Pixel 2 XL Folio Case?


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2004
Hey all. I'm over the moon for my Pixel 2 XL, but I really miss the nice Google branded folio case I had on my 6P.

I currently own these two, which are pretty good:
- Davis Case Wallet
- TETDED Folio

The Davis is really quality for the money, it honestly surprised me. But it's kinda huge. I don't need the wallet slots.

Form-factor on the TETDED (which appears to be extremely similar to stilgut) is great, but it's not the most durable thing.

Any recommendations?
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Oh yeah, I didn't try the casemate yet. But I figured it will be a bit big with the built-in wallet slots that I won't use.
I've had the TETDED for about two weeks now, and it looks like it was attacked by a pack of wolves. I mean, it's holding together fine, but the surface is really marred.