Project Scorpio Chip Revealed


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Microsoft's own Mike Ybarra, Vice President of Xbox, tweeted a pic of the chip for Project Scorpio.Slated to release this holiday, the console is set to produce a whopping 6 Teraflops of graphical processing power making it the most powerful console ever created. Not quite the 12TFLOPs of the Nvidia Titan Xp, but not bad for console gaming peasantry. While many were expecting AMD to build Microsoft a Ryzen based processor, it looks as if this is an updated Jaguar core.

Full picture on the News Page

Xbox is a video gaming brand created and owned by Microsoft. It represents a series of video game consoles developed by Microsoft, with three consoles released in the sixth, seventh, and eighth generations respectively. The brand also represents applications (games), streaming services, and an online service by the name of Xbox Live. The brand was first introduced on November 15, 2001 in the United States, with the launch of the original Xbox console.
Hopefully E3 will demo some decent games to go with this hardware.
It will sell like the bajeebus because of its OOTB backwards compatibility with Xbox One and, subsequently, Xbox 360 games that have BC. People will be playing Forza Horizon 1, 2, 3 upscaled to 4K, wouldn't surprise me if something like Horizon 2 got some kind of texture upgrade pack...this is the Xbox One people were hoping for a few years back, not the wheezy product we were handed.
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I have an Xbox One S that my wife got for me last Christmas that I hardly use. Not sure if there's much incentive for me to get Scorpio. Love the backwards compatibility of it with my Xbox 360 games.
Sure looks a lot like Threadripper, no?

Doesn't matter HOW cool the CPU or GPU is...there won't be a SINGLE exclusive game for Scorpio, and if it's $499, it's DEAD IN THE WATER. I think this is the Xbox division's last gasp before MS pulls the plug. Once the holidays are over, I fully expect them to shut down.
Yes let's spend millions(billions?) Launching a new machine knowing full well we're closing up shop in four months. Microsoft can be boneheaded but even they are not that stupid.
A pic of random die with XB logo on it and the same old TFlop info we've had all along. May as well have woodscrews while we're at it.
Those hoping for RyZen were just hoping for the sake hope. Lets all hope that these hopefuls don't hype themselves up into a hopeful frenzy.
Yes let's spend millions(billions?) Launching a new machine knowing full well we're closing up shop in four months. Microsoft can be boneheaded but even they are not that stupid.

The divisions constantly fight with each other. I just read a Slashdot thread full of MS employees complaining they work for years on projects that eventually killed before ever seeing the light of day. MS IS stupid and boneheaded. They have first mover inertia and little else.
I think this is exactly what the console world needs. I love my PC but I still really prefer my XBOX ONE in the living room than a PC. It is a better 10 foot experience while reclined in my chair in front of my 100' screen.

I'm not saying I will buy this at launch but I will consider it in the future as long as the graphical improvements are available at 1080p and not only visible at 4k (all my equipment is 1080p). It would be like buying a GTX 1080 and leaving all your graphics settings at med/low with a frame limiter... Hopefully there will be improvements for 1080p gaming but we won't know until people start getting their hands on the new system.
Doesn't matter HOW cool the CPU or GPU is...there won't be a SINGLE exclusive game for Scorpio, and if it's $499, it's DEAD IN THE WATER. I think this is the Xbox division's last gasp before MS pulls the plug. Once the holidays are over, I fully expect them to shut down.
While you may have a point about exclusive titles, I think you are ignoring the huge selling point of backwards compatibility. There are plenty of exclusive 360 titles, well done ports and remakes on my backlog.

I cannot speak for others but when the Xbox One was released the specs were weak, the controller design felt cheap and a step backwards in many aspects. Also, TV? TV. Football. TV TV TV. Football. TV.

Scorpio seems to fix everything that "One" should have been.
Will this mean we can get some better quality ports ?

This is just a jaguar chip again but with a better cooler. There aren't enough Xbox Ones to sway developers anymore like the 360 era, and Scorpio will be lucky to break 100,000 units sold through in the first year.

Devs and publishers are also financially motivated to maintain platform parity, and design target lowest common denominator.
So I'm assuming native 4K is out of the question since even standalone vid cards struggle with it?
So I'm assuming native 4K is out of the question since even standalone vid cards struggle with it?

You need a $700 1080Ti to drive the latest games at real 4K 60FPS, full stop. The jaguar chip in the Scorpio isn't going to be rendering real 4K30 unless we're talking super low poly cartoon games. So prepare for a lot of checkerboarded upscaled fake-4K marketing rah-rah heading into E3.

This is just a jaguar chip again but with a better cooler. There aren't enough Xbox Ones to sway developers anymore like the 360 era, and Scorpio will be lucky to break 100,000 units sold through in the first year.

Devs and publishers are also financially motivated to maintain platform parity, and design target lowest common denominator.

