Looking for recommendations to replace NUC8i7HVK


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2016
NUC8i7HVK, the Intel/AMD mutant hybrid, that being abandoned by both Intel and AMD.

Intel doesn't seem to care, AMD abandoned making drivers for it...

Anyway, looking for a small replacement to build, don't want any intel NUCs, Intel really dropped the ball with this one, don't want to take any changes.

I know there are a lot of small niche cases out there, don't know what are the best ones, so give me some ideas.

Would like something to have similar or better performance than Radeon™ RX Vega M GH graphics
Are you looking for a prebuilt to add pieces to (Shuttle, ASRock Deskmini) or for something like a small ITX build?
a small itx build. I build pc often, that is not a problem. i'm just not all that familiar with some more niche tiny SFF cases available.
It depends on the sizing. The more popular niche cases are:

NCase M1 - Still want one
Dan Case A4 - I backed the original and it's my current rig
Louqe Ghost S1 - Backed it
Cerberus, SM, and Conswole - I want a Cerberus terribly
NFC - Great console styled cases
Geeek Cases - Ikea styled acrylic cases
There are also a host of cheaper cases that are made overseas that can be found on taobao or aliexpress.

Some of the bigger name brands have even stepped in and started creating similar styled cases:
Lian Li PC-TU150 - Built around the NCase M1 Design
Cooler Master MasterBox NR200 - Also looks to be built around the M1

There are so many options. Small Form Factor forums is great and is specifically geared to SFF systems.
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I heard about that, but the high end unit has Vega 8, I believe that slower then RX Vega M GH.
Weird, I was just looking into this the other day, since i was going to pick up a highly marked down one to mess around with. Ran across this page here that says it should be supported now in the latest AMD drivers:

But looking into more, and with your confirmation, that page is actually wrong, and 20.2.2 is the latest driver to support the RX Vega M? Guess I dodged a bullet. Sucks, especially since other Polaris chips are still supported in the latest driver release.