Optical Drive Silliness.


[H]F Junkie
Aug 31, 2000
I've ordered a thin laptop dvd burner for my new desktop build.

I have not seen the power&data sockets but I fear it will need a Special Laptop to Desktop adapter, which I Cannot find.

Am I delusional and they use Standard SATA cables.

or ???
I've ordered a thin laptop dvd burner for my new desktop build.

I have not seen the power&data sockets but I fear it will need a Special Laptop to Desktop adapter, which I Cannot find.

Am I delusional and they use Standard SATA cables.

or ???

No they are different, you need something like this.
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Slimline SATA Adapter Serial ATA 7+15 22pin Male to Slim 7+6 13pin

Eggzaktly !!!

Thank you bigly !

My choice of case comes with 3x3.5 & 1x5.Optical

My MB has 8 sata sockets.

I have devised a way to mount 2x 4in3 hotswap where the 5. & 1 3.5 were supposed to go.

My rack of dvds wants to be in the spinner array.

With the case mods a laptop drive will fit nicely.

How do I plug it in = Answered !

Posted here because = answered by first reply.
I just ordered an adapter that is a little circuit board with the drive socket on one side and a sata socket & floppy power connector on the other side.

It includes a mounting hole @ each end, to bolt the adapter to the drive.
Which I can use to bolt it to the case So the drive does not need to be unplugged manually, just pull it out.
Also allows me to vibe mount the drive locator assembly easier.

Another step in the process of The Build checked off.