NVIDIA Adds Telemetry to Latest GeForce Experience via Drivers; Here's How to Disable It


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Nvidia Geforce Experience is the gift that keeps on giving; as in giving your unencrypted data to others across the internet. Here is how to block elements of it. Make sure that you read the Reddit post to see what's being broadcast. The MajorGeeks article shows how to disable the malware transmitting your unencrypted data to business partners.

NVIDIA Adds Telemetry to Latest Drivers; Here's How to Disable It.

TL;DR: Nvidia may collect your name, address, email, phone number, IP address, and non traditional identifiers and share this information with business partners, resellers, affiliates, service providers, consulting partners, and others. This information is combined with typical browsing and cookie data and used by Nvidia itself or advertising networks.

Sounds just like Steam's EULA and every other EULA on planet Earth.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on the latest gamer rage from PC Master Race, cageymaru.

I was thinking the same thing, but Steam, Origin, etc allow you to opt in or out of data collection. Doesn't seem to be a way to do so without jumping hurdles in Geforce Experience. Figured that someone would like to know how to disable it.
I can't even get through the damn installation since they made an account required so I guess this doesn't matter to me.
I was thinking the same thing, but Steam, Origin, etc allow you to opt in or out of data collection. Doesn't seem to be a way to do so without jumping hurdles in Geforce Experience. Figured that someone would like to know how to disable it.

True. Steams privacy policy is also completely different. Steam need to gather personal information so that users can buy games there and its limited within steam the data gathering unless you specify otherwise. Even the Steam survey is something you get asked each time and can opt out of if you want.

Geforce experience is data mining software and not of the good bitcoin stuff. At least you can opt out of Geforce experience. I ran Microsoft autoruns and the telemetry monitor was not active on my machine (just an orphan registry key after I uninstalled GE). So, at least its limted to Geforce Experience and not a part of the drivers. You might want to change the thread topic a bit, since its a bit misleading. :)
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There ya go! Was just using the headline from the article as the post's headline. Otherwise people get angry and say that I have ulterior motives when I was just trying to help some bros out. I think you were 100% right.
Sounds just like Steam's EULA and every other EULA on planet Earth.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on the latest gamer rage from PC Master Race, cageymaru.

This. I am sure he forgot it before AMD ditched Gaming Evolved that did the same.

Gmail, Google search, Hotmail etc. Everything mines the metadata out of you.
This. I am sure he forgot it before AMD ditched Gaming Evolved that did the same.

Gmail, Google search, Hotmail etc. Everything mines the metadata out of you.

Gaming Evolved (Raptr which can be used on Nvidia cards too) didnt do the same and still doesnt:

Raptr does not collect personally identifiable information unless our visitors voluntarily provide it to us. We do, however, collect certain types of information and ask for personal information in certain circumstances, such as when you set up an account. The following sections describe what type of information we collect, when we collect it and how we use it.


A lot of service providers do mine data from you. Google is extreme, though you can opt out on a lot of it. That others do it, doesn´t make it right in any sense. Geforce Experience new manditory login and EULA where you give away your rights to privacy to Nvidia, so Nvidia can freely datamine all your personal information is a bad move. People should avoid that crap as much as they can. How many NvTmRepOnLogon (Nvidia Telemetry Report on Logon) similar schedualed tasks do you feel is the limit for you when you start your computer? One for each hardware part in your computer + 1 for each software program you have installed?

