Phone noob needs advice


Dec 2, 2005
I am tech savvy when it comes to computers, can build my own, fix them, work and play on some nice equipment.

All of these years I never came into the modern age with phones because my company has paid for my phone and i figured why take on a bill I don't need just to talk to my customers and friends.
Well I guess I'm tired of getting teased by co-workers when I pull out my flip phone. I hate texting because you have to hit the buttons so many times to get to the letter you want. My wife tells me since she got her smart phone it was one of those "you don't know what you were missing until you get one".

So I got $650 in amazon gift cards and instead of buying a TV for my guest room I think I'm willing to finally come into the modern age.

I was thinking of going with T-mobile because they are about $50-60 a month versus Verizon which is 75 a month even with my employee discount. There are some others my area like Boost and Cricket that may be $5 cheaper but I never heard of those compainies.
So first am I making a decent choice by picking T-mobile? I live in Las Vegas and only travel a few times a year but always to large cities.

With my $650 in gift cards is there a best phone to get? I can spend a little more if needed but certainly wouldn't hate spending less. My kid tells me to get an Iphone but he doesn't always know what he's talking about. He thinks Apple is great but coming from the computer geek side of things i know my less expensive windows based desktop and laptop blow his Macbook Pro out of the water. I don't mind getting apple, if thats the right thing, I just don't want to get it because thats what all the cool kids are doing.

You probably would say, "depends on what you will use it for." Having never had a smart phone I don't actually know. I'm sure as time goes by the list will grow. Off the top of my head I figure I'd use it for directions, taking pictures, and checking prices on-line vs a store price. I don't know what else. I game but I can't imagine gaming on a little phone when I don't game on my Kindle HDX already because I have a nice computer sitting here.

I'm coming to [H]ard because I've never been steered wrong here before.
Call verzion and tell them you want the 60$/month loyalty plan. Then get either the Note 3 or Lg G2.
I am tech savvy when it comes to computers, can build my own, fix them, work and play on some nice equipment.

All of these years I never came into the modern age with phones because my company has paid for my phone and i figured why take on a bill I don't need just to talk to my customers and friends.
Well I guess I'm tired of getting teased by co-workers when I pull out my flip phone. I hate texting because you have to hit the buttons so many times to get to the letter you want. My wife tells me since she got her smart phone it was one of those "you don't know what you were missing until you get one".

So I got $650 in amazon gift cards and instead of buying a TV for my guest room I think I'm willing to finally come into the modern age.

I was thinking of going with T-mobile because they are about $50-60 a month versus Verizon which is 75 a month even with my employee discount. There are some others my area like Boost and Cricket that may be $5 cheaper but I never heard of those compainies.
So first am I making a decent choice by picking T-mobile? I live in Las Vegas and only travel a few times a year but always to large cities.

With my $650 in gift cards is there a best phone to get? I can spend a little more if needed but certainly wouldn't hate spending less. My kid tells me to get an Iphone but he doesn't always know what he's talking about. He thinks Apple is great but coming from the computer geek side of things i know my less expensive windows based desktop and laptop blow his Macbook Pro out of the water. I don't mind getting apple, if thats the right thing, I just don't want to get it because thats what all the cool kids are doing.

You probably would say, "depends on what you will use it for." Having never had a smart phone I don't actually know. I'm sure as time goes by the list will grow. Off the top of my head I figure I'd use it for directions, taking pictures, and checking prices on-line vs a store price. I don't know what else. I game but I can't imagine gaming on a little phone when I don't game on my Kindle HDX already because I have a nice computer sitting here.

I'm coming to [H]ard because I've never been steered wrong here before.

In Vegas, you'll likely do well with T-Mobile. It's one of the carrier's ideal cities, and it tends to get network upgrades first. Coverage isn't quite as comprehensive as with Verizon, but it's fine in major cities -- it's quite good in NYC, in fact.

Do consider Apple, especially if you're new and value photography. The iPhone 5s has one of the best cameras on a smartphone; the 5c is no slouch, either. Both have newcomer-friendly interfaces, and the 5s is actually faster overall than any Android phone currently on the market (that's not hyperbole, it's been tested). As a side note, don't believe the myth that Apple gear is overpriced or underpowered; remember, even a large number of Googlers use Macs, and for good reason.

