Not "exactly" a deal thread, but on the Steam sale


prairie dog
Nov 7, 2005
I just noticed that Steam will itemize a bundle and list all the items. If you already have them from Steam, they will note and deduct the things you already have, then apply a discount to that, so you're not buying anything you already have.

May have been there a while, but I was looking at the "Call of Duty" bundle (over $1,000 list? Yikes!) and it gave me a price minus the base games I already have through Steam. Works out to $549 for what I don't already have. (Still, Yikes!).
I never noticed it since I don't buy bundles with a game I already have, since I already have the game, or I use the "check for dlc" tab for my gamer and then buy them from there. This is the first time I've used it on one of their sales. Makes me a lot more likely to get the bundle.
side question

does shadow warrior 1 & @ have built in benchmarks ?

Anyone of the games bundles that contains built in benchmarks ?