Microsoft Releasing New Xbox Game Controller for Disabled Later This Year


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Microsoft is coming out with a new Xbox controller that will help many disabled people with gaming on their console. The new Xbox Adaptive Controller will allow custom setups for switches, joysticks and other control devices so that a wide range of disabled people can enjoy gaming again. Also, the controller isn't restricted to consoles and will support Windows 10 PC gaming as well. This new controller will really be a great help to the disabled and Microsoft deserves all the credit in the world for thinking outside the box and helping them out. Thanks cageymaru.

The new Xbox Adaptive Controller, which will be available later this year, can be connected to external buttons, switches, joysticks and mounts, giving gamers with a wide range of physical disabilities the ability to customize their setups. The most flexible adaptive controller made by a major gaming company, the device can be used to play Xbox One and Windows 10 PC games and supports Xbox Wireless Controller features such as button remapping.
In before online gamers somehow use this controller to their advantage.

But really that is pretty swell of them to do this. I recall years ago amputees being happy about the Wii controller since some things could be one handed. Too bad it was damn gimmicky.
But really that is pretty swell of them to do this.

Agreed. Good deeds and good ideas deserve support. Supporting companies when they do the right thing encourages them to do more.

P.S. Speaking of which, you go, id, for saying, 'no' to loot boxes. I'm buying Rage for that reason alone.
This is great. Was thinking about this the other day. Lots of handicapped people have pretty limited gaming options.
hmmm... looking the whole setup over.. thats kinda cool. If i was really into online gaming i could see some advantages with some of the extended setups
Another way to try to trap people into Win 10. How hard would it be to make it backwards compatible...probably very little. Even better make it work with Linux too. Otherwise I say BS to all their "inclusivity" talk. A nice idea but over ridden with corporate greed. Also no mention of cost. Now if someone was already into xbox and/or Win 10 it certainly could be nice though I'd want to see just how practical it really is for people with various disabilities (one problem I foresee is that many modern games seem very short on user levels and a lot of disabled people have slower reflexes).
Another way to try to trap people into Win 10. How hard would it be to make it backwards compatible...probably very little. Even better make it work with Linux too. Otherwise I say BS to all their "inclusivity" talk. A nice idea but over ridden with corporate greed. Also no mention of cost. Now if someone was already into xbox and/or Win 10 it certainly could be nice though I'd want to see just how practical it really is for people with various disabilities (one problem I foresee is that many modern games seem very short on user levels and a lot of disabled people have slower reflexes).

Yeah... why doesn't Disney release Cars for my Laserdisc player? I would also like a God of War 4 PSOne version. While we are complaining can I get my Hi-C ecto cooler back?!?!?!

Just trying to trap me into new technology when I want to live in decades past.
Yeah... why doesn't Disney release Cars for my Laserdisc player? I would also like a God of War 4 PSOne version. While we are complaining can I get my Hi-C ecto cooler back?!?!?!

Just trying to trap me into new technology when I want to live in decades past.
Not the same thing at all. I give you an F for failure at analogy.
Another way to try to trap people into Win 10. How hard would it be to make it backwards compatible...probably very little. Even better make it work with Linux too.

Windows 7 will be only about a year away from end of support when this comes out. Windows 8.x never made much of market impact even with gamers. And Linux? It would make a lot more sense to support macOS.
Not the same thing at all. I give you an F for failure at analogy.

No.. it is pretty much the same thing. You think a company should cater to you and not use features/products to get their customer base to upgrade. Don't like windows 10 then don't buy it, but don't bitch when you aren't catered to.

Companies require upgrades to get new features all the time.
Windows 7 will be only about a year away from end of support when this comes out. Windows 8.x never made much of market impact even with gamers. And Linux? It would make a lot more sense to support macOS.
Mac and Linux both sure. But I only mentioned Linux because Microsoft actually supports it you can even get it in the Microsoft store I heard somewhere ;). But hey again lets be inclusive and make it Win 10 only. And I don't give a fuck when support ends it's the number of users I care about.
No.. it is pretty much the same thing. You think a company should cater to you and not use features/products to get their customer base to upgrade. Don't like windows 10 then don't buy it, but don't bitch when you aren't catered to.

Companies require upgrades to get new features all the time.
I'm not talking about me. They say they are trying to include disabled people and then they limit it (artificially). You are so off in this it is pathetic.
All Xbox One and 360 controllers with a USB port can work on Mac and Linux with free third party a software. I use my Xbox controllers on Mac, Linux, Android, and Windows. I don't even play Xbox.

Yeah, the keyboard accessory only works on Windows 10 and Xbox; but oh well.
Mac and Linux both sure. But I only mentioned Linux because Microsoft actually supports it you can even get it in the Microsoft store I heard somewhere ;). But hey again lets be inclusive and make it Win 10 only. And I don't give a fuck when support ends it's the number of users I care about.

