Nintendo Switch LABO


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Cageymaru sent this over to me to have a look at, and quite frankly I am not sure what to think about Nintendo's LABO "DIY kits" for its new Switch gaming handheld. So I looked it a little more, then I saw that these cardboard bits and pieces start at $70. OK, I know what to think about it now, but I do not think I should write that here.

Check out the video.

Launching April 20, 2018 - Starting at $69.99MSRP

Also worth mention is this quote from some dude that writes about Nintendo.

They could put out a piece of cardboard and say that it’ll play Mario and they’ll buy it.”
All they had to do was make these plastic. I am a Nintendo fan. Big one. And while I'm not in the market for toys like this in the first place, if I was, I'd buy if they were plastic. Not cardboard. Cool idea, strangely dumb execution. Hmm...

Nintendo must have hired away the Google designers that came up with cardboard VR.
... What.

I suppose it would be cheaper to make. And Nintendo does have a habit of squeezing the teets of everything that prints money to print more money.

I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD STOP YOUR DANCE, PIKACHU! Dance for the children! Dance!
As long as a little of that money they're printing goes back into more Zelda and Mario games (not the spin-offs, but the real ones...) and that 2D Metroid I keep asking about :D then I suppose I'm fine with them squeezing those teets...
Glad I sold my Nintendo stock after the holidays. This looks like a disaster.
looks awesome, and you aren't just buying sheets of cardboard you're buying the software and R&D that makes it all work too.. the variety kit can make quite a lot. if I was a kid i'd be stoked as hell!
Less plastic to pollute the environment I'm all for that...more trees cut down for cardboard? Well hope they at least used 90% recycled and encourage recycling these once they break. Of course if the kids can't fix a broken bit of cardboard, I despair. Anyway good start.
You couldn't say "awesome"? Not everything comes down to dollars. This looks cool as hell and is a hands on building project for kids, which is especially important for kids that do nothing but play video games.

You're right. Not everything is about dollars. But $70 (or $80 for the backpack...$150 for both sets?!?) for a bunch of cardboard is stupid waste of money.
All they had to do was make these plastic. I am a Nintendo fan. Big one. And while I'm not in the market for toys like this in the first place, if I was, I'd buy if they were plastic. Not cardboard. Cool idea, strangely dumb execution. Hmm...

Nintendo must have hired away the Google designers that came up with cardboard VR.


The cost is basically for the game. They are letting you use any paper/cardboard/whatever you want.

This comment of yours makes no sense. You want Nintendo to charge you an arm and a leg for plastic bullshit like Amiibo's?
You're paying for the software.

How do you use the software when the cardboard is gone? I'm completely missing something here. The one kit is 5 things you put together, assuming that the software does something with the cardboard pieces you build.
How do you use the software when the cardboard is gone? I'm completely missing something here. The one kit is 5 things you put together, assuming that the software does something with the cardboard pieces you build.

It's cardboard.

You buy some cardboard or break down one of thousands of amazon boxes you receive daily and use a tool called a box cutter/scissors, a marker to mark, and a ruler to measure.

It includes some cardboard pre-cuts to get you started, but only an idiot couldn't figure out that they could use whatever cardboard they wanted cut to the right size.
Yeah...ok...only an idiot can't see the fucking word NINTENDO LABO plastered all over the cardboard.

Labo's two playsets, the $69.99 Variety Kit and the $79.99 Robot Kit, will come with marked cardboard sheets that must be punched and folded by players, along with connecting string, reflective stickers (for controller-sensing purposes), and other accessories.

You're paying for Nintendo branded cardboard cut outs and a memory cart. I guess a sucker was born every minute...
Yeah...ok...only an idiot can't see the fucking word NINTENDO LABO plastered all over the cardboard.


You think the software gives a shit?

It's just cardboard with some shit on it. Make your own.

I'm glad I can teach my kids how to measure and cut out cardboard.

You're right - A sucker is born every minute. Like the idiot that can't figure out how to duplicate a cardboard cutout.

You think the software gives a shit?

It's just cardboard with some shit on it. Make your own.

Look at the don't build one of those on your own with scissors and amazon boxes.
Look at the don't build one of those on your own with scissors and amazon boxes.

X-Acto #1 Basic Light Duty Knife $3.38 at Walmart.