If not that, I'd consider a Moto X. It's great to hold, very responsive and has special features that you're actually likely to use, such as hands-free voice control. It's cheap in unlocked form, and it's one of the few phones running KitKat. The Nexus 5 is faster and has a sharper screen, but it's not as comfortable and is built more for... well, the stereotypical [H] person who has been using smartphones for years.
Thank you for the replies. I really should go look at these phones in person. I have been reading lots of reviews, based on your recommendations, of the Iphone 5s and the Note 3.
I don't mind paying the premium for nice things and these both seem to be in everyone's top 5.

Obviously very different form factors. It seems like the Iphone might be more comfortable to carry around in my pocket, on the other hand I'm a fat guy so my fat guy jeans have big pockets.
With computer monitors I like to go large. I have a 17" laptop and a 27" desk top monitor. So the the size of Note 3 screen is appealing but man it just looks so much bigger than the iphone that I do keep going back to wondering if this is going to feel like I'm carrying a book around.

I played with my son's iphone4 yesterday. It feels ok in my hands. I know this is going to sound stupid but making a phone call feels weird coming from my stone age flip phone. I guess I'm used to having the mic close to my mouth and not feeling it on my cheek. Something I'll have to get used to no matter what I get but the Note 3, being longer, may feel more normal to me.

Trying to text was better than my flip phone but still not ideal as my fingers kept hitting the wrong button every few words. My son told me this is something you quickly get better at.

Not having owned a smart phone my son tells me the iphone may be the easier one to pick up and learn. Having said that he admits he's never owned anything else.

I am intrigued by the pen on the Note. When I meet clients at work I always have a notebook with me and am jotting down, numbers, e-mail addresses, measurements of buildings, and their thought on drawings I've presented them with. I wonder if I could make the transition from writing in a big spiral bound notebook to writing on a little phone screen. If I could that may be handy. If I couldn't it just be some gimmicky thing I don't use but paid for.

I had hoped to order something to be delivered before I leave on my business trip Monday. However I think I may be better served by doing some more reading through this forum and going to a B&M and holding these two phones in my hands. Too bad they don't let you rent them for a week so you could try them in all situations before committing.
Note 3.

Expandable storage, removable battery, integrated stylus and file system access.
The notion of iOS being easier to use vs android is trivial. Just watching youtube vids of these phones is pretty much instruction enough and if there's something you just dont know how to do, there's probably a youtube video on how to do it.
Note 3.

Expandable storage, removable battery, integrated stylus and file system access.
The notion of iOS being easier to use vs android is trivial. Just watching youtube vids of these phones is pretty much instruction enough and if there's something you just dont know how to do, there's probably a youtube video on how to do it.

No, there's a valid point. It's not that mlapgw couldn't learn (if he's here, he's at least open to it), but Samsung's approaches to multitasking and settings are... messy. It's also a pretty big device to use you're coming from a flip phone. I see the Note 3 as learning to swim by jumping in the deep end of the pool; it's awesome if you can handle it, but it's pretty daring. The iPhone eases you in, and you can still be a power user once you've grown comfortable with it.

The best answer: find places you can try the devices in person, and preferably without a sales rep trying to pressure you into a sale. Apple Stores will generally leave you alone until you're ready to buy, but carrier reps tend to focus more on what's good for their paychecks than your needs.
After using it for a few days you'll come to the realization that the Note 3 is not big but the others are tiny. Note 3 beats hauling around two devices, a tiny useless phone and bulky tablet that requires a manpurse. It fits easily in your pants pocket as long as you don't wear skinny girl jeans. Plus, with the Snapdragon 800 SoC, 3GB DRAM and precision pen you're future proof.
I was thinking of going with T-mobile because they are about $50-60 a month versus Verizon which is 75 a month even with my employee discount. There are some others my area like Boost and Cricket that may be $5 cheaper but I never heard of those compainies.

those "other" companies generally re-use service from one of the big four (verizon, at&t, sprint, tmobile)

some of those companies are actually owned by one of the big four - eg Cricket/Leap wireless is owned by at&t, virgin mobile by sprint...
it's basically a brand difference - if you want good service, go for at&t. cheaper service (but less flexibility, prepaid, fixed data buckets), then the prepaid accounts

t-mobile actually has a prepaid option, $30/month for 5GB data @ 4G (unlimited after at 2G) + 100 min + unlimited text.... if you have a work phone for calling, you could use this plan

here is a crowd-sourced spectrum map (it's not that accurate, only gives you highway data, but gives you enough of a general idea),+NV,+USA

for Las Vegas, any of them should be fine

once you get to the suburbs, you can see that tmobile is generally edge/2g only, while verizon does have 4G coverage.... it's just a question whether you are willing to pay more for service. the $60 option from verizon that sok0 mentioned isn't bad either (2GB data + unlimited text/voice... but you get charged for overages unlike tmobile)
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I'd suggest the Moto X. After playing with it in the store i bit the bullet and bought one monday on sale. I'm a total Nokia snob (who happens to love windows phone) but I'm giving android a try. I would say the Moto X is one of the best Android devices out there.

