LUA + C + x86 asm possible?

Spun Ducky

Feb 1, 2009
I have a previous project that was done in autoit + C + inline x86 asm. I would like to remove autoit out of the equation and switch to LUA. I am wondering if anyone knows any good references on LUA + asm? I have found a decent bit on mixing with C and libraries even but next to nothing for asm much less inline asm.
I know I didn't get an answer on here but in case anyone else looks as this was like #15 on google for that kind of search it is possible.
This sounds amazingly convoluted, what exactly are you trying to do?
You can use LUA and C and X86 in the same project, yes. It's not clear which one you want to have call the other; that might be a trick.
I should have made it clearer the project was to make a injected .dll written in c with inline x86 assembly and then use lua as a higher level interface to use the functions. I got it working though so it is all good.
It certainly does work well for that application being game cheats but this was more for my learning purposes.