There has been little lawmaking regulating privacy online and it havent been taken seriously enough IMHO, but more and more is coming fortunately:

Nvidia didn´t "have-to" install spyware with Geforce Experience, its not needed for it to function and it worked before they added the spyware, but they saw a way to mine your computer and took it. Its good that at least the community sheds light on it, so people (most dont read EULA I think) can choose not to install it if they don´t want to waive their rights to privacy.
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Gaming Evolved (Raptr which can be used on Nvidia cards too) didnt do the same and still doesnt:


A lot of service providers do mine data from you. Google is extreme, though you can opt out on a lot of it. That others do it, doesn´t make it right in any sense. Geforce Experience new manditory login and EULA where you give away your rights to privacy to Nvidia, so Nvidia can freely datamine all your personal information is a bad move. People should avoid that crap as much as they can. How many NvTmRepOnLogon (Nvidia Telemetry Report on Logon) similar schedualed tasks do you feel is the limit for you when you start your computer? One for each hardware part in your computer + 1 for each software program you have installed?

There has been little lawmaking regulating privacy online and it havent been taken seriously enough IMHO, but more and more is coming fortunately:

Nvidia didn´t "have-to" install spyware with Geforce Experience, its not needed for it to function and it worked before they added the spyware, but they saw a way to mine your computer and took it. Its good that at least the community sheds light on it, so people (most dont read EULA I think) can choose not to install it if they don´t want to waive their rights to privacy.

Every time you can link a PC/user and a pcs of software they got everything they want to know on you. Even when you opt out, they still mine your meta data.

And please read the Raptr FAQ again. They mine the shit out of you too.

We are able to identify which version of the Raptr Desktop App you are currently using, as well as the hardware, software, and technical specs of the computer you are running on. This information is used for the purpose of providing you with appropriate auto-updates to Raptr, to help us troubleshoot any problems with the Raptr Service, and to provide you with customized offers and advertising.
Every time you can link a PC/user and a pcs of software they got everything they want to know on you. Even when you opt out, they still mine your meta data.

This I agree upon. They still can, but larger companies that still do it on a large scale, can risk large fines for doing it. But, even though its hard to stop companies doing it, it doesn´t mean you have to take off your pants turn around, bend over and take it in the ass by installing known spyware if you don´t have to.
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This I agree upon. They still can, but larger companies that still do it on a large scale, can risk large fines for doing it. But, even though its hard to stop companies doing it, it doesn´t mean you have to take off your pants turn around, bend over and take it in the ass by installing known spyware if you don´t have to.

Not really, you accept the EULA. And this is why most software on your PC data mines you in some way or the other. IoT for example is all about meta data.
Not really, you accept the EULA.

You don´t have to accept the Geforce Experience spyware EULA if you don´t install it. For other companies, they actually have opt-out programs which makes it not legal to obtain personal information and history if you have opted out. If they still do it, they can be subject to huge fines. Opt-out is as legally binding as EULA. They cannot claim that you have volunteerly given access to information that you have, by their own program, denied them.

I dont get why you try to defend data mining of personal information. Is it because Nvidia?
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You don´t have to accept the Geforce Experience spyware EULA if you don´t install it. For other companies, they actually have opt-out programs which makes it not legal to obtain personal information and history if you have opted out. If they still do it, they can be subject to huge fines. Opt-out is as legally binding as EULA. They cannot claim that you have volunteerly given access to information that you have, by their own program, denied them.

I dont get why you try to defend data mining of personal information. Is it because Nvidia?

You mean the opt out where they still meta mines you? Even your OS mines you. The only opt out as such you can do is if the company in question sells the data to 3rd party.

And if you dont install the Geforce Experience. Whats the problem?
You mean the opt out where they still meta mines you? Even your OS mines you.

And if you dont install the Geforce Experience. Whats the problem?

Any opt-out removes the right to mine, so larger companies are liable to large fines. If they still mines you, at least it can bite them in their asses aftewards.

I don´t install Geforce Experience anymore. The problem is, if you haven´t gotten it already (thread title should give you a hint about the topic), is that it is now spyware by design. Whats your problem? You don´t like that people inform other users about the new spyware features of GE and how to avoid the telemetry being sent back to Nvidia?

I mean, come on, one thing is to discuss all the others who mine data, another thing is to use it to defend them doing it. Thats what you are doing right now.
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GFE can suck it. I had already decided to quit using the GFE after the login crap. Glad I listened to my inner self.