If you want ease of use, you can always go iphone.. It's just that EVERYONE uses iphones now a days.

The Xperia Z1S (Sony) and Note 3 look nice. Personally the Z1S seems like a better device in my eyes, but they are both freakin huge! Can't imagine using those phones as a daily driver, ever. Just way too big especially if you have never owned a smartphone before.
I'd suggest the Moto X. After playing with it in the store i bit the bullet and bought one monday on sale. I'm a total Nokia snob (who happens to love windows phone) but I'm giving android a try. I would say the Moto X is one of the best Android devices out there.

If you want ease of use, you can always go iphone.. It's just that EVERYONE uses iphones now a days.

The Xperia Z1S (Sony) and Note 3 look nice. Personally the Z1S seems like a better device in my eyes, but they are both freakin huge! Can't imagine using those phones as a daily driver, ever. Just way too big especially if you have never owned a smartphone before.

+1 on the moto x its a really nice unit and not too big of a size, if that matters like it does to me. people are always driving me crazy on how big my phone is and make jokes and all that but then again i live around people who figuratively bleed apple.

if provider is an issue for sure go with GSM (tmobile att) it offers lots more flexibily for sure if your a new smartphone user whose looking at dipping feet into the water. if you go att you get the moto x for free with 2yr contract
Thank you for the info. Whatever I end up getting I'll pay the full price for and not over time as part of a contract.

Is it safe to buy a phone on Amazon? Only asking because I have $650 in gift cards there. If that is the wrong way to go then I'll buy from a store here in town. It looks like the sellers are 3rd party and not Amazon themselves.
I also noticed several of the phones seem to have different versions on Amazon. For example the Note 3 has listing for N900, N9005 - Iphone 5s is about 100 more for unlocked vs having AT & T, -LG G2 D802 and LG G2 D805. I'm sure this is info I can figure out tonight by using a bit of google.

Do you guys buy the insurance? I don't usually do that for electronic devices because it tends to be a rip off but this is a little different than a TV that just sits there. Do you know if Square trade is any good? Only reason I ask is T-mobile's site wants to charge you $96 per year with a $175 deductible vs SQT $100 for 2 years and $75 deductible.
Thank you for the info. Whatever I end up getting I'll pay the full price for and not over time as part of a contract.

Is it safe to buy a phone on Amazon? Only asking because I have $650 in gift cards there. If that is the wrong way to go then I'll buy from a store here in town. It looks like the sellers are 3rd party and not Amazon themselves.
I also noticed several of the phones seem to have different versions on Amazon. For example the Note 3 has listing for N900, N9005 - Iphone 5s is about 100 more for unlocked vs having AT & T, -LG G2 D802 and LG G2 D805. I'm sure this is info I can figure out tonight by using a bit of google.

Do you guys buy the insurance? I don't usually do that for electronic devices because it tends to be a rip off but this is a little different than a TV that just sits there. Do you know if Square trade is any good? Only reason I ask is T-mobile's site wants to charge you $96 per year with a $175 deductible vs SQT $100 for 2 years and $75 deductible.

It's actually pretty safe to buy unlocked phones from Amazon. However, I did get burn once where the listing from a seller said that it was new, but when I got it, the phone was clearly opened and used. In addition, this was a seller who was fullfilled by Amazon too.

But in most cases, it's pretty safe to buy from Amazon.
As for your question regarding the Note 3. N900 is the exynos version and the N9005 is the snapdragon version. The N900 is theoretically faster, but in real world performance it's all the same.
Note 3 depending on which way Samsung slides with their new found power the note 3 might be a legend for many years.

Also I totally disagree with the ease of use on iPhones, I find them frustrating because you can never get to what you want because they only have 1 button to do everything. Its just as stupid as the 1 button mouse. It never made sense and it makes tons of tasks stupid difficult or just forces you to memorize how to get to them.

As for the screen size, if the note fits in your pocket buy it. I personally do not know of a single person in real life that didn't become a phablet believer when they tried a note device. The hardest thing is getting people to give it a try it's intimidating. I have heard of mythological people who said they bought a note and retuned for a smaller phone on the internet but they seem pretty rare to me.
Note 3 depending on which way Samsung slides with their new found power the note 3 might be a legend for many years.

