Nvidia Releases 418.91 WHQL Drivers


Mar 3, 2018
February is packed with big launches from AAA devs, and Nvidia just released a new driver to support the slew of upcoming titles. 418.91 WHQL offers "optimum" DLSS and raytracing performance in Metro Exodus, and apparently implements some optimizations in Battlefield V as well. The detailed driver release notes also mention that Nvidia is disabling G-Sync in games that are designed to run at a fixed framerate, and says that Apex Legends, Hitman 2, and ARK Survival may still have some lingering issues that will be addressed in future revisions.

Our new Game Ready driver is also a must-have if you’re intending to play Anthem's February 15th Early Access release, Crackdown 3, or Far Cry New Dawn. Performance and stability is improved with each Game Ready driver, so it's recommended you download and install to ensure the best possible experience from the second you hit play.
Hitman 2 is still broke after months on RTX cards. I can't believe they haven't fixed the driver hung error in Apex yet either given how huge of a game it is.
Hitman 2 is still broke after months on RTX cards. I can't believe they haven't fixed the driver hung error in Apex yet either given how huge of a game it is.
NVIDIA representative on the GeForce forum said that both issues are game issues, not driver issues. Regarding Hitman 2, IO Interactive has confirmed it's a game issue and they're working on it. Plenty of info in this thread. They have narrowed it down to one specific DirectX call.


If I had to guess, they are trying to create a default view by using the behavior of the call for DX12, but they are invoking the DX11 call instead which requires a valid pointer for the ID3D11Resource parameter while the DX12 call does not. It may not be that simple if it hasn't been fixed in 4 months, though.

As far as Apex Legends goes, AMD users are also having this issue, but AMD have made bandaids in their driver to minimize it for the time being. NVIDIA may want the issue to be fixed outright instead of taking AMD's approach. Both are working with BioWare to fix the issue, though.
I had to rollback the previous 418 driver to 417 for apex legends, otherwise it seemed like there was a 50-50 shot I would crash. I’m on a 2080ti. Since that it’s been solid no crashes, should I even bother with this release if they already know theres issues? Or are they the same issues from the last 418 driver just called out and not fixed?
I had to rollback the previous 418 driver to 417 for apex legends, otherwise it seemed like there was a 50-50 shot I would crash. I’m on a 2080ti. Since that it’s been solid no crashes, should I even bother with this release if they already know theres issues? Or are they the same issues from the last 418 driver just called out and not fixed?
As always, if there are no fixes in the latest driver or no new features you need then it's best to not update to the latest driver, especially if the one you're on is working fine.
I had to rollback the previous 418 driver to 417 for apex legends, otherwise it seemed like there was a 50-50 shot I would crash. I’m on a 2080ti. Since that it’s been solid no crashes, should I even bother with this release if they already know theres issues? Or are they the same issues from the last 418 driver just called out and not fixed?

The problem is that you need this latest driver for Metro: Exodus to run properly w/ RTX and DLSS. I'm in the same boat. Although once Metro comes out I won't be playing Apex at all anyways, so I guess it won't matter.
I think any nvidia card is crashing with the 418 driver branch. But, generally, any instability issues with a game seem to happen more often on RTX cards.
had to roll back to 417.71 this evening... 418 was causing driver crash and reovery constanly after installing a 1080 and doing a clean install of 418. no gaming was happening. just sittin at the desktop and BOOM crash and recover.
hopefully the crashes will stay gone.
No Crackdown 3 mentioned? I am on 418 and experienced no new problems so far on a 1080 ti.

The only game that I have trouble with is Gears of War 4 which probably will crash on NV for the rest of time.

My buddy kept having his display disconnect on 418 with a 1070 before rolling back.

I do wish Nvidia's pdf for their driver releases were a tad more in depth, but I could say that for nearly any kind of driver release. At least we have a pdf.
"Nvidia is disabling G-Sync in games that are designed to run at a fixed framerate"

Where did you read this? That would not make any sense because there is still going to be tear and judder, even if the game is running at 60 FPS on a 120 Hz screen. That may explain why I am getting tearing in Fallout 3...
Where did you read this? That would not make any sense because there is still going to be tear and judder, even if the game is running at 60 FPS on a 120 Hz screen. That may explain why I am getting tearing in Fallout 3...

In the release notes. Yeah not sure if there's a good reason for it but they didn't have one in the notes.