Need some hgelp upgrading from win 10 1803 to 1909


prairie dog
Nov 7, 2005
Windows update keeps crapping out with;
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 - Error 0xc1900223

google searches are all over the place, but am I missing an interim step (like 1803 -->1809, then 1909? and how do I do that, since windows update seems to want to go from 1803 to 1909 in one step, and keeps bombing out.

And, I would really rather not do a fresh install, when I did this pc I had a hell of a time installing win 10, since I use a local account to log in, not a M$ account. (none of the help pages actually say I have to log into M$ to do the upgrade)
Tried the update troubleshooter, it didn't find any problems. Guess I'll try the manual upgrade, that ca be kinda iffy about keeping the current install. I hadn't realized I was so far behind on my updates.
Tried the update troubleshooter, it didn't find any problems. Guess I'll try the manual upgrade, that ca be kinda iffy about keeping the current install. I hadn't realized I was so far behind on my updates.

Manual update ends up exactly the same as if you do the Windows Update update. Just make sure you run the setup program from the ISO or USB stick you end up with from using the Media Creation Tool and NOT boot up off of the thing. Booting from it only allows a new install whereas running Setup from it does an upgrade.
Ran it from the usb, got to 62% and the big blue screen, and stopped incrementing, killed it after 3 hours. I'll have to get off of 1803 eventually, but they sure don't make it easy. Well, it's easy if it all goes smooth, but any hicups, and then you're in google hell.
1. Make sure you completely update 1803.
2. Download the media creation tool directly from Microsoft.
3. Remove any antivirus or “security” software you have installed besides windows defender.
4. If you are on a domain, leave the domain and log into a local administrator account.
5. Remove all USB devices except for your keyboard and mouse. If your mouse or keyboard need software for any functionality, remove them and use generic keyboards and mice. Remove any extra add in board hardware such as pci or pci express sound cards or capture cards. If you have onboard video, I highly suggest you remove your GPU and use onboard video during the update.
6. Run the Windows upgrade assistant. If nothing comes up, run the media creation tool and choose the “upgrade this pc” option.
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Your existing install of Windows might also have some file corruption. You can check (and perhaps even repair) this from an Admin command prompt with:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
SFC /ScanNow

After running these (answer YES to scan at next boot when asked by CHKDSK), reboot and try again.
I like AltTabbins idea of using the upgrade assistant. It will give you a graphical output of any conflicts it finds with hardware or software.

If that doesn't work you can always do a clean install. I had an older laptop that I upgraded to 10 once and the upgrade assistant clearly said it would not take as an in place upgrade due to not having a compatible display driver. However, a clean install worked and it did in fact have a driver for the display.
Not sure if 1803 is completely updated, Win update troubleshooting tool says it only found updates waiting, but I've had update waiting for a while now, I guess. I did download the updater tool to a usb drive and ran it from there. That is what hangs at 62%. when I try via the 'settings'-->'update & security' for win 10, v 1903, it fails with "Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 - Error 0xc1900223". I'm not sure what the upgrade paths are from 1803, and the win update package doesn't give you the option to pick which updates you do.

Also ran sfc /scannow, no errors.

But, since I rebooted and didn't lose this reply, I remembered (hey, when you're old, thinking hurts) that I had been paranoid with not upgrading to win 10 and used a tool that sent all the M$ hostnames to null in the hosts file. Then it took me a while to find the damn thing again (the hosts file) and then to figure out how to edit it to delete all those entries. Then reboot and now the updates are running ok from the settings-->windows update page, doing it as I speak, now. I had forgotten that I used that to stop the push to upgrade from win 8.1 years ago. Now I use PiHole (which I did remember to disable, btw).

But, thanks for the clean suggestions with no references to anatomically painful things to do. Doing the 1903 upgrade now, then I suppose the upgrade to 1909.
Yep, got 1903, guess I'm good for 1909 next. Took a few reboots to get 1903 in, I'm 'way, 'way behind.
Whelp, took some time and quite a few reboots, but I'm here now:


Oh,m well, now to go on to obsess over something else.
Inserting extra characters when you type could have been the cause!
What is hgelp ?
I’ve had terrible luck with upgrades. I always end up scrapping it and starting with a fresh install hopefully it works better for you.
It did, eventually, with much cursing and rending of garments. Something I did years ago came back to bite me on the ass today.
Not sure if 1803 is completely updated, Win update troubleshooting tool says it only found updates waiting, but I've had update waiting for a while now, I guess. I did download the updater tool to a usb drive and ran it from there. That is what hangs at 62%. when I try via the 'settings'-->'update & security' for win 10, v 1903, it fails with "Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 - Error 0xc1900223". I'm not sure what the upgrade paths are from 1803, and the win update package doesn't give you the option to pick which updates you do.

Also ran sfc /scannow, no errors.

But, since I rebooted and didn't lose this reply, I remembered (hey, when you're old, thinking hurts) that I had been paranoid with not upgrading to win 10 and used a tool that sent all the M$ hostnames to null in the hosts file. Then it took me a while to find the damn thing again (the hosts file) and then to figure out how to edit it to delete all those entries. Then reboot and now the updates are running ok from the settings-->windows update page, doing it as I speak, now. I had forgotten that I used that to stop the push to upgrade from win 8.1 years ago. Now I use PiHole (which I did remember to disable, btw).

But, thanks for the clean suggestions with no references to anatomically painful things to do. Doing the 1903 upgrade now, then I suppose the upgrade to 1909.

Next time, if you want to keep that host file, just download the Windows Media Creation tool, create a usb bootable drive and start the install from your desktop. It will take straight to whatever version is available at that time, in this case it would be 1909, and you will be good to go.