Also I totally disagree with the ease of use on iPhones, I find them frustrating because you can never get to what you want because they only have 1 button to do everything. Its just as stupid as the 1 button mouse. It never made sense and it makes tons of tasks stupid difficult or just forces you to memorize how to get to them.

As for the screen size, if the note fits in your pocket buy it. I personally do not know of a single person in real life that didn't become a phablet believer when they tried a note device. The hardest thing is getting people to give it a try it's intimidating. I have heard of mythological people who said they bought a note and retuned for a smaller phone on the internet but they seem pretty rare to me.

If you can't figure out an iPhone... well, different strokes for different folks. I just find it hard to believe that consistent, clearly labeled on-screen navigation buttons are too difficult. Most of the people I know who weren't power users considered Android but went iPhone, and they're happy with it. I'd say that the Moto X is a gentler introduction to Android than a Note 3, at any rate.
iPhone is the tricycle of phones. If you've never ridden a bicycle then it's fine otherwise it's limited, frustratingly restrictive and tiny to the point of being useless.
As for myself...

Reside in Las Vegas.
Until December I have never used a cell phone let alone a smartphone.
Have purchased the non-contract T-Mobile affiliated Moto X.
Am subscribed to T-Mobile's prepaid plan, paying $30/month for 5GB data @ 4G (unlimited after at 2G) + 100 min + unlimited text....
I use my home desk based land line for 99% of all my business and personal calls.

Assessment: The Moto X case Iooks and feels grand, is pleasurable and comfortable to hold. Construction looks and feel solid. Reacts to sweeps and touches smoothly and without any lag. Forget comparative statistics and benchmarks, the phone was designed for user experience. The Active Notification that does not require the phone to be unlocked is a nice feature. It lacks bloatware and is refreshingly easy to use. I agree with everyone that says the Moto X is a great way to get familiar with Android. Let's not forget that this is also a mobile telephone. The sound quality is excellent for both for the caller and the listener (Motorola made it, doesn't that indicate something?).

Do I wish the screen were a bit larger? Yes.
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iPhone is the tricycle of phones. If you've never ridden a bicycle then it's fine otherwise it's limited, frustratingly restrictive and tiny to the point of being useless.

Maybe for someone who has an oddly personal grudge against Apple, but there are plenty of normal people who can do plenty of meaningful things with their iPhone. Stop trolling threads and please, please act like an adult.
Take your own advice since you just attacked rudy with this back handed remark.

If you can't figure out an iPhone...

At least I keep the discussion about the product. I've owned Apple products since the 80's but am not emotionally attached to it. Steve Wozniak is like that too and he's the co-founder of Apple.

I think you're due for another time out in the corner.
Take your own advice since you just attacked rudy with this back handed remark.

At least I keep the discussion about the product. I've owned Apple products since the 80's but am not emotionally attached to it. Steve Wozniak is like that too and he's the co-founder of Apple.

I think you're due for another time out in the corner.

That wasn't a back-handed remark, at least not intentionally. I'm genuinely surprised that someone could claim the iPhone is hard to use when the broad consensus for several years, even in the context of newer Android releases, is that it's one of the easiest smartphone platforms on the market.

And besides, you're not getting off the hook here. The problem is that there's a recurring pattern to your posts whenever Apple devices (at least, iOS devices) are involved. No matter how much it makes sense for the person asking advice, no matter how little evidence you have to support your argument (as in this post), you urge the person to run as far away from Apple as possible. Emotional detachment from Apple also means that you don't produce bile and venom the moment someone mentions the company's name.
After using it for a few days you'll come to the realization that the Note 3 is not big but the others are tiny. Note 3 beats hauling around two devices, a tiny useless phone and bulky tablet that requires a manpurse. It fits easily in your pants pocket as long as you don't wear skinny girl jeans. Plus, with the Snapdragon 800 SoC, 3GB DRAM and precision pen you're future proof.

I like how I look in my skinny girl jeans.

A suggestion for the OP if he wants to go the smaller pocketable phone route is the Moto G. $180-200 and an excellent entry level smart phone.

I personally have never bothered with replacement insurance on my phones, but have always stayed away from the pricier phones. I have yet to ruin a phone in an insurance replacable manner, and can just spring for another inexpensive replacement should something happen. Insurance might be worth it on a pricey phone depending on how clutzy you/your family are.