It didnt have OpenGL acceleration either way (in quake, which was very odd given "pro" cards were all about teh OpenGL! go figure,.. ass hats and their software limiting tactics) so i had to run it in something like 320x240 in softrware. Played it like that for months. Then i upgraded to a Voodoo2 and dayummm.. purdy!! lol. aahh. those were some fun times.
I ran Q2 on my first PC... a Pentium 2 300 with a Matrox G400 ( think thats what it was... or was that my upgraded card) for CAD use. It didnt have OpenGL acceleration either way (in quake, which was very odd given "pro" cards were all about teh OpenGL! go figure,.. ass hats and their software limiting tactics) so i had to run it in something like 320x240 in softrware. Played it like that for months. Then i upgraded to a Voodoo2 and dayummm.. purdy!! lol. aahh. those were some fun times.

Quake 2 made me upgrade to VooDoo 2 SLI when I could not afford it. It was so worth it :)
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I've been banned from using the railgun in Q3 forever, in my group; it caused a player revolt many years ago.

If you're from China, that might explain the things that hacked me off; cultures are different.

I'm a Gray Beard, I''ve been playing fast twitch games since the early 90's.

I challenge you to a duel :bitchslap:

I'll even play on US server.
I ran Q2 on my first PC... a Pentium 2 300 with a Matrox G400 ( think thats what it was... or was that my upgraded card) for CAD use. It didnt have OpenGL acceleration either way (in quake, which was very odd given "pro" cards were all about teh OpenGL! go figure,.. ass hats and their software limiting tactics) so i had to run it in something like 320x240 in softrware. Played it like that for months. Then i upgraded to a Voodoo2 and dayummm.. purdy!! lol. aahh. those were some fun times.

Yeah, going from the 320x240 software renderer to 640x480 w/ a 3DFX Voodoo was magical.
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