I am also pretty sure Windows 7 will be my last full-time Windows OS. I will keep Windows around for familiarity when troubleshooting clients machines, but other than that they can suck it unless something changes with Windows 11.

Eventually one of these companies is going to push too far and SOMEBODY is gonna snap and fuck somebody up. I hope it is soon.
Any opt-out removes the right to mine, so larger companies are liable to large fines. If they still mines you, at least it can bite them in their asses aftewards.

I don´t install Geforce Experience anymore. The problem is, if you haven´t gotten it already (thread title should give you a hint about the topic), is that it is now spyware by design. Whats your problem? You don´t like that people inform other users about the new spyware features of GE and how to avoid the telemetry being sent back to Nvidia?

I mean, come on, one thing is to discuss all the others who mine data, another thing is to use it to defend them doing it. Thats what you are doing right now.

You dont consider it informing when I tell how much software actually data mines? And you cant opt out of meta mining. Its not illegal either.

The only reason we got this thread is simply because AMD said goodbye to AMD Evolved Gaming app. Not because data mining suddenly became a huge thing.
GFE can suck it. I had already decided to quit using the GFE after the login crap. Glad I listened to my inner self.

I am also pretty sure Windows 7 will be my last full-time Windows OS. I will keep Windows around for familiarity when troubleshooting clients machines, but other than that they can suck it unless something changes with Windows 11.

Eventually one of these companies is going to push too far and SOMEBODY is gonna snap and fuck somebody up. I hope it is soon.

Windows 7 got full telemetry mining as well, so does OSX for that matter. Android and IOS for example is pretty much as much mining you can possible do.
You dont consider it informing when I tell how much software actually data mines? And you cant opt out of meta mining. Its not illegal either.

It doesn´t seem at all that you are out to inform about data mining at all, but rather use it to defend Nvidias new "spyware-features" of Geforce Experience. Thats what you are trying to do now, isn´t it? Not to inform about others invading your privacy, but to defend Nvidia doing it.
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It doesn´t seem at all that you are out to inform about data mining at all, but rather use it to defend Nvidias new "spyware-features" of Geforce Experience. Thats what you are trying to do now, isn´t it? Not to inform about others invading your privacy, but to defend Nvidia doing it.

No its just the hypocrites around the subject. Raptr/AMD Gaming Evolved for example have been mining people for years for the benefit of its userbase. And now today its an issue after the cancellation of that App with AMD? People should think about what software they got and what devices and how much they are mined. Because the same people at the same time expect a premium service and fixing for things they dont contribute to elsewhere. Just as you expect Google to find the things related to what you usually search for and Windows to fix the bugs you never report. While you want Steam to show the games you prefer to play in the recommended list.

Then we can have ragethreads like this and throw mud at one company while ignoring all the rest or that we in the end really like the benefit of mining while we live in a bubble thinking nobody else does it. Same reason everyone is into IoT now, we like the benefits of mining.
No its just the hypocrites around the subject. Raptr/AMD Gaming Evolved for example have been mining people for years for the benefit of its userbase. And now today its an issue after the cancellation of that App with AMD? People should think about what software they got and what devices and how much they are mined. Because the same people at the same time expect a premium service and fixing for things they dont contribute to elsewhere. Just as you expect Google to find the things related to what you usually search for and Windows to fix the bugs you never report,

There is no hypocrites around this subject. Data mining is bad regardless, since its an invasion of privacy. In some cases, you need to give up personal data because its needed for purchase and ownership, but data mining because "others do it", is just morally disgusting. People should think about what software they got, we absolutely agree upon that, and if people don´t want your privacy uploaded to Nvidia, they should consider NOT installing Geforce Experience (3.0 and above).

