Optimal driver for GeForce 600 series? (Mainly 670)

Apr 19, 2017
What is the best driver for the GTX 670?
I was wondering this since I've heard reports that NVIDIA hasn't really paid much attention to the Kepler graphics cards and as such they haven't gotten very good drivers recently. If this is the case, then that would mean that there is a specific peak driver for the GTX 670. If so, what is it. A secondary reason I ask this is because I remember hearing that for the GTX 560 and Fermi line of GPUs, the best driver available was drive 314.22. Is there such truth for Kepler cards?
im running the newest on my 560ti works fine, I haven't noticed any difference between new and old.
I have an old i7 2600 machine running with a GTX 660ti and always works great with newest, in fact it amaze me how quite capable it perform at 1080P gaming, clearly limited by such low vRAM but still quite decent, however not the type of card i would use beyond casual gaming, MMO/Moba style games.
I am running 3x GTX680 in SLI. I've always run the newest drivers with these cards and never regretted it. There are a lot of benefits that come with new drivers, including better support for newer games. Whatever oddball benefit you might get from running a certain driver with a certain card is not going to be worth what you lose from not having the latest game support in the latest driver and fixes for the latest quirks, etc.

I bought two GTX680's new in ~2012 for my i5-2500K system. I brought both of those cards over when I built my i7-5820K system back in 2015. Soon afterward I got another matching GTX680 for 3-way SLI as a small boost. That was supposed to be a short-term thing but the inflated prices of new cards has kept me using these Kepler cards far longer than I ever expected. Really it hasn't been a problem because they continue to give me excellent performance in every game I care about.