Lost Planet...crossfire support?

Mar 1, 2004
I just bought Lost Planet and it does not seem to use my crossfire setup. it uses one card but not the other. i am running 9.4 ati drivers xp sp3 and two 4850's. i run other games and crossfire works just fine and yes i did enable multi gpu in the menu options.

is there a fix for this? i have the "steam" version if that means anything.

You can use Crossfire Xtension v1.4 to force it if ATI has no Crossfire profile for Lost Planet... but considering how long it's been out I'd be surprised if they didn't have one yet.
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it may be just google but nothing came up in the search. :confused:

it was odd though, i rebooted, launched the game again, quit, and the program that i am using to monitor my vid card usage showed that both cards where at 100% load but i ran the game again and it only showed the first card to be at 100% while the second card was idle.
I think it's actually Xtender, not Xpander. I will edit the above post. Sorry.

EDIT2: Actually, it's Xtension
i was a little suspicious of a few startup programs so i disabled them, rebooted ran the game a few times and i get 100% on each gpu now. i d/l'ed the program just incase.

very odd......