Mac Mini as a Gateway


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2002
Sorry if this has been asked before, the search feature is down, currently

Here's the situation. My parents have a Mac Mini, a G4 model if it matters..
They have comcast cable internet.

One of our friends is not a big time internet user, and is within the local calling area, but there is no DSL or cable in that area..

We are wondering if there is a way for our friend to dial into the mac mini (it has its own line, but we never use it) and use the mini as a gateway for our friend.

Mini is connected by ethernet currently to our linksys modem.

Thanks in advance
I doubt very much that this could be done with default MacOSX software, the networking and security forum might have people who could help.
So what you're looking for is a PPP server for Mac? You should be able to do it by installing Linux on it and using one of the many free PPP servers it has, or looking through the Fink catalog to see if there's something in there.

EDIT: Nevermind. Looks like pppd is included in Mac OS!
I doubt very much that this could be done with default MacOSX software, the networking and security forum might have people who could help.

OS X Is based on it comes with many of the unix tools and such already installed
You can almost certainly do this, but as alluded to before, it's all going to be command line based - there won't be GUI tools to do it. Your best bet is to check in with the networking and Linux/BSD forums. There are also HOWTOs out there for this, but they're linux based, so you may not be able to follow them verbatim.
It's possible, but it probably violates the TOS on your broadband agreement. NetZero is cheap!

Our night tech setup a Mac workstationn with dial-in access for us to use in emergencies. It took him 3 days of scouring the web, and editing files to get it to work right though.
It's possible, but it probably violates the TOS on your broadband agreement. NetZero is cheap!

Our night tech setup a Mac workstationn with dial-in access for us to use in emergencies. It took him 3 days of scouring the web, and editing files to get it to work right though.

And netzero or any of the others may be faster as well. One with this you would hit a max of 33.6 with a dial in connection. Two you wouldn't have the speed boost crap they run(which lowers the res of pictures to make sites load quicker).

Unless you really want to do this for the learning experience(on a pretty much dead tech anyway) I wouldn't bother with it.