Oculus Rift also got a lot of heat due to the Facebook connection. Thats also what people should do. React AGAINST more "spyware-features" and not try to mud the issue with "what about XXX company that also spy on you and mine your personal data".
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There is no hypocrites around this subject. Data mining is bad regardless, since its an invasion of privacy. In some cases, you need to give up personal data because its needed for purchase and ownership, but data mining because "others do it", is just morally disgusting. People should think about what software they got, we absolutely agree upon that, and if people don´t want your privacy uploaded to Nvidia, they should consider NOT installing Geforce Experience (3.0 and above).

Oculus Rift also got a lot of heat due to the Facebook connection. Thats also what people should do. React AGAINST more "spyware-features" and not try to mud the issue with "what about XXX company that also spy on you and mine your personal data".

Now answer the second part of my post as well. Because that's when the hypocrisy begins for real. You do like the benefits of it. That's why everyone is doing it. And do me a favour, try make a list of software on your PC and tell me what you think mines you and what doesn't.

And then we dont even have to include websites, including hardocp that gives you a cookie to track you.
Now answer the second part of my post as well. Because that's when the hypocrisy begins for real. You do like the benefits of it. That's why everyone is doing it. And do me a favour, try make a list of software on your PC and tell me what you think mines you and what doesn't.

Second part you are really reaching in your defence for data mining. Do you actually believe that companies should freely mine your personal information and install spyware on your computer, because their customers expect a product they buy to work?
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Second part you are really reaching in your defence for data mining. Do you actually believe that companies should freely mine your personal information and install spyware on your computer, because their customers expect a product they buy to work?

Dont try and move the goalpost. And we are not talking about if something works or not. So answer me instead.

I give you a big hint of the coming future(Actually now), personal assistents. What do you think they are based on?
Dont try and move the goalpost. And we are not talking about if something works or not. So answer me instead.

I give you a big hint of the coming future(Actually now), personal assistents. What do you think they are based on?

I am not moving the goalpost at all, so answer the question. You are basically saying that companies are entitled to personal information from your computer for "product improvement", because customers expect the products they buy to work. So, to move it a bit into topic: Do you feel Nvidia is entitled to mine your personal information, because people expect their cards to work?

You however are moving the whole subject of the thread away and are derailing it. This is turning into a general debate about who mines information and from where. This is not a general debate.

Topic is Geforce Experience, its spyware and how to avoid it sending telemetry data from your computer.
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I am not moving the goalpost at all, so answer the question. You are basically saying that companies are entitled to personal information from your computer for "product improvement", because customers expect the products they buy to work. So, to move it a bit into topic: Do you feel Nvidia is entitled to mine your personal information, because people expect their cards to work?

You however are moving the whole subject of the thread away and are derailing it. This is turning into a general debate about who mines information and from where. This is not a general debate.

Topic is Geforce Experience, its spyware and how to avoid it sending telemetry data from your computer.

The point is you have no idea what the meta data used is for and why its used. Nor do you know what software actually does it and it shows. You expect the function that requires the data, but you dont want to give it.

Then sure, we can rage about Geforce Experience in this case. It just doesn't change the fundamentals. there will only be more mining in the future, and its because YOU, as the user actually requests it.
The point is you have no idea what the meta data used is for and why its used. Nor do you know what software actually does it and it shows. You expect the function that requires the data, but you dont want to give it.

Then sure, we can rage about Geforce Experience in this case. It just doesn't change the fundamentals.

Actually, I know a lot about what its used for in many cases, so your comment is a bit unfounded.

