Nvidia driver failed and recovered


Jun 5, 2004
Does anyone know what causes the nvidia driver to just randomly fail and recover? anyone know of any fixes? It just happens randomly and its very annoying.
I am pretty sure this has been discussed to death so search here or google it. I have been lucky and this has only happened to me just a few times in the 10 years of using Nvidia cards.
thanks guys.

No problem. :)

Sorry we couldn't be more spesific, as you could see from link 1 in that thread, there can be multiple reasons, some which don't have anything to do with GFX or drivers, while in link 2, some have issues with some of the driver sets that Nvidia is investigating.
There are a number of things that could happen: Improper airflow/overheating, driver issue, timeout on your DVD/HDMI/DP cord...all sorts of issues. I still get it sometimes. For me, it was cleared up after Intel released an update for their x87 chipset drivers. Make sure all of your drivers are up to date as well...ALL OF THEM, not just video card or mother board drivers.

For each user, each case is different sorry to say. Good luck...