Mass Effect 3 - the last Mass Effect? Say it ain't so...


Feb 18, 2011
I know no one may have the answer to this question, but it looks like Mass Effect 3 is supposed to conclude this series which would be a damn shame. Is this true?

I really hope not because this by far my favorite series ever. So good that I have both games on PC and 360. I got totally immersed in both Mass Effect 1 and 2.

I know everyone has their own personal preferences but I'm getting tired of first person shooters and the same one dimensional story lines. Not interested in Skyrim and Dragon Age type games either as I find it too fairy tailish. GTA type games, I end of up never finishing and give up as it gets repetitive. RTS - I suck at and people just get mad at me. MMO - I don't go there either. So that rules out like 99% of PC games out there.

In short, I hope they keep this series going for a long time since it is one of the few good games out there for me. If not, I will boycott Bioware...(maybe).
Sometimes it's best to just let a series die on a high note. Better than milking it for the next 20 years like some.
It's called a trilogy for a reason you know.

Beyond that, the series, and Bioware in general, has steadily been going down the tubes. Too much BS that detracts from the "purity" that was inherent in older Bioware games. Preorder bonus nonsense, DLC price raping shenanigans, gratuitous multiplayer thrown on, etc.
It's my understanding that this simply concludes Commander Shepard's story line and there will most likely be Mass Effect games in the future.
Like mentioned above they way they have discussed this still leaves more room for games set in the Universe, but it does conclude this story arc.

At some point there is considerations on moving onto other projects. For instance if they never did that you wouldn't have Mass Effect in the first place.

Also one of the main features of the series is how your choices of previous games carry over. At some point you would have such divergence making it rather complex and difficult to incorporate this in a meaningful way. Ending the current arc would alleviate this issue.
Please, it's EA. No way will they just let a cash cow die off.
It's my understanding that this simply concludes Commander Shepard's story line and there will most likely be Mass Effect games in the future.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Mass Effect universe from the perspective of the Protheans or even a far-in-the-future alien race that saw what happened with the Reapers but have utilized advanced technology to explore more of the galaxy than just from jump gates.
I’m in favor of letting it go out before things become a money grab. I’d rather never see another Mass Effect game than to have it become like Assassin’s Creed, the Office, COD, the Simpsons, Madden, etc.
That said, I’d be shocked if there weren’t spinoffs in the same universe. Bioware certainly didn’t go through all of that trouble to create a new gaming world for 3 games.
I’m in favor of letting it go out before things become a money grab. I’d rather never see another Mass Effect game than to have it become like Assassin’s Creed, the Office, COD, the Simpsons, Madden, etc.
That said, I’d be shocked if there weren’t spinoffs in the same universe. Bioware certainly didn’t go through all of that trouble to create a new gaming world for 3 games.

Especially not given the level of detail incorporated into the codex for the universe.
I tried imagining a Mass Effect dating sim but then my skin started to crawl as I remembered how bad many of the BW romances were. Not all of them but many. :D

I think they might spin off a Mass Effect MMO at some point (with strongish story content like SWTOR). I`m sure they won`t abandon working franchise.
If you haven't already, play Deus Ex: HR. I find that while obviously different in many respects, it scratches the ME itch quite nicely.
well from what I recall the "trilogy" was not mass effect as a whole, but rather from commander shepards perspective, they wanted to end his side in ME3, but the IP as a whole is not meant to be done, there maybe an MMO or whatever, but considering the effort they have put into crafting ME as a working title, I doubt ME3 will be the last one :)

(dont forget EA is almost as bad as Activsion is for keeping running titles going till they fall to pieces :p)
Sometimes it's best to just let a series die on a high note. Better than milking it for the next 20 years like some.


Plus, I hate it when they drag out a series with nonsense that doesn't even relate to the original plot (mostly this happens in TV shows). Much rather have it end with an epic conclusion than drag on through the mud as a cash cow.
Although a space sim in the ME universe could be amazing, I'm not holding my breath.

I am, however, holding my breath for a well-done finale unlike the Michael Bay-George Romero bastard-child cheese fest that was the end boss fight of ME2 -- this almost ruined the entire series for me irreparably.
Although a space sim in the ME universe could be amazing, I'm not holding my breath.

I am, however, holding my breath for a well-done finale unlike the Michael Bay-George Romero bastard-child cheese fest that was the end boss fight of ME2 -- this almost ruined the entire series for me irreparably.

You didn't like fighting the giant T800? :D

Bioware is one of those studios that should die now.
You didn't like fighting the giant T800? :D

Bioware is one of those studios that should die now.
The whole time I was fighting that thing, the only thing I was thinking was how monumentally retarded it would look for a terminator-esque humanoid skeletal ship with arms (and maybe legs?) to be flying around in space :rolleyes:. At least the bug-Reaper looked more-or-less ship-like.
The whole time I was fighting that thing, the only thing I was thinking was how monumentally retarded it would look for a terminator-esque humanoid skeletal ship with arms (and maybe legs?) to be flying around in space :rolleyes:. At least the bug-Reaper looked more-or-less ship-like.

