PlayStation 5 Forecasted for 2020 Launch

Here's a round of ammo for you: most modern ARMv8 and v8.2 CPU cores are actually faster core-for-core and clock-for-clock than the AMD Jaguar x86_64 cores from 2013, both in integer and floating point operations.
The Apple A11 hexa-core ARM CPU (4 big, 2 little) in the iPhone X, which is, in full-SMP, around 40% faster than the 8-core AMD Jaguar; granted that this is an Apple in-house design, but it might be possible with the ARM Cortex A57 or A75 and above processors.

That's not a small amount of processing power in difference - 40% is quite a bit, and that is a mobile processor from 2017.
The biggest limitation in these consoles is, sadly, the CPU, and using one that is so much more capable, customizable, and more cost-effective, would make it a clear winner from the data that we've seen so far.

The AMD Jaguar x86_64 CPU definitely got the job done for this era of 30-60fps 1080p console-gaming content, but for 4K and above resolutions, more CPU is going to be needed, and this same opinion has been backed by quite a few AAA game developers for both the PS4 and XBone.

Thanks. I am currently under heavy fire at semiaccurate misc console technology trading punches with an x86 troll.
It should be relatively easy for Sony to make the PS5 backwards compatible with the PS4/Pro, as long as they keep using AMD for the CPU/GPU; considering that AMD is the only company that really makes higher end CPUs and GPUs in a tightly integrated package, they would have to actively mess things up to not get the contract again. By 2020 Global Foundries 7nm fab should be in full swing, so a chip with 4 to 8 Ryzen+ based cores & at least twice the GPU power as the current PS4 Pro should be easy to make. The CPU part is the most exciting; right now the old Jaguar cores in the PS4 (and Xbone) are really holding things back; even 4 current Ryzen cores would be a massive improvement, not to mention that Ryzen will be various tweaks and refinements between now and then.

But no forwards compatability, it only seems like yesterday the PS4 launched.

Looking at my PS3 and PS4 games library, my PS3 library is almost 5x the size of my PS4 library (And thats just physical copies), the PS4 just seems to have had a too short of a life with a lack of releases.

What consoles need to do is move to a PC type upgrade model. Have a base unit, but make it so you can pop in a module (with newer GPU inside). Is silly to make me rebuy a new case, new optical drive, new controller new cables, new PSU etc. everytime.
You are technically right, but the way it was implied in the original post was meant to be a HDD, which is upgradeable. ;)

I respond to what people say, not what they presumably possibly meant. I say what I mean and mean what I say. You should try it sometime.
I respond to what people say, not what they presumably possibly meant. I say what I mean and mean what I say. You should try it sometime.
Ha! I wasn't the one who wrote it, but I do indeed write and mean what I say.
Thanks for the oh so helpful tip, though, what would I do without you? :smuggrin:
Offering different specs for the sake of discussion..

I think hardware backwards-compatibility will be thrown out the window for having the best hardware so---ARM/NVIDIA.

ARM is a Japanese owned company now and all the game consoles (as well as mobile games) sold in Japan now are ARM based except PS4, I expect the Japanese game industry will consolidate around ARM next-gen.

ARM will offer superior efficiency over x86 Ryzen and NVIDIA will have custom ARM cores than can match a console grade Ryzen's performance.

Additionally, the ARM/NVIDIA hardware will allow a scaled down SoC later to be used in a PS5 portable to compete with Switch.

NVIDIA is a lot bigger and more powerful company now compared to last time console contracts were made. NVIDIA has the best GPU tech and will offer a more cable, plus energy efficient GPU than AMD by one generation. NVIDIA can get PS5 just for the PR win and make the deal at break even or small profit to counter AMD's cheap prices.

Softbank, the Japanese company that owns ARM, has also invested $4 billion in NVIDIA and has partnered with Sony before to sell its phone, as well offer ties to major mobile gaming partnerships like Tencent. I see this common Japanese thread for PS5.

Backwards-compatibility will come through emulation later and Sony will offer 4K remasters and collections the first years.

2020 expected launch.

Well, that was my out of the box expectation.

While that’s probably feasible, I don’t think they will go that route because Development would have started already and AMDs progress in SOC design is progressing nicely.

Ultimately I think it’ll have more to do with Mark Cerny and the hardware development teams approach. Watching “The Road to PS4” basically sealed the deal for me as to where they want to go.

I don’t believe Japan has anywhere near the amount of pull they had. The connections are there definitely so it’ll be interesting to see what happens.

I just think it makes too much sense to move to a ZEN/Vega SoC and keep the GUI/OS from PS4 since it’s seen good progress and keeps the focus on games, lowers development costs, and allows an extremely easy transition for developers. The mid life upgrades speaks to that.