Yes, Linux distros are in the Linux store for the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Linux is obviously a huge server side platform, and yeah Android (which isn't GNU/Linux) big on phones. But desktop Linux gaming, that's ultra niche and lacks so much content that bashing Microsoft over not supporting Linux for a gaming accessory is silly.
It there is a desire for it to work on Linux I am sure somebody will write interface drivers for it but I don't think anybody can really fault MS for not writing Linux drivers for it and if MS even did write them the linux users would probably complain about how they only work properly in Ubuntu and Redhat and not <insert distro here> then complain they were lazy or just shitty programmers.
It there is a desire for it to work on Linux I am sure somebody will write interface drivers for it but I don't think anybody can really fault MS for not writing Linux drivers for it and if MS even did write them the linux users would probably complain about how they only work properly in Ubuntu and Redhat and not <insert distro here> then complain they were lazy or just shitty programmers.

Linux gamers, what ever that number is which ain't big to begin with, are pretty much hard core Linux fans and have an aversion to all things Microsoft. They'll complain about lack of support and never buy it if it did anyway.
Yes, Linux distros are in the Linux store for the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Linux is obviously a huge server side platform, and yeah Android (which isn't GNU/Linux) big on phones. But desktop Linux gaming, that's ultra niche and lacks so much content that bashing Microsoft over not supporting Linux for a gaming accessory is silly.

This is mostly true. Linux is now at what? 3.5-4% market share and mac is like 5-7% market share, I think if you are going to do mac, you might as well go all in! Cross compatible blue tooth, usable on windows, mac, linux, and android lol.

I picked up an off brand BT controller that already does this. Steelseries something or other. It's pretty decent, although I have only ever used it one time. When I first got it...

Maybe they should incorporate this as well:
Linux gamers, what ever that number is which ain't big to begin with, are pretty much hard core Linux fans and have an aversion to all things Microsoft. They'll complain about lack of support and never buy it if it did anyway.
Ok I think we've got a little off here. We are talking about people with disabilities here not gamers in general. If you read the linked article Microsoft is touting how great they are for doing this, but leaves out a lot of easily included situations. I don't really care if all their new Surface Pros are Win10 only etc. If they are going to tout how great they are for doing this then they shouldn't be so exclusive. It's their tone in their article that gets me POed.
This is mostly true. Linux is now at what? 3.5-4% market share and mac is like 5-7% market share, I think if you are going to do mac, you might as well go all in! Cross compatible blue tooth, usable on windows, mac, linux, and android lol.

I picked up an off brand BT controller that already does this. Steelseries something or other. It's pretty decent, although I have only ever used it one time. When I first got it...

Maybe they should incorporate this as well:
Actually its less than 2% and gamers are probably only a small fraction of that share, and disabled gamers an even smaller group. That same site puts MacOS at just over 9%{"filter":{"$and":[{"deviceType":{"$in":["Desktop/laptop"]}}]},"dateLabel":"Trend","attributes":"share","group":"platform","sort":{"share":-1},"plotKeys":[{"platform":"Linux"}],"id":"linux","dateInterval":"Monthly","dateStart":"2017-05","dateEnd":"2018-04","segments":"-1000"}
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If they are going to tout how great they are for doing this then they shouldn't be so exclusive.

There's a difference between being exclusive and spending time on something that's going away pretty soon, at least from a support perspective, like Windows 7 or a gaming market that's very tiny like desktop Linux where even if you had this device running under Linux, good luck in actually getting games to play.
You’re a bitter and miserable person if after watching that video showing disabled folks enjoying gaming your response is “ yeah but they aren’t doing X”

As a father of a daughter with Down syndrome I’m pleased to see anything like this and realize that MS didnt have to do anything.

Encouraging them to do this other companies to do things is what is needed , not bitching about it being done perfectly or not.
There's a difference between being exclusive and spending time on something that's going away pretty soon, at least from a support perspective, like Windows 7 or a gaming market that's very tiny like desktop Linux where even if you had this device running under Linux, good luck in actually getting games to play.
I guess all disabled people have modern computers with windows 10 installed. That's nice, so forget everything I said. (Plenty of games on Linux BTW, but ignore that to make your point.)
You’re a bitter and miserable person if after watching that video showing disabled folks enjoying gaming your response is “ yeah but they aren’t doing X”

As a father of a daughter with Down syndrome I’m pleased to see anything like this and realize that MS didnt have to do anything.

Encouraging them to do this other companies to do things is what is needed , not bitching about it being done perfectly or not.
Yeah I'm just a miserable person. Just horrible because I think MS could do even better. And unless they are giving these away for cost they will make money, but ignore that too.
I guess all disabled people have modern computers with windows 10 installed. That's nice, so forget everything I said. (Plenty of games on Linux BTW, but ignore that to make your point.)

This new Adaptive controller acts just like a normal Xbox One S controller (i.e. it uses Bluetooth or Proprietary Xbox Wireless protocols, and basic HID over USB as well).

If people can manage to get the Xbox One S controller working on Linux ->, then they could make this Adaptive controller work as well. Linux is not excluded, it's just not explicitly supported.
I guess all disabled people have modern computers with windows 10 installed. That's nice, so forget everything I said. (Plenty of games on Linux BTW, but ignore that to make your point.)

