NASA Posts Space Launch System Animated Video


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
NASA has posted an animated video depicting its Space Launch System that will eventually take astronauts back to the moon and then onto Mars. We're getting closer and closer to reestablishing an American manned space program and I can't wait to see us begin moving into the solar system. Check it out!

Watch the video here!
wasting taxpayers money looking for non life forms and the dis proof of GOD so sad.................IN GOD I TRUST not humans
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Yeah we'd be so much better off if we never invested in any science. We should still be running around trying to catch rabbits with our bare hands and living in caves...
wasting taxpayers money looking for non life forms and the dis proof of GOD so sad.................IN GOD I TRUST not humans

no one cares about the fiction novel of your choosing, he ain't gona save your ass when a meteor comes our way, and sure isnt finding solutions to the wolds over population issues so might as well see what NASA can come up with for solutions

mother nature will probably address the over population issues before NASA however lol, then we might not need to colonize mars just yet
NASA always makes pretty animations, looking for real results though. Wonder if NASA's heavy lifter truly has a purpose with the private sector advancing.
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got a total armageddon vibe from that video, all it needed was an americn flag flying in the background

hopefully they will start launching for real soon.
SLS, if it ever even flies, will not be a major player in the manned launch area. It's too expensive, too limited, and too backwards-looking. Players like SpaceX and Blue Origin are the future of manned space flight.
What a joke of a design. It strictly exists to keep the gravy train going for the developers of the shuttle SRBs and ET.
That vid sucked compared to any SpaceX video.

NASA is a major waste of money anyway; the only reason it exists is as an outlet for some moneymaking releaseable-to-civillians DoD work. (patents)
That vid sucked compared to any SpaceX video.

NASA is a major waste of money anyway; the only reason it exists is as an outlet for some moneymaking releaseable-to-civillians DoD work. (patents)

Are you trolling? That was a fantastic and moving video clip. It's exciting to just think about the fact that we will get to Mars in my lifetime.

Also, NASA wouldn't be shit if their funding hadn't been cut. If we gave 2% of what we spend on defense to NASA we'd be on Mars already.

This was posted in September, but it shows how we will venture farther out into space using the SLS.

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Also, NASA wouldn't be shit if their funding hadn't been cut. If we gave 2% of what we spend on defense to NASA we'd be on Mars already.

and this is the problem right here. in the end, ALL space program funding came down to defense. the whole point of the space race was to develop ICMB's that could deliver a nuke to anywhere in the world. once that goal was achieved, the funding cuts started. apollo was cancelled. NASA had plans for a more advanced version which could have been a path to mars (or at least a stepping stone), but nixon opted for the cheaper program: the space shuttle. don't get me wrong, the space shuttle was incredible in its own way but it's no long range spacecraft.

would be nice to see NASA granted the funding they need with one purpose in mind: exploration!
Once the Chinese start installing mass drivers on the moon, funding for NASA will go up.