Oculus Rift Pricing to Stay at Promo Price of $400 and Rift Core 2.0


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Some more announcements trickling our from Oculus today on its Rift HMD for interactive VR experiences. The Rift will now stick with its previous summer promo price of $400.

Oculus is also updating the Rift's underlying software and UI bones as well with Core 2.0.

Check out the video.

Now after watching that video and having used both the Rift and Vive HMDs, I have to say that we simply need higher resolution displays in our HMDs before such a UI interactive is extremely usable for long periods of time. I don't think we are quite there yet, but I need to certainly give all this new tech a look. Thanks cageymaru.

Today, we announced Rift Core 2.0, a complete overhaul of Rift’s core experience that lets people do more in VR than ever before.

Just as we’re pushing forward with hardware, we’re realizing VR’s potential through software. We’ve shipped 19 updates to Rift’s software to date, and this will be our biggest milestone yet.

Rift Core 2.0 is designed from the ground up to be more powerful, more intuitive, and more personal. Whether you dive into VR on a weekly basis or spend time daily developing your own apps, we want you to be able to take full advantage of your PC. That’s why we built Rift Core 2.0.
Oculus is already outdated hardware and with Facebook including spyware in it - you'd be crazy to get one for free let alone pay for it.
I'm like a backwoods inbred idiot when it comes to this stuff, but would a better DPI help, even with the same resolution? Is it the screendoor effect that is the problem and would that fix it?

Resolution is a lot better than the last time I used VR:

th (1).jpg
I wonder if they'll have some software tweaks available to enhance the visibility of windows and text within the Dash environment. Big Screen on the Rift is cool but, as you said, it's not very sharp nor is text very legible unless you zoom the window right up to your face.

Can't say I'm thrilled about the home customization thing. Looks to be lifted straight from Steam VR Home with the furniture, toys, and social aspects all appearing as they would with Steam. The avatars look a bit creepy too...

That said though, I'm glad it's looking a bit more streamlined to use the headset between desktop and VR apps. Since I use glasses and removing the headset is not an easy slide up, I hate having to peek through the nose hole to find my mouse and bring a VR app into focus so that it will load in the HMD.
I tried oculus rift a week ago , friend bought one. I like this idea, however, I cannot stand having the oculus gear on for more than 20 minutes. Mind you , it doesn't cause me any visual discomfort, more of a physical nuisance. If they can make it so that a simpler, less bulkier revision in the near future with cordless design, has beefed up gfx and battery life, then I'm all for it.
Oculus is already outdated hardware and with Facebook including spyware in it - you'd be crazy to get one for free let alone pay for it.

Holy shit not this again...

Yeah because, you know, Valve and HTC have *NO IDEA WHATSOEVER* what you are doing with your Vive! Steam doesn't SELL SOFTWARE and their STEAMVR doesn't know what you have launched through it, right!? RIGHT? That INFO you put into Steam is no doubt crazy and phoney, which is why all of your credit card purchases go through..... :D

I mean you know, it's not like Valve has a real-time tracker showing who is playing what, and when......*sigh*.

Right now, anyone buying a Vive + integrated Audio is paying $300 more for a half-step backwards in terms of look, feel, optics and finish. It's not night-and day, but the Vive is very clearly the more Soviet of designs.... The only thing, and I mean the only thing Vive has legitimately going for it right now its if you own a barn or warehouse you can get more RoomSpace VR happening (right now, not even talking about the new announcement for 1000feet that won't work with existing hardware anyhow) and the fact that the Vive has a low-def camera built into it. Otherwise they are virtually the same device.

At $399 all-in however, dude, unless you can't wait for the day-one patch that allows $60 fallout 4 and $60 Skyrim VR to run on Rift, there isn't a whole lot of argument against the Rift. You just hate Zuckerberg because you think its cool to hate on FB, or you're information paranoid about a device you don't own while you are ignoring the fact that if you carry a cell phone and do anything at all with it besides *make *calls*, all the shit you're concerned about is *already happening to you*.
Oculus is already outdated hardware and with Facebook including spyware in it - you'd be crazy to get one for free let alone pay for it.

My comment calling this guy crazy get's deleted but this crazy comment doesn't? I call him crazy for his Facebook bullshit while he calls every Oculus owner (including the person who probably deleted my comment) crazy for owning one...let alone being STUPID for BUYING one...obviously.
My comment calling this guy crazy get's deleted but this crazy comment doesn't? I call him crazy for his Facebook bullshit while he calls every Oculus owner (including the person who probably deleted my comment) crazy for owning one...let alone being STUPID for BUYING one...obviously.

