New Ace Combat Trailer Shows Off "Battle Royale" and Team Deathmatch


Mar 3, 2018
Bandai Namco just uploaded a trailer for Ace Combat 7 that shows off the game's multiplayer modes. While they're prominently advertising a "Battle Royale" mode, probably with the intention of cashing in on the battle royale craze, the game mode is more akin to free-for-all modes you'd see in shooters (and Ace Combat games) before H1Z1, PubG and Fortnite changed the connotation of the term. As was previously seen in multiplayer demos, respawning is enabled as 8 players duke it out, and there's no shrinking combat zone. Ace Combat 7 will also have a team deatchmatch mode that pits teams of 4 against each other.

Check out the multiplayer trailer here.

Engage in fierce dogfights online with up to seven friends or foes in Team Deathmatch or Battle Royal mode in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown! Are you ready for the ultimate aerial face-offs on January 18 on PS4 and XB1 and February 1 on PC?
Fack. Could they skip the camera around ANY more in that video?

And hopefully they add more game modes...I don't have many PC gamer friends left. 2vs2vs2vs2 would be the ticket.
Wrecked is a great game! I could easily see some kind of mode added for overcooked lol.
I was about to mention Overcooked too... it's stressful enough as is, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a level with a shrinking kitchen.
Fack. Could they skip the camera around ANY more in that video?

And hopefully they add more game modes...I don't have many PC gamer friends left. 2vs2vs2vs2 would be the ticket.

You can add me on Steam I plan on getting this and currently play a lot of PUBG. Steam is “WutDaRut” without the quotes.
I know I am in the minority here but I wish the MP played entirely differently from the SP. Realistic weapon payloads and a more realistic weapon flight model / intercept courses would have added so much depth to the MP. Add in more realistic ranges (~20-30 miles) for long range missiles and the game could have been so much more than turning and spamming missiles.

The SP could have stayed the same with the more simple, unrealistic weapon counts because it wouldn't be fun with a realistic payload. Your missions would be short!

Just going to drop this here for Ace Combat fans. A few months back I made the Sol Squadron scheme from AC7 for DCS.


If you've been watching the trailers you probably spotted this scheme (WIP):
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I'm not happy that the VR portion of the game is PSVR exclusive. At all.

Exclusive for at least one year to the console release date. That is what the latest advertisements say. I assume the VR portion will be released alongside other DLC for PC in a year. There is campaign DLC in the works as well as some plane DLC. Sounds like they're putting some effort into the DLC.
Exclusive for at least one year to the console release date. That is what the latest advertisements say. I assume the VR portion will be released alongside other DLC for PC in a year. There is campaign DLC in the works as well as some plane DLC. Sounds like they're putting some effort into the DLC.

Really? Yeah, if they're advertising the PS exclusivity period, they're basically saying have VR plans for when that period is over. Maybe they arent allowed to outright confirm it yet.
This is one of those games where the guy with his graphics settings at the lowest will win.
Really? Yeah, if they're advertising the PS exclusivity period, they're basically saying have VR plans for when that period is over. Maybe they arent allowed to outright confirm it yet.

Check the 12 second mark here:

Nothing confirmed, but it says exclusive to PS VR for 12 months. Seems like they have plans. I assume they're going to do more VR missions/modes as DLC and after 12 months it will be rolled into something for PC or it will just be added in. Or nothing; it is a Japanese game. But it seems like they're putting effort into the PC port.

If anything Ace Combat games always look amazing for the hardware and are typically almost bug free. I assume they're going to keep their reputation with AC7.
VR only singleplayer too. Ps4 couldn't handle multiplayer, maybe PC vr crowd will get a nice surprise next year.