Popular Android Apps Still Send Data to Facebook


Mar 3, 2018
The fact that Facebook shares data from Android phones, even when users aren't logged in, is no secret. Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram are all baked into my HTC's system image, and it takes work just to keep them disabled. But Privacy International recently tested a wide range of 3rd party Android apps, and the results were surprising. They found that over 61 percent of the apps they looked at transferred data to Facebook "the moment a user opens an app," whether they have an account or not. The user's "Google advertising ID" is usually transmitted as part of the package, which allows Facebook to "paint a fine-grained and intimate picture of people's activities, interests, behaviors and routines, some of which can reveal special category data, including information about people's health or religion." "Opt Out" options had no discernible impact on data sharing, and some apps regularly transmit a remarkable amount of data when running. Thanks to TechSpot for spotting the article.

If you're interested in more details, check out the full report, or watch a video presentation on it here.

Facebook places the sole responsibility on app developers to ensure that they have the lawful right to collect, use and share people's data before providing Facebook with any data. However, the default implementation of the Facebook SDK is designed to automatically transmit event data to Facebook... Our findings also raise a number of legal questions.
One problem is that even when FB did get around to changing their SDK, it doesn't have any effect on individual apps unless they update themselves.
To be honest I am shocked that all of these apps that have nothing to do with facebook send data automatically to facebook. These apps that you don't even have associated with facebook still send data back.....
Its kind of ridiculous that these apps have a call back code enabled by default which has nothing to do with facebook what-so-ever.
Just wait til people realize how much data Instagram sends to Facebook.. Lol And What'sApp, as well as this one somewhat popular app called "Messenger".
It has ever been thus.

So many developers and their marketing flacks must have FB and Google tracking in their apps and sites. Mandatory option. These small marketeers think FB/Google are working for them.
Only idiots use FB or any social media using their own names IMO.
Just wait til people realize how much data Instagram sends to Facebook.. Lol And What'sApp, as well as this one somewhat popular app called "Messenger".
Why would people be surprised? Facebook owns Instagram and Whatsapp ... and Messenger IS Facebook. o_O That's like saying "wait until people realize how much data Facebook sends to Facebook."
Only idiots use FB or any social media using their own names IMO.

Are you saying that n billion people are wrong?

What name should grandma use when she tries to connect with her yet to be born grandson?
Are you saying that n billion people are wrong?
Wrong about how much FB intrudes into their privacy?
Yeah, Ithat seems likely. Not all FB users, o course, but billions of them certainly.
Only idiots use FB or any social media using their own names IMO.
They can tell who you are without you using your real name. You're not clever if you're using a pseudonym ... they still get your info regardless. The only way to avoid having data collected about you is removing yourself entirely from technology and migrating to an Amish village. I mean ... did you miss the point of this thread entirely? A bunch of apps still send your data to Facebook even if you don't have a Facebook account. They're still creating a virtual profile about you whether you like it or not.
Likely, FB has some SDK/library for app developers that is useful. Side effect - FB gets all of the data.
I have worked with lots of startup companies in the last 8-10 years - they almost always bring something to the table that will make their company grow faster (their words, not mine). Those little API keys and libraries that get linked probably are phoning home to someone.
If opt out doesn't work, you can probably sue them for Beach of their own ToS and such. Let's make them pay for this Fuckery.
Why would people be surprised? Facebook owns Instagram and Whatsapp ... and Messenger IS Facebook. o_O That's like saying "wait until people realize how much data Facebook sends to Facebook."
That's the joke. You'd be surprised how many people don't know. Or, maybe you wouldn't be since you explained it.
They can tell who you are without you using your real name. You're not clever if you're using a pseudonym ... they still get your info regardless. The only way to avoid having data collected about you is removing yourself entirely from technology and migrating to an Amish village. I mean ... did you miss the point of this thread entirely? A bunch of apps still send your data to Facebook even if you don't have a Facebook account. They're still creating a virtual profile about you whether you like it or not.
I don't use FB and the likes at all. All I use is bulletin boards and I never release my real information. I'm always lost for words when I see people making political statements or controversial comments using the facebook plugin (and often displaying works at xxx inc, pulling the companys reputation to the statements). I applaud the news when I see people getting fired for the posts.
That's the joke. You'd be surprised how many people don't know. Or, maybe you wouldn't be since you explained it.
My Russian family all use Whatsapp and hate Facebook (I must admit, VK is much better in form and functionality, though hardly more secure as regards hiding your activity from the government). I've had a hard time getting them to grasp that Whatsapp is owned by Facebook now. Or actually, I think it willful denial. Russians are extraordinarily good at that.
That's the joke. You'd be surprised how many people don't know. Or, maybe you wouldn't be since you explained it.
I actually know quite a few people that have absolutely no idea. Even people that have said they're done with Facebook due to privacy issues and are sticking with Instagram. I’m just like ... :/

I don't use FB and the likes at all. All I use is bulletin boards and I never release my real information. I'm always lost for words when I see people making political statements or controversial comments using the facebook plugin (and often displaying works at xxx inc, pulling the companys reputation to the statements). I applaud the news when I see people getting fired for the posts.
You have a phone ... that phone is tied to your actual identity ... that identity has a unique ID ... that unique ID that is tied to your personal identity is tracked in everything you that you do, regardless of whether you are using your real name or not on some bulletin board. The only way to get off the grid is to not use technology. That includes online banking or anything else related to the digital world. You might think you’re being careful, but that doesn’t stop anyone from creating a virtual profile of your browsing habits, regardless of using fake names.
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Eh at this point we are all a big bunch of 1s and 0s on an FB server somewhere
I feel like its trying to fight a flood with a bucket
My Russian family all use Whatsapp and hate Facebook (I must admit, VK is much better in form and functionality, though hardly more secure as regards hiding your activity from the government). I've had a hard time getting them to grasp that Whatsapp is owned by Facebook now. Or actually, I think it willful denial. Russians are extraordinarily good at that.
Привет, я тоже рускиий.

I've never tried VK but that's been my experience too. People want to believe that they are just fine with anything that they use. Viber also can't be that much better. At this point I just keep in direct contact using encrypted messaging using Wire, or call/text. I want to believe the age of facebook is over but people keep wanting to believe that everything is okay.
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Hopefully you're also not using any apps that use the Facebook SDK, or ever visiting any web pages that have their trackers embedded.
I don't use apps and block most trackers and ads. Sure beats posting your face online and having your opinions and posts directly linked to your person by anyone interested. People post political or even racist comments using their own name and face online lol. Talk about dumb. Not to mention the narcist posts which make you a target for criminals.