I'm guessing you haven't built much stuff in your life.
You know what would have been 1000x's better? Partner with Lego instead of having broken cardboard in a week and 10-12 year olds running around with X-acto knives trying to make more.
You know what would have been 1000x's better? Partner with Lego instead of having broken cardboard in a week and 10-12 year olds running around with X-acto knives trying to make more.

So then pay Nintendo for more cardboard you numpty! FFS

You want expensive lego's instead?

what a stupid piece of shit thing... damn.. people who plan to buy this should have some metal diarrhea disease..
So then pay Nintendo for more cardboard you numpty! FFS

You want expensive lego's instead?


A $90 and $100 lego kit that does the same thing would be infinitely preferable to a $70 and $80 kit made of cardboard IMO. There's just no way Nintendo would ever get my money for this, let alone a second time for more Nintendo branded cardboard.
lol 420...
I remember stuff like this from when I was a kids. kinda neat to see it integrated with switch.
This looks kinda neat. I think if the "robot" kit has some potential if you can integrate it into other designs or software updates. A kind of intro into control structures, basic robotics. It's a lot less complicated and easier to build upon. If anything this kind of stuff sparks kids imaginations. I mean, compared to other stuff out there, at least its bet better than just being different.
and the game, genius

I'll put you in the make a new set of cardboard pieces with amazon boxes and x-acto knives crowd. Because when the cardboard is bent, ripped, broken what good is your game going to be, genius.
I can imagine this product being duplicated with 3D printer blueprints & perfected with a strengthened design.
Neat as fuck idea. Gonna wait on the execution. Yeah any cardboard could be used but a lot of that looks damn intricate.

Also, come on people don’t buy your Xacto knife from wallyworld if you can help it.
A $90 and $100 lego kit that does the same thing would be infinitely preferable to a $70 and $80 kit made of cardboard IMO. There's just no way Nintendo would ever get my money for this, let alone a second time for more Nintendo branded cardboard.
Have you seen the price of Lego? More like a $500 kit.

And it'll fall apart the instant you pick it up, unless you superglue it.

All these candyasses terrified of kids with X-Acto knives are gonna have a barrel of laughs when their 9 year old gets superglue on their hand and rubs their eye. (Seriously, did you people build nothing as a child? What is wrong with people, nowadays?)
Have you seen the price of Lego? More like a $500 kit.

And it'll fall apart the instant you pick it up, unless you superglue it. `Cause, all you candyasses terrified of kids with X-Acto knives are gonna have a barrel of laughs when your 9 year old gets superglue on their hands and rubs their eye. (Seriously, did you build nothing as a child? What is wrong with people, nowadays?)

I built plenty as a child. Of course, everything I built with cardboard lasted all of a week. That's my point. The only reason I mentioned legos is because they are far more durable than cardboard. I haven't bought a lego set in 20 years.
Look at the don't build one of those on your own with scissors and amazon boxes.
No, you lay it out on a machine, pay to have it cut and have it shipped...You can have pretty much anything laser cut to order....producing one of these would be trivial.
you'd have to be an idiot with a disposable income, no brain, to seriously buy cardboard for $70.

Regardless, I haven't purchased a Nintendo sense Gameboy Color first came out. Don't plan on it any time soon either. Nintendo hopes anything with there name plastered on it will sell big, and there's sheep who will rush out to buy it. It's cardboard FFS. Very expensive Nintendo branded Cardboard.
Fantastic idea, not so fantastic price.

I figure the successful designs will eventually made into plastic by either Nintendo or a 3rd party, and thankfully the fail ones will end up recycled into Amazon boxen instead leaching in a landfill somewhere.
As soon as this is released someone will create templates of the cardboard which you print out, cut out, and assemble. Has no one here ever done papercraft? There are typically many more smaller and more intricate pieces with that stuff.

Amazing how much people want to coddle kids these days. When I was 12-13 my teacher let us use a power planer unsupervised to make paddles for a canoe trip ... and some of y’all are going nuts about kids using utility knives?
You couldn't say "awesome"? Not everything comes down to dollars. This looks cool as hell and is a hands on building project for kids, which is especially important for kids that do nothing but play video games.

Positive outlook?!?! What a jerk!