Rule #1.
My comment calling this guy crazy get's deleted but this crazy comment doesn't? I call him crazy for his Facebook bullshit while he calls every Oculus owner (including the person who probably deleted my comment) crazy for owning one...let alone being STUPID for BUYING one...obviously.
You fell into the troll soup my friend. If its any consolation I read your comment before it was deleted and though I am also exacerbated listening to his type of copy pasta comment, you did TECHNICALLY insult specifically by calling him crazy.

I don't have a facebook so don't worry about their shenanigans too much. IF they want to steal my gaming habits, let them. Steam has been doing it for years. Just stay away from my pornhub thats proberty of me, my wife, and the N.S.A.
The shortminded dolts that use Facebook and it's affiliates spyware are crazy, not me. Only difference is you will find out when it's too late.

There are far better options for VR already in the game so why choose one owned and spied by FB. They take all telemetry including your body movements in store. So if you wank watching VR porn...
That would be super if the quality of the image when the HMD is on your head looked that crisp.
I'm like a backwoods inbred idiot when it comes to this stuff, but would a better DPI help, even with the same resolution? Is it the screendoor effect that is the problem and would that fix it?

Resolution is a lot better than the last time I used VR:

View attachment 39320
Same here. I paid like $5 for a VR experience at a mall in the early 90's - it had a heavy headset and if I recall, I fired cones at geometric shapes. It sucked. The Rift & Vive - wow! If my damn house would stop breaking, I might be able to get one of these someday. Can't convince the wife I need one when you have to replace the water heater (and every other issue that seems to pop up).
You fell into the troll soup my friend. If its any consolation I read your comment before it was deleted and though I am also exacerbated listening to his type of copy pasta comment, you did TECHNICALLY insult specifically by calling him crazy.

I don't have a facebook so don't worry about their shenanigans too much. IF they want to steal my gaming habits, let them. Steam has been doing it for years. Just stay away from my pornhub thats proberty of me, my wife, and the N.S.A.

The forum needs a “Troll” button next to the “Like” button. And when someone gets more than 100 of them, they are banned for a week on first occurrence.... a month for a second, 6 months for a third. Would help solve problems like this.
The forum needs a “Troll” button next to the “Like” button. And when someone gets more than 100 of them, they are banned for a week on first occurrence.... a month for a second, 6 months for a third. Would help solve problems like this.

There already is the report button, duh. When someone posts an opinion that has factual background it's hardly trolling.
Report is there for a different reason. Trolling is sometimes funny... or even entertaining if really done well. But it would be nice to have the ability to vote you off the island from time to time. :D

Back on topic, yep, more resolution is definitely needed before such an interface becomes the norm. Two more generations and we will be there... maybe 3-5 years out is my guess. Full VR integration into the OS is just around the corner. Being able manipulate data and files using VR is going to be quite interesting and open up lots of novel new ways of interacting with a PC... like picking up a file and tossing it into a trash can literally for example.
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Ah Christ. B00nie dragging down another Oculus thread with his inane ramblings. You should stick to talking speakers where you don't come off sounding nuts.

Let's be specific, we all know what you think is wrong with it. We don't care. I really don't give a shit if Oculus knows what I play in VR. Fuck, Valve knows what games I play in Steam, EA knows what I play on EA Access, and god help me, I even have an Ubisoft account from when they were giving away free games. It's a false rhetoric that somehow corporation 'A' is saintly while corporation 'B' is EVIL.

More along the lines of your concerns, you don't need a FaceBook account to use the Oculus software, and you don't need to run any of the Oculus services when you aren't in VR.

The Oculus Rift is currently one of the best two VR solutions available to consumers; right now it has the better games. All that FaceBook money has been good for game development. I strongly recommend anyone with a Vive to set up an Oculus account and run ReVive.
Oculus is already outdated hardware and with Facebook including spyware in it - you'd be crazy to get one for free let alone pay for it.
Have you tried any vr? Everything has spyware. So you have no cellphone I guess?
Good to see the VR train is still rolling. Might hope on that train some day.. when my PC is up to the task.
Let me guess. It says they can spy on me?