The overwhelming majority of PC gamers are using either Windows 10 or 7 so I do get the point about 7. But end of support date for Windows 7 was there well before Windows 10 came to be, 7 was already past mainstream support before 10 launched. And while yes there are "plenty" of games on Linux, it's only about 20% of PC games, ALL of which are on Windows.
Yeah I'm just a miserable person. Just horrible because I think MS could do even better. And unless they are giving these away for cost they will make money, but ignore that too.

Just curious what daily experience do you have with the disabled ? My little sister born in 74 had a problematic birth that deprived her of oxygen long enough to result in brain damage.

My third child was born with Down syndrome , had holes in her heart that had to be repaired shortly after birth , and is now in therapy 2-3 times a week.

I’ve been around disabled folks for 40+ years as a result , invoked in charities , been around various resource centers for them etc and lived with someone disabled now most of my life.

So yes , I know when a company does something that genuinely helps in some way , regardless of motive , it’s to be cheered and encouraged , not drilled for what it isn’t doing. They are doing something , most companies are not.

Yes you’re a fucking miserable twit if you’re worried about the fact that it won’t work on an OS released more than a decade ago than the fact they are maki g some special folks be able to do things they couldn’t before.
Just curious what daily experience do you have with the disabled ? My little sister born in 74 had a problematic birth that deprived her of oxygen long enough to result in brain damage.

My third child was born with Down syndrome , had holes in her heart that had to be repaired shortly after birth , and is now in therapy 2-3 times a week.

I’ve been around disabled folks for 40+ years as a result , invoked in charities , been around various resource centers for them etc and lived with someone disabled now most of my life.

So yes , I know when a company does something that genuinely helps in some way , regardless of motive , it’s to be cheered and encouraged , not drilled for what it isn’t doing. They are doing something , most companies are not.

Yes you’re a fucking miserable twit if you’re worried about the fact that it won’t work on an OS released more than a decade ago than the fact they are maki g some special folks be able to do things they couldn’t before.
None of your business. Good for you I hope it all works out. So lets not try to make things even better. I sure hope everyone who is disabled appreciates your "lets be grateful they are doing anything for us...and making money too!" attitude. I'm out of this conversation now you people are insane. And boy let fly with the personal insulates because you think you know everything, wow I feel sorry for anybody who knows you.
This controller should work on any modern OS, no reason a USB controller shouldn't. They might be able to lock some app that configures it to Win10 though.
And it is great that it may be extremity helpful for disabled persons, but it should be equally exciting for any creative folk who could make it work for all kinds of unique situations and configurations.
I don't understand what all the fighting is about here.
This controller should work on any modern OS, no reason a USB controller shouldn't.

Windows 7, I get that many like it in place love it, but even in a place like this, no one is running their phones on a nine year OS. At least no one that expects anything modern. In many ways I think the failures of Microsoft are tied to supporting a legacy that is loud but not really there.
Windows 7, I get that many like it in place love it, but even in a place like this, no one is running their phones on a nine year OS. At least no one that expects anything modern. In many ways I think the failures of Microsoft are tied to supporting a legacy that is loud but not really there.
There is no capabilities of a USB controller that should limit it from a OS, as long as that OS supports USB.
When my phone gets to be nine years old, I would hallucinate that I could still connect via Bluetooth and plug it in a USB port.
It is a USB device, and if MS feels the need to somehow lock its configuration app to Win10, that is fine. Their choice. But please don't give us the BS about ancient Win7 and running a gaming controller, cuz that's all it is!
Well now MS is perfect and can do no wrong! They won this generation, pack it up!
There is no capabilities of a USB controller that should limit it from a OS, as long as that OS supports USB.
When my phone gets to be nine years old, I would hallucinate that I could still connect via Bluetooth and plug it in a USB port.
It is a USB device, and if MS feels the need to somehow lock its configuration app to Win10, that is fine. Their choice. But please don't give us the BS about ancient Win7 and running a gaming controller, cuz that's all it is!

It's not just a matter of the drivers for the device. Windows 10 has better assistive tech like voice input/output and touch UI. The kind of stuff that many Windows 10 haters dislike but is useful in these situations.
Ok I think we've got a little off here. We are talking about people with disabilities here not gamers in general. If you read the linked article Microsoft is touting how great they are for doing this, but leaves out a lot of easily included situations. I don't really care if all their new Surface Pros are Win10 only etc. If they are going to tout how great they are for doing this then they shouldn't be so exclusive. It's their tone in their article that gets me POed.

Yep, there's no technical reason for MS to alienate the tens of millions of disabled users on 7 & 8.1 who are conscientiously avoiding 10 and its user-hostile policies. But like the Xbox One controller that MS declared "Windows 10 only" and people found a workaround to install the driver in 7 & 8.1, I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happens with this controller.

The "but but Windows 7 is decades old" flailing is comical (actually its been 8 years) - but the better question is what's MS excuse for not having really improved it much for desktop users in all that time, since 10 is more or less the same OS but with added layers of telemetry, forced featureless seasonal updates, gigs of preinstalled crapware, pay-forever online subscription services, schizophrenic settings menus and a frightening "app store" intended for a mobile platform they already abandoned.
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