If they price it correctly, I would expect it to sell ok. Nobody bought a PS3 during the first few years as a video game console. They bought it only because it was around the same price as a Blu-ray player stand alone and let you play games. Right now the Xbox One S is one the cheapest UHD blu-ray player on the market at $300 which is the same price as a few standalone players. Then you have the players that are $600. So if you price the unit between there you are giving people the same choice Sony gave last gen. Pay $600 for a console or pay $600 for a player. The Xbox sold over 1 million units day one even with its higher price of $500, so I don't think if they launched a newer version that was better that the price would sway people away if they were willing to pay $500 for the original Xbox One. The real question comes down to do people want 4K content, that will be the factor that maters. If people don't want 4K content then they have no reason to buy the new system other than to buy something new and shiny.

So I'm assuming native 4K is out of the question since even standalone vid cards struggle with it?

Keep in mind (within reason) consoles can do more with less since you aren't coding as generically with your systems as you know what everyone has and it is built for gaming specially compared to a computer. They keep saying it will support it, but guess we will see what it actually does or doesn't do with it gets released.
Keep in mind (within reason) consoles can do more with less since you aren't coding as generically with your systems as you know what everyone has and it is built for gaming specially compared to a computer. They keep saying it will support it, but guess we will see what it actually does or doesn't do with it gets released.

You are NOT getting 4k 60FPS out of 6 TFlops, no matter how well you optimize. The power just isnt there to push 8.3 million pixels 60 times a second.
If they price it correctly, I would expect it to sell ok. Nobody bought a PS3 during the first few years as a video game console. They bought it only because it was around the same price as a Blu-ray player stand alone and let you play games. Right now the Xbox One S is one the cheapest UHD blu-ray player on the market at $300 which is the same price as a few standalone players. Then you have the players that are $600. So if you price the unit between there you are giving people the same choice Sony gave last gen. Pay $600 for a console or pay $600 for a player. The Xbox sold over 1 million units day one even with its higher price of $500, so I don't think if they launched a newer version that was better that the price would sway people away if they were willing to pay $500 for the original Xbox One. The real question comes down to do people want 4K content, that will be the factor that maters. If people don't want 4K content then they have no reason to buy the new system other than to buy something new and shiny.

Keep in mind (within reason) consoles can do more with less since you aren't coding as generically with your systems as you know what everyone has and it is built for gaming specially compared to a computer. They keep saying it will support it, but guess we will see what it actually does or doesn't do with it gets released.
The extrapolation doesn't work because you're talking about a bygone era of 10+ years ago, when physical media was still popular to lowest denominator consumers. Physical media is dead now. People fire up Netflix or Spotify or their streaming service of choice and hit play.

I know there's always one or two people that pipe up in these threads "but streaming quality sucks and plus I have shitty internet" - irrelevant. The fringe of enthusiasts and videophiles that care about buying 4K UHD physical media (for which there's barely any content anyway) aren't a big enough group to impact console sales one way or the other.
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You are NOT getting 4k 60FPS out of 6 TFlops, no matter how well you optimize. The power just isnt there to push 8.3 million pixels 60 times a second.

They are aiming for 30 not 60. Same as the PS Pro.

The extrapolation doesn't work because you're talking about a bygone era of 10+ years ago, when physical media was still popular to lowest denominator consumers. Physical media is dead now. People fire up Netflix or Spotify or their streaming service of choice and hit play.

I know there's always one or two people that pipe up in these threads "but streaming quality sucks and plus I have shitty internet" - irrelevant. The fringe of enthusiasts and videophiles that care about buying 4K UHD physical media (for which there's barely any content anyway) aren't a big enough group to impact console sales one way or the other.

As somebody that watches 4K content, physical media really would be the way to go. Netflix doesn't have a very large collection of 4K movies. In order go buy movies on Vudu I had to buy a special Roku that supported 4K. However even Vudu doesn't have everything. So I end up buying some movies on Vudu and then some on the Sony app on my tv which the results in me only being able to watch the 4K version in that app and HD through any other ultraviolet site (like Vudu where I normally watch movies). That gets me most movies in 4K that come out, but some still seem to be released on physical media and not digital content. I have switched to all digital a few years ago but am going to go back to physical as the primary and streaming as the backup. With more and more people getting 4K tvs now I would expect an increase in people that watch movies to also get UHD media. Sure everyone won't but for those that still want to buy physical content that is the way to go.
You are NOT getting 4k 60FPS out of 6 TFlops, no matter how well you optimize. The power just isnt there to push 8.3 million pixels 60 times a second.

Really it's a bunch of Jaguar CPU cores + ~RX480. I don't think anyone is running 4K on that kind of set up.

But with some limitations/console efficiency and tricks it might be able to pull it off sometimes.

I saw some 4K still shots from Horizon: Zero Dawn, on PS4Pro that looked pretty good.
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