Possible Troll: Anyone gotten their CMOY amp from Groggory yet?


Extremely [H]
Oct 11, 2001
Remember back in March, the 5th, there was a thread for custom CMOY amps? Anyone order one? I did, and was promised a couple of weeks for delivery. And all I've gotten are excuses. New parts, need to take pics, broken case. I got a hold of him, and he promised last friday for delivery, finally, and it's now been a week past that. Did ANYONE get theirs? Anyone have any more contact info? I don't want to call troll yet, but this is getting to be a little much, and I want to know what's up.

Thread mirror here on Gen[M]ay:

Groggory, if you see this, where's my amp? I want either it, or my $50, by Wednesday of next week.

EDIT: And yes, I called the number on the website. My cellphone just says call failed every time. Could be my phone though.
I did 1 transaction with him about a year ago. He even delivered the item to my office. I had ZERO problems.
his aim away message does say away for the weekend? give it until monday/tuesday for a reply? if not, please aim/email me to reopen this thread, dont forget to bookmark either.

talk to x86dude aka misterx for amps =D, he sold a cmoy in a nice serpac for $44 + s/h here
I've seen some shady practices by groggory elsewhere, buyer beware.

Groggory: you gonna defend yourself?
I got in touch with him. He apologized profusely for being late, refunded me part of the money, and sent pics of the work in progress, and gave a new date for arrival. I have a better sense of security with this, and with the free upgrades he gave, I'll consider it good and fine if it arrives :)
Wow that really sucks.
Two days is one day and 24 and a half hours longer then it takes to build a Cmoy.
I feel for you.

Let us know how this turns out.
Ok. I am bumping this. I have not recieved my amp yet. It's been another week +. I'm trying to get in contact, but this has gone TOO far.
That is pretty rediculous. I can think of only a few valid reasons why it would take months to ship something that you're selling. If the reason actually is valid and it takes you that long, then maybe you shouldn't be selling it in the first place, or at least give the buyer a real time.
No I did not. He promised several more times, and I recently have been unable to get a hold of him. He refunded 15/55, but that is not enough. After 3 months, I've had it.

Troll. Let it be known. I'm leaving bad heat as soon as possible.
lopoetve said:
No I did not. He promised several more times, and I recently have been unable to get a hold of him. He refunded 15/55, but that is not enough. After 3 months, I've had it.

Troll. Let it be known. I'm leaving bad heat as soon as possible.

That sux, dude. Somehow I don't think that leaving bad heat will do much for him. He has your money.... OOOOOOOH, bad heat. I say you sick some of his local authorities on his ass.