Postfix 220 response issues


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2005
My problem is that if the server on the other end is not on my private network, postfix announces itself as "220 **************************************************". The server also cannot use ESMTP functions (ie EHLO). I originally made this post on but I'm not getting much feedback. The post is here. The config is also posted there. Any ideas?
You have a PIX between the two points, yes? Turn off the fixup for port 25, see if that helps.
Ya know I didn't even think about checking that. Talked to firewall guy and that fixed it. Thanks!!!
You're welcome. I spent some time banging my head against a wall trying to figuer that out. Glad to have saved you the time.
Hey thanks for the info XOR != OR, I just realized the same thing was happening to our smpt servers.

NOC dropped that off the PIX and we were in business.