Hah, was thinking the same thing, somewhere along the lines of "how ridiculous this thing would look in Star Trek or Star Wars". I kept imagining it being brought up on the viewscreen chasing after the enterprise. They definitely went full retard on the boss reaper.
Hah, was thinking the same thing, somewhere along the lines of "how ridiculous this would look in Star Trek or Star Wars". They definitely went full retard on the boss reaper.
The mental images that conjured up were not too awe-inspiring. It was like -- how does this thing fly around? Head first? Feet first? Flail around wildly with its arms doing windmill motions :D?
The whole time I was fighting that thing, the only thing I was thinking was how monumentally retarded it would look for a terminator-esque humanoid skeletal ship with arms (and maybe legs?) to be flying around in space :rolleyes:. At least the bug-Reaper looked more-or-less ship-like.
I know a far worse end boss: The giant mound of man-eating goo that looked like Pizza the Hut at the conclusion of Borderlands.
I know a far worse end boss: The giant pile of man-eating goo that looked like Pizza the Hut at the conclusion of Borderlands.

Few games had as disappointing an ending as Borderlands. The whole concept during the game of the vault and aliens was cool, then fell on its face.

And despite the Terminator at the end, I absolutely loved the entire ending of ME2. The buildup, the fight, choosing different team members for different tasks, even the cheesy speeches.

And as for how it flies, I imagine it would look like the Bob's Big Boy ship used by Dr. Evil. :D
Few games had as disappointing an ending as Borderlands. The whole concept during the game of the vault and aliens was cool, then fell on it's face.

And despite the Terminator at the end, I absolutely loved the entire ending of ME2. The buildup, the fight, choosing different team members for different tasks, even the cheesy speeches.

And as for how it flies, I imagine it would look like the Bob's Big Boy ship used by Dr. Evil. :D

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the boss from ME2.
If you haven't already, play Deus Ex: HR. I find that while obviously different in many respects, it scratches the ME itch quite nicely.

I don't know about that. I started this game and got a couple hours into it. I really tried to like it but in the end I stopped playing. The weapons for some reason feel really weak (maybe its because I'm still at the beginning) and the voice acting is terrible in my opinion. I felt like the conversations I was having had very little impact on the outcome of the story and it all just felt really bland for me. Again, probably cause I haven't gotten very far. I just find the beginning really slow. Maybe I should try to like this game again...
I'm trying my best to go through ME2 now. I'm kinda failing to see what all the hype was about.
I don't know about that. I started this game and got a couple hours into it. I really tried to like it but in the end I stopped playing. The weapons for some reason feel really weak (maybe its because I'm still at the beginning) and the voice acting is terrible in my opinion. I felt like the conversations I was having had very little impact on the outcome of the story and it all just felt really bland for me. Again, probably cause I haven't gotten very far. I just find the beginning really slow. Maybe I should try to like this game again...
Funny... I found that while the quality of the voice acting isn't as good as a typical BW effort, I find the dialog itself to be much better. I especially like the concept of influencing conversations based on the psychology of who you are talking to. It is a little formulaic but worlds better than ME's good-bad wheel.

I couldn't really tell you my opinion of the standard weapons... my character goes for non-lethal solutions whenever possible. :)
Most character driven games start out slow to get into. Halfway to mid-halfway through the game is when you really get sucked into the characters.
I couldn't even will myself to get through ME 1

ME2 was way more "fun" to play then ME1, IMO. ME1 is necessary for the plot, but it didn't feel nearly as good as ME2 in terms of combat, inventory, etc.
Funny... I found that while the quality of the voice acting isn't as good as a typical BW effort, I find the dialog itself to be much better. I especially like the concept of influencing conversations based on the psychology of who you are talking to. It is a little formulaic but worlds better than ME's good-bad wheel.

I couldn't really tell you my opinion of the standard weapons... my character goes for non-lethal solutions whenever possible. :)

The voice acting of the main character in Deus Ex Human Revolution is terrible. He basically tried to borrow Christian Bale's Batman voice (which in itself is a horrible idea) and then didn't execute as well on it.
ME2 was way more "fun" to play then ME1, IMO. ME1 is necessary for the plot, but it didn't feel nearly as good as ME2 in terms of combat, inventory, etc.

I disagree completely. I think ME1 is better then ME2 in every way. But I know I am in the minority with that view. ;)
I disagree completely. I think ME1 is better then ME2 in every way. But I know I am in the minority with that view. ;)

The combat in ME1 was shit. The Mako driving stuff got really old, really fast. The inventory system was annoying and tedious.
The combat in ME1 was shit. The Mako driving stuff got really old, really fast. The inventory system was annoying and tedious.

The Mako is STILL better than planet scanning, and arguably plays about the same as the damn firewalker. I would rather have the shitty inventory and it's customizations than the complete lack of it with ME2. The Heat managment system i perfered to fucking thermal (ammo) clips and it stupidly low shots per clip count. With the right weapon build you could all but eliminate any worry of ammo in ME1, where as ME2 required you to constantly be on the look out. Not to mention the global cooldowns on ME2. i think the battles, the aiming and scripting were all better in ME2, but it felt more FPS than Action/RPG in comparison to ME1.