M10000 blown caps


[H]F Junkie
Mar 22, 2001
Has anyone else had a problem with caps blowing on a EPIA board? I opened my hacked dvd case today and noticed there are a couple of blown caps. It still runs fine, but I'll get around to fixing it later this week.

Here is what it's in:


The power button on front powers it up, and I used the original power LED for disk activity, and put a blue LED in it for power.
it took me several minutes to figure out what this is supposed to be. I think the "hacked dvd case" part threw me off.

It should probably be in motherboards since that is where the capacitors are.

I don't have that board, so I don't know.
Welcome to the 21st century.


This is not a motherboard-specific issue, this is a capacitor manufacturer issue. Motherboard integrators try to filter out the bad caps, but there are still some out there. You can try contacting Via and see if they'll give you a replacement. Alternatively, you can solder in replacement caps yourself.
defaultluser said:
This is not a motherboard-specific issue, this is a capacitor manufacturer issue.
I remember several years ago there were some motherboards that were pretty much guaranteed to have capacitor problems sometime in their life. Socket A Biostar I think was one of the manufacturers?? I can't really remember. I didn't use Biostar much at all ever. Or whoever it was.

so it might not be a motherboard specific issue, but it is possible that some motherboards are known to use bad caps.
defaultluser said:
Welcome to the 21st century.


This is not a motherboard-specific issue, this is a capacitor manufacturer issue. Motherboard integrators try to filter out the bad caps, but there are still some out there. You can try contacting Via and see if they'll give you a replacement. Alternatively, you can solder in replacement caps yourself.

I'm familiar with them, as I've ordered from them before. I had a ton of Abit NV7m boards with bad caps I had to fix at work. I was just wondering if anyone else had a problem with a via ITX board.

I'll contact via and see if they will replace it, and if not, I'll solder some new caps in.
i cant see any blown caps in that pic :confused:
FLECOM said:
i cant see any blown caps in that pic :confused:

I didn't take any pictures of the blown caps, since my crappy camera most likely won't pick up any detail anyways. I was just taking a picture of the case it was it.
They use GSC brand caps... Very cheap, then they charge you out of the ass for their cute little mainboard...

its so dainty and cute, now grab your ankles and the vaseline<-- Courtesy Via management

I had to recap my VIA EPIA - C3M266 Mainboard because of that...

Bottom line almost every company that tried to save a buck used fake/contaminated Japanese, Taiwanese or Chinese capacitors experienced bad caps...


and on and on...
DarkStar02 said:
I am so confused. A DVD player has a hard drive?
The dvd player hardware was removed and a normal computer was put in instead. It makes it less noticable because most pc cases stand out next to AV equipment.
Don't know if this thread is still alive or not, but I have the same board and have had no problems. However, I owned a Gigabyte board a few years ago and it had the same problem. Your only option is to replace the caps (hard) or replace the board (money). Good luck.
neozenkai said:
Don't know if this thread is still alive or not, but I have the same board and have had no problems. However, I owned a Gigabyte board a few years ago and it had the same problem. Your only option is to replace the caps (hard) or replace the board (money). Good luck.
IMO, the only hard thing about replacing the caps is finding the right replacement ones. The actuall process itself is not too bad.
neozenkai said:
Don't know if this thread is still alive or not, but I have the same board and have had no problems. However, I owned a Gigabyte board a few years ago and it had the same problem. Your only option is to replace the caps (hard) or replace the board (money). Good luck.
Replacing caps is DEAD SIMPLE... I do it all the time.
neozenkai said:
Don't know if this thread is still alive or not, but I have the same board and have had no problems. However, I owned a Gigabyte board a few years ago and it had the same problem. Your only option is to replace the caps (hard) or replace the board (money). Good luck.
My little bros' board - also a Gigabyte - actually had scorch marks where the bad caps *used* to be...
Was it cooked or was it from where the bung blew out the bottom of the cap, the electrolyte can also affect the PCB... If it shorted then I'd expect a scorch...
MD_Willington said:
Was it cooked or was it from where the bung blew out the bottom of the cap, the electrolyte can also affect the PCB... If it shorted then I'd expect a scorch...

Not sure... my bros called me while I was teaching at work and said there was smoke coming from the back of the PC.

I thought they were trying to pull a fast one on me until I went over there to find out for myself. :D