post your A60 pictures


Nov 3, 2002
I'm debating whether I should get a Canon A60. I've got a Sony Cybershot 3.2MP camera, but it's mega crap. Always has noise, pictures come out blurry, and Sony generally sucks for digital cameras. I was thinking of selling my sony with 128MB stick for a new a60.

Please post your pictures, and information about the a60 like what I could do with it. I know with the sony, the shutter speed is locked, and the stuff you can do with it is very plain.

Please and thank you!
I just got one for the holidays, its great. so far all the pictures have been fantastic, and the software is amazing, especially the panorama stuff. the camera can either be full automatic, or full manual, or anywhere in between. the only problem that i have with it is that the shutter response time is slow after you press the button, which means its not a great camera for action shots. everything else about it is great. the various preprogrammed settings are really nice as well. i ihghly recommend it.

my two favorite pics(click for non-resized):


and a very resized panorama
Your response time isn't as bad as mine, I bet. I press it, it does some orange pointer light thing, about 3 seconds later it flashes like 4 times.

Sweet shots!
the delay is probably 1.5-2 seconds after you press the button, so not really bad just not good for action shots. it does the same thing with the orange focus-assist lamp then redeye flashes.

yea, that macro shot really turned out well. i was torn between this and the a70, and really i don't think having the extra megapixel is going to bother me. its a great little camera.
The shot from my room, the lighting sucks...


The kitchen one, the counter top and stuff sucks... we're re-modelling. :eek:


My shots COULD look decent if they were resized and had better lighting, but I didn't buy a 3.2MP camera so that i could resize it to 800x600 ... and what the fuck are those discs that always show up in my pictures?