Yes, we should rage about Geforce Experience in this case. A general discussion about digitial privacy would be way too time consuming and derail THIS topic.
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At least this will force Nvidia to provide more information with regards to the data collected, I can see the positives but also how it is open to abuse by Nvidia.
As a telemetry tool it helps to filter out the noise/wrong-misleading (by accident) information on driver related issues experienced in the wild and would improve driver development, but then as many can see the opportunity for mining too much personal information is also there.
So I think it is a bit too early for now to say just how bad it is until they provide much more info.
That said I have been cynical of GeForce ever since they made it more of a login 'platform-service' and only way to get hotfixes and so never bothered with it, unfortunately for some there are some nice functionality only available through it that quite a few like and use.
And I do think this will gain traction and Nvidia will respond.
Steve over at GamersNexus has a good article talking about this: http://www.gamersnexus.net/industry/2672-geforce-experience-data-transfer-analysis

Seems fairly standard as far as things go and if Nvidia is telling the truth (and rationally there is no reason, at the moment, to think otherwise) the data they gather makes sense. The required log-in is still really god damn stupid though.

I do find it amusing that people assumed that they didn't mine data before now though. Exactly how did people think GFE grabbed information for games, especially the "right" settings before now? I always figured they sent hardware info to a server to retrieve those settings.
I have never installed GFE, and I don't seem to have the telemetry processes with the latest 375.76 hotfix (win8.1 x64)
373.06 here and no telemetry files in startup.

I haven't used/installed GFE in about 6 or 7 months.
Steve over at GamersNexus has a good article talking about this: http://www.gamersnexus.net/industry/2672-geforce-experience-data-transfer-analysis

Seems fairly standard as far as things go and if Nvidia is telling the truth (and rationally there is no reason, at the moment, to think otherwise) the data they gather makes sense. The required log-in is still really god damn stupid though.

I do find it amusing that people assumed that they didn't mine data before now though. Exactly how did people think GFE grabbed information for games, especially the "right" settings before now? I always figured they sent hardware info to a server to retrieve those settings.
Nvidia may collect your name, address, email, phone number, IP address, and non traditional identifiers and share this information with business partners, resellers, affiliates, service providers, consulting partners, and others
If that is true it is a lot more than game and pc data.
Nvidia may collect your name, address, email, phone number, IP address, and non traditional identifiers and share this information with business partners, resellers, affiliates, service providers, consulting partners, and others
If that is true it is a lot more than game and pc data.

And, as stated in the article I linked to, that is from the EULA for Nvidia's website and NOT for GFE. The FAQ on Geforce.com (here) states:

Q: What data does GeForce Experience send to NVIDIA?
A: The application collects data needed to recommend the correct driver update and optimal settings, including hardware configuration, operating system, language, installed games, game settings, game usage, game performance, and current driver version. If a user is signed into an NVIDIA account, the data is identifiable. All data collected is protected by NVIDIA's privacy policy.

Q: Does NVIDIA share data collected by GeForce Experience outside the company?
A: GeForce Experience does not share any personally identifiable information outside the company. NVIDIA may share aggregate-level data with select partners, but does not share user-level data.
Keeping it on. Why? Because when drivers crash and even if you send the bug report there is little to nine chance for driver developers to recreate the issue - giving the number of software/hardware combination. With telemetry from drivers it will be easier to fix bugs.

Also it's kinda funny that in the age when people willingly post all the private data on the Internet for everyone to see, paying with cards, keeping the telemetry from their cellphones and such, they are scared about the drivers :)
This isn't limited to GFE. I didn't install the latest version of GFE, but the driver installation removed the old version anyway. I checked in the Task Scheduler and still had those 3 tasks scheduled without GFE installed.
I can't even get through the damn installation since they made an account required so I guess this doesn't matter to me.
You don't need an account to install the drivers.
So there is no reason the telemetry needs to be running and we can safely turn it off? Thanks!

Yes, better do that quickly lest nvidia find out what you're playing and shame you publicly :p

All jokes aside that went from 'nvidia drivers contain spyware' to 'gfe collects and transmits pertinent data' pretty fast.

On reddit it was actually 'nvidia driver caught sending personal data, user data sold for money' lol.

Because Pascal is doing so badly nvidia needs to make a fast buck selling user data

I should contact these companies shelling out phat stax for game statistics and sell them mine, cut out the middle man I say