picture hosting question


Staff member
Jun 6, 2000
I've always hosted my own pics and not sure when it started but I'm getting X's on pics in the threads. I can edit the post and see the pic ok. I can also type the link manually and displays fine in a browser. I can put a pic on imgur and it displays correctly. Just trying to figure out if it's something I got wrong on the server or if it's something to do with the [H] proxy maybe?
Don't know. We host your images for free and then no one will ever see a red X.
that's a lot of editing if I wanted to fix all the posts but it's all good.. moving forward I'll just put them on the free server
It has been available for literally years.
Seems your server is blocking HF server?

Seems your server is blocking HF server?

View attachment 126932

The only rules I have on the server is Geoip on a few foreign countries and also using Spamhaus blocklist. I'll revert them tonight and see if I get anything. Still seems strange that the preview during edits displays fine.

Thanks gives me something to try at least.