MOBO not seeing any Pumping


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2006
Hey all just finished a build for daughter....Long story short..MOBO says my CPU pump is ZERO Flow/RPM.

I have a Gigabyte Aorus Gaming WiFi MOBO. I installed a Corsair-H100i v2 Cpu cooler. put Header into CPU OPT
As soon as I go into BIOS I click on the Smart Fan 5 settings and set the CPU fans on FULL. the CPU temp climbs steady until about 85 then I cut power off. The first time CPU temp got to 90c did not notice as I was looking at fans ect...

So How do I tell if the PUMP is working ? Also I am re TIM pasteing as I type. I have tried putting Header into the regular CPU FAN..also into the Fan3/PUMP header...all NO HELP.

A side note the H00i sounded like it had some air in the radiator ..I can tilt it side to side and hear the coolant gurgling

Any IDEAS and HELP ?
you should be able to feel/hear the pump going. there is usually a tiny bit of air in aios. try to mount them with the tubes down or rad at the top of case. did it come with a molex adapter? try that outside the case to see if you can hear the pump going. if it is maybe the rpm signal isn't working.
If you can hear the AIO gurgling then the pump is working. You're most likely using too much TIM or not installing it correctly. I'd be more inclined to look at the latter. Are the fans on the radiator working?
It was indeed the PUMP...could not feel any ViB in the lines...Took it back to Microcenter and got another one.
Installed New Cooler and worked GREAT.....Although I just installed the Glass Cover/side panel and now hear some ViB...think it is coming from the case Fan at the top.(rubber washer time)

Also the NEW COOLER has NO GURGLING at all....