PrimeGrid's Solar Eclipse Challenge (Part 4 of the 2017 challenge series)


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
Solar Eclipse Challenge
Aug 20 18:00:00 to Aug 23 18:00:00 (UTC)

Sub project:

You must log into your account at PrimeGrid to change your project preferences so that you are only crunching the correct sub project. In this case GCW LLR.
Intel boxes tend to perform better. The HT probably needs turnedoff since these are LLR work units. Do your testing in advance.
Intel chips tend to out perform AMD chips
PrimeGrid work will stress hardware harder and so is more sensitive to overclocking. Therefore make sure you have tested their work units on your rigs before the challenge to make sure they are stable.
These challenges only count work units downloaded during and completed before end of the challenge. So, no bunkering.
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Solar Eclipse Challenge
Aug 20 18:00:00 to Aug 23 18:00:00 (UTC)

Sub project:

You must log into your account at PrimeGrid to change your project preferences so that you are only crunching the correct sub project. In this case GCW LLR.
Intel boxes tend to perform better. The HT probably needs turned on since these are sieve work units. Do your testing in advance.
Intel chips tend to out perform AMD chips
PrimeGrid work will stress hardware harder and so is more sensitive to overclocking. Therefore make sure you have tested their work units on your rigs before the challenge to make sure they are stable.
These challenges only count work units downloaded during and completed before end of the challenge. So, no bunkering.

There is a typo there. These are LLR units I would have hyperthread off. Unless you are running it multithread, then HT can be on.
Good luck guys.
Thanks Bill1024, I tend to copy paste the same tips each time and forgot to edit this one. Editing it now.
You're welcome.
I did some testing, found that running multithread with HT on seemed to be the best way to run these large tasks.
Have to make an app_config file to run multithread.
You're welcome.
I did some testing, found that running multithread with HT on seemed to be the best way to run these large tasks.
Have to make an app_config file to run multithread.

Have a link with an example for enabling the threading? If I start this up on Thursday, I can leave it running through the challenge. I won't have time to edit things or do any extra setups over the weekend.
MN Scout here is an example for the reisel problem application. Just change llrTRP to the application name for GCW LLR. I am not at a PC with BOINC right now to find it. Then under the avg_ncpus portion, put the number of threads/cores you would like to assign to each work unit. Keep in mind that BOINC will still try to download work units as if they were single threaded. So, adjust your cache accordingly.

<app_config> <app>
<cmdline>-t 4</cmdline>
</app_version> </app_config>

The app_config.xml should go to C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects\\ on Windows boxes

Edit: llrGCW is the application name so something like

<cmdline>-t 8</cmdline>

and that would be assigning 8 threads/cores to the task. some may even put this in <max_ncpus>8</max_ncpus> but I doubt it is needed.

Edit again: "Here you go. Note that most people also put a <max_ncpus> tag in there, but that's an error. Max_ncpus is not used and is ignored. The correct tag is avg_ncpus."
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Gilthanis Thanks for the 8 thread example. That appears to work. I'm going to run a couple to confirm stability and see how many points I get.
Generalized Cullen/Woodall Prime Search LLR (GCW)

Hey everyone make sure you are on the right LLR task, as there is also a Sieve task..

Also there is a note:

Only tasks issued AFTER 20 August 2017 18:00 UTC and received BEFORE 23 August 2017 18:00 UTC will be considered for credit. We will be using the same scoring method as we currently use for BOINC credits.
So you'll have to suspend all the other tasks and pull down new ones.
I had the wrong project selected so my borgs will most likely not complete any work on time for the challenge. Not sure I will have anything doing it as I will have to cut back on production during this week due to heat.
Doesn't look like anyone has put up any points for this yet. We are not on the board. Still have just under 18 hours left.