Lian Li PC-A70B


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
Was just curious if anyone had any pics to share of their PC-A70 setup. I'm looking to get some inspiration for cable management and so on for when my case shows up. Couldn't find anything in the Lian Li thread in the gallery forum.
Here are some shots of my PC-A70B. I mounted the power supply (700W OCZ GameXtreme) on top as it made it easier to route the mainboard connectors. Had to remove the 120mm fan that had been there so I got the custom top with two 120mm fans blowing out. The case is great to work with. The mounting of the hard drives makes it easy to hide that mess.

Here's what mine looked like before I took it apart. Rebuilding it bigger and better now. And I have a much better camera now, too.



Thanks guys. Looks like this is going to be a beauty of a case to work with. Especially the hard drive setup. That hides a ton of spaghetti. Especially since I will be adding in a good sized RAID setup in a couple months.
So I got my PC-A70B today. God damn this thing is gargantuan. biggest case I've ever personally owned. Beautiful looking case too. Sorry no pics, my cell phone couldn't grab any that werent blurry and noisy.
I just got this case about a week ago. I'm doing a build for a friend of mine, and all i can saw is wow. Not only is this one of the largest cases i've ever worked with, but it's just one of the best looking too. I've never used Lian Li before. But i am sold.

I am waiting for fedex right now, I have a q9450 on it's way to me. Then i can start to put everything together.
Wow is that a hole you cut through the buttom of the removable mobo tray?

I cut holes all over the motherboard tray, its the reason you barely see any cables. That bottom one was done hastily though, I'm going to touch it up soon.
Just a note for anyone who wants to install a floppy in this thing. It doesn't come with any way to mount a floppy anywhere (which is fine really, most of us have no use for a floppy drive.) But you can use the "motherboard" screws along with the rubber hard drive grommets. Screw the screws in about 4 turns so you dont over-compress the grommets, and mount your floppy in a hard drive bay. It doesn't fit exactly like a hard drive does, but its still very snug.

Useful if you are still using XP and need the floppy drive for some odd reason like install-time drivers.
Also theres 2 optional tops for the A70/A71. 1 with 2 fan mounts and 1 with 3 fan mounts. I have the T70 2 fan mount with 2 Antec fans and looks very nice, Except for the fact that the rear top fan sits flush right above the rear hdd cage.
I also got this case. I bought mine from they have a nice option to do a triple radgrill mod on the top. Worked for me as i don't have the tools to do it myself. I'll be posting some pics soon as get the rest my parts in. Maybe i'll just start a worklog. @ Raxxath, thanks for the res mount idea. :)
@ Raxxath, thanks for the res mount idea. :)

I actually wouldn't recommend doing it the same way I did. There's nothing wrong with that spot, but the mounting mechanism was flimsy and difficult to remove. I'm seeing if I can put my two reservoirs in the 5.25" bays this time.
Howdy lads. what you guys think of this case the enw pc a7110


They have the hoels in the mobo tray already but my qyuestion is why is it at the top?
Here's what mine looked like before I took it apart. Rebuilding it bigger and better now.

That is an awesome set up! I am assuming you mounted your hard drives in the 5.25" bays? did you buy a HDD cage seperatly, or are you using something that came with the case?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see up above, where did you purchase that?
Raxxath, How hard was it to cut the hole for the PSU cables into the mobo tray? Is that black electrical tape used to cover the edges?
EDIT: Nevermind, I see up above, where did you purchase that?

You can buy it anywhere from Newegg to Performance-PCs. Its really big though, so make sure you have the space for it. I'm considering getting rid of it and my raptor for something quieter, like the WD6400AAKS.

Raxxath, How hard was it to cut the hole for the PSU cables into the mobo tray? Is that black electrical tape used to cover the edges?

It wasn't too hard, but the tray did get a little warped in the process. I had to retap a couple of the standoff holes, but it worked out fine in the end. I'd like to find a place around me with a laser cutter or water jet next time, though. And its channel molding on the bottom hole.
the new lian li case like the one i just linked come with pre holes for the psu cables to be feeded and hidden behind the mobo trey
So is everyone pretty happy with this case? (sorry to threadjack)

I'm getting the upgrade bug again lately and think I may have it narrowed down to this or the A71 (which is the same save the door on the 71, right?).

No shortage of room in odd places or big drawbacks or anything?

Coming from a STC-101 Stacker...hate the small fans, hate the uneven panels on the front (i really only need 2-3 5 1/4" bays anyway), and especially hate the 4 in 3.....the mid range Lian Li stuff looks like the best fit so far in the 250-300 range.

Everything else seems to have a shortcoming...most notably CM hasn't seemingly improved HDD mounting in the Cosmos (s) or the new Stackers, so it's on to a new brand for me probably.
So is everyone pretty happy with this case? (sorry to threadjack)

I'm getting the upgrade bug again lately and think I may have it narrowed down to this or the A71 (which is the same save the door on the 71, right?).

No shortage of room in odd places or big drawbacks or anything?

I'm in the same boat you are. Yeah, the A71s are basically the same case as the A70B, with a door. I prefer the door as well, personally, both as a means of blocking direct sound and on the basis of style. Also, I honestly don't find myself using the optical drive very often.

You could also go with the A7010 or (A71110, if you like the door), but it's basically the same layout as these cases, just with hot-swap capability included and an extra $50-100 to the pricetag added.

My only problem with Lian Li cases is their inconsistant fan selection/placement, a focus on extreme positive pressure (severl cases with 3x intake fans, with only 1x exhaust fan OUTLET. I'm not just talking about stock fans, btw, I mean only one freaking exhaust hole altogether!), and some occasionally eccentric interior design elements often make it difficult to plan an optimal watercooling setup. That and, let's be honest, they tend to really overprice their newer cases. This can be countered by simply buying older models, but's a bit obnoxious. Some of their newer offerings are $500+!
