led or cold cathodes?


Limp Gawd
Feb 25, 2012
i want to get rid of the crappy led fans in my case and wanted to know which would be better for lighting a case with a 12inch strip spots
pics and comments wanted
CCFLs can be brighter, but they're more delicate and require an inverter (and its accompanying high voltage). LEDs are simpler and quite robust. It's really your choice.
Gotta tell ya, these LogiSys Sunlight strips are pretty bright. I've got a couple of them and they light my case up really well. Also don't require anything special cept a molex connector and they're directional so you can control intensity to a point. This is my system with two of them, one on the top and one on the left side. No flash going on the camera and its slightly over exposing the picture but I think they're plenty bright.
