Project: "Huge Big Tower Thing"

Oct 1, 2004
Largest Home PC Ever?

Please note that this is my first case mod.

50 inches height.(without the wood/castor wheeled base). 18 inches width/depth.




These are teaser pics only. 2 corners are spot-welded to each other down the entire length. I have to Dremel 26 of them out. This may take some time. Don't expect updates soon, or very often. Next couple of weekends are booked for the cottage (before the water gets too cold to swim in.)

Project name courtesy of Stuntman @ TwistedMods as i had NO idea what to name it.

It was a clothing/accessories unit that Reebok put into select SportChek stores for some NBA promotion. We called their rep to come pick them up when the promotion ended but she told us to just throw em out. We had 4, but I saved one.

Entire thing weighed in (on the bathroom scale) at a whopping 136 pounds. This is the ultimate anti-LAN case. :)

I'm transferring the wife's Dell Dimension 8100 into it, and then all the components of my PC (when I buy em) are going in as well.

I've only made a few cuts with the Dremel so far, but I'm placing the thread here instead of the Work Logs. I'll ask an admin to move it when I have more work done and pics taken.
damn that looks like it would be fun to mod... make the top have as many 120 mm fans as possible blowing down on the computers.. so just 2 comps going in the monster? :confused:
Yeah, just 2. Theres enough space left over that I could also put in an X-Box and PS2. Anything Nintendo is forbidden in my apartment, so dont mention putting in a GC. :)
Air cooling at first, then eventual switchover to watercooling.
no have about a 5 in space between the bottoms of the case and put has many 120mm fans on the bottom as possible blowing up and then do the samething on the top but with the fans blowing out
how about you mod part of it into a cd rack... section that is empty of course. looks like a cool project.
Actually I have shelves/baskets that hook into the slots on the case. I was thinking of putting the printer on the bottom and having the paper come out a widened slit, just like on submarines.
blackacidevil, welcome to the [H]. Please don't use words like "ass" in thread titles, ok? That goes for implied swearing as well, such as OMFG, WTF and WTH.

The Rules

(7) No CUSSING in the thread title. It is permitted in the thread body, but please refrain from using excessive profanity dammit.
You look like the guy from The Transporter.

Very cool...the movie...and the case.

It's not really case modding, more like case building.
blackacidevil said:


I realize this is the case modding forum, not photography, but next time maybe you could shut the bathroom door for a pic? Just makes it a little more aesthetically pleasing and less distracting. :p
Lethal said:
...I realize this is the case modding forum, not photography, but next time maybe you could shut the bathroom door for a pic? Just makes it a little more aesthetically pleasing and less distracting. :p
I couldn't help but wonder what it was he ate to cause him to go through (2) rolls there in the trashcan.

Serious potential with that there though Jason Stath.. umm "blackacidevil". I really think the integrated printer output through the elongated slot is brilliant. Just be really sure that you like it wherever you put it. This may well be the world's first walk-in computer you know. :eek:


<----Thanks xENo
Looks like a very interesting project. For cooling you could rig a DC radiator fan into the bottom and one up top. That would be "cool." Or you could do some belt driven mini-ceiling fans in there. Then, of course, you'll have to powder coat it the whole damn thing. :)

Good luck. Looking forward to updates.
Localan said:
...This may well be the world's first walk-in computer you know...

Heh, I like that one. Sounds like a good name for this project. A walk in computer...for some reason that just strikes me as funny and cool at the same time. Be nice to see when you finish. Good luck on the project.

...just my $0.02... :cool:

blackacidevil said:

I see NO likeness between us. Except for the receding hairline.

The only 2 differences between you two, is skin color and the other dude's nose is a little bigger. By posting that, you made my point stronger. You look exacly like him.
Fibreglass-reinforced cutoff wheels might work a bit better. An angle grinder would probably work even better than that :)
I thought about an angle grinder, but it would be a waste of money since I'd have no reason to use it after i'm done with the case.
what type of system are you planning to put in here, a Cray or an SGI supercomputer? after all it would be the right size.
that is one huge whopping case, i can see it done with cold cathodes set on a timer from top to bottom
and strobing all the way down in order since its so tall, i think it owuld look cool.
-RIP-Crayak said:
that is one huge whopping case, i can see it done with cold cathodes set on a timer from top to bottom
and strobing all the way down in order since its so tall, i think it owuld look cool.

That'd be crazy :eek:
-RIP-Crayak said:
that is one huge whopping case, i can see it done with cold cathodes set on a timer from top to bottom
and strobing all the way down in order since its so tall, i think it owuld look cool.

Strobing from bottom to top, and with a synchronised Jacob's Ladder on top! Total mad scientist computer, or something out of Dexter's laboratory?
hey all you need to do to get the spot weilds out is to use a drill, just drill out the weild, not a grinder.
you could drill it out but those look like more than just a little spot weld...if you don't want to buy a grinder go to a place that rents tools and see if you can rent one...should take a couple of hours and you should be done
Again, I'm not drilling out the spot welds. That would put 26 very ugly and unevenly spaced holes in the tower. I'm thinking of using a spotweld drillbit, similar to a router bit, but I havent decided.

Most likely I'll have to hit Home Depot for a few dozen cutting discs and just Dremel the 2 seams...

...but the prospect of Dremeling two 50inch straight lines scares me...
-RIP-Crayak said:
that is one huge whopping case, i can see it done with cold cathodes set on a timer from top to bottom
and strobing all the way down in order since its so tall, i think it owuld look cool.

The wife says, and quotes, "I don't want a fucking runway in my living room!"
if you're worried about cooling you could just buy a smaller window A/C unit and cut a whole in the side of the case and there you have it!! ;) :D j/k but it would be super funny and probably considered super [H]! LOL
Dude, cooling solution: since the case is on weels (and raised above the ground) mod a giant fan into the top and boottom of the case; something like this

And since it is such a huge "case" just put a surge protector somewhere in it.
That would result in what, 800CFM? :D

Front Control Panel Plans.

Got the hardware...


and the plan...


Just gotta find the time...
those box fans dont push that much air. if you want airflow get a couple of high power blowers and thank me later
The_Dark_Hacker said:
those box fans dont push that much air. if you want airflow get a couple of high power blowers and thank me later

Well I mean something about the right size that will do a huge amount of airflow.