Yep. And log your repeated body movements when you watch pron linked to your FB accounts name and address information. Ready for extortion if you ever become someone important.
Yep. And log your repeated body movements when you watch pron linked to your FB accounts name and address information. Ready for extortion if you ever become someone important.
So just like a cellphone. Nothing new. I will live.
Yep. And log your repeated body movements when you watch pron linked to your FB accounts name and address information. Ready for extortion if you ever become someone important.
I'd first have to care if someone knew I watched porn.

As far as the "privacy" implications, I don't really give a fuck. Apparently, several others agree.

Can we get back to the topic of the Oculus's price drop and new software?
Yep. And log your repeated body movements when you watch pron linked to your FB accounts name and address information. Ready for extortion if you ever become someone important.

You are hardly that someone and there's PLENTY of other avenues to collect this information if wanted by third parties.

Secondly, again, you think Valve, HTC, Sony, etc don't collect information on their users? What makes you think Google on your phone or MS on your computer aren't doing the same fucking thing? Hell, I'd rather have Oculus spy on my shit then Google or Microsoft! They'd know WAYYY more about me.

The VR hardware is here and works great, the software and games work great and are a blast to play, and Facebook owns some of that. Boo-hoo.

Let me know when Facebook...or any company that has all of YOUR information decides to use it to politically blackmail you.
All you guys complaining about the resolution of the HMD, what is a "normal" price for a video card in your opinion?
All you guys complaining about the resolution of the HMD, what is a "normal" price for a video card in your opinion?

Doesn't matter. Obviously PC VR right now is a niche item for a niche market due to it's price and needed hardware to play.

Those of us complaining and wanting higher resolution can support it. Those that aren't bitching probably don't care.

Plus with things like eyetracking and multi-resolution shading and checkboard rendering, etc etc...the GPU requirements are only going to get LOWER as time goes on.
I greatly enjoy my Occulus Rift, but a GTX1070 costs almost double what a GTX1060 does. That's significant for me. The 1060 is acceptable, but it does have issues in some scenes of Lone Echo.

$400-$500 for a "mid range" video card is tough to swallow.
Doesn't matter. Obviously PC VR right now is a niche item for a niche market due to it's price and needed hardware to play.

Those of us complaining and wanting higher resolution can support it. Those that aren't bitching probably don't care.

Plus with things like eyetracking and multi-resolution shading and checkboard rendering, etc etc...the GPU requirements are only going to get LOWER as time goes on.
Not a niche item. it is just the beginning and works great even right now. Price? It's freaking cheap. Hardware? A 1070/980ti plays it really smooth.

Yes, I want higher resolution but I will wait to see what is the best.
Not a niche item. it is just the beginning and works great even right now. Price? It's freaking cheap. Hardware? A 1070/980ti plays it really smooth.

Yes, I want higher resolution but I will wait to see what is the best.
Honestly even lower cards play it fine, so far my i5-2500k and AMD 290 have not had a single problem in any game. Granted I can't user supersampling past 1 but considering the age of my rig and the cost of the gpu VR can be cheap to get into. Just like all pc gaming if you want a top end experience then it will cost a lot more (such as a 1080 so you can super sample at 2.0) but with their new space magic (asw) older/cheaper hardware is fine.

Sure the res could be better but the current rift and vive work and look great and you stop noticing the screen door effect within minutes of playing most games.
You are hardly that someone and there's PLENTY of other avenues to collect this information if wanted by third parties.

Secondly, again, you think Valve, HTC, Sony, etc don't collect information on their users? What makes you think Google on your phone or MS on your computer aren't doing the same fucking thing? Hell, I'd rather have Oculus spy on my shit then Google or Microsoft! They'd know WAYYY more about me.

The VR hardware is here and works great, the software and games work great and are a blast to play, and Facebook owns some of that. Boo-hoo.

Let me know when Facebook...or any company that has all of YOUR information decides to use it to politically blackmail you.

The other companies are not linking your personally identifiable profile to the huge espionage network Facebook is. I will never subscribe to any service that collects personally identifiable telemetry data from anything I do, that is linked to any non-professional recreational use.

And you hardly know who I am.
I greatly enjoy my Occulus Rift, but a GTX1070 costs almost double what a GTX1060 does. That's significant for me. The 1060 is acceptable, but it does have issues in some scenes of Lone Echo.

$400-$500 for a "mid range" video card is tough to swallow.
Thank the crypto-morons for inflating the prices.