PS3 hard drive upgrade - backup/restore question


Mar 26, 2005
For anyone else did the screen go blank during the restore process? I just upgraded my PS3's 40 gig hard drive to a 250 gig and I'm trying to restore the backup I made...but the screen went blank. The hard drive activity light is on though... The last time I tried to backup/restore the process hanged at around 37%. :mad:
Don't really know, but I would leave it and let it work. I have done what you are doing before, but it was a long time ago and I just can't remember.
Well, I finally got the restore working, kind of. I had to go in onto the media I restored to and noticed that there were two sets of backup files. The first looked smaller, and the other was huge. I deleted the huge set figuring it would just be installed games and I was right.

Damn thing didn't restore my virtual memory card for Final Fantasy VII though but I guess I can get over that since I wasn't too far in yet.