LANified! 8: Nuclear Launch Detected Calgary Jan 22-23 2011


Jul 11, 2005

Hey Folks,

LANified! returns with another LAN party! The dates are Saturday January 22nd (10am) till Sunday January 23rd (6pm) 2011. Furthermore we are expanding the event to 48 seats!

The tournaments we're hosting are:
-Heroes of Newerth, 3v3
-Team Fortress 2, 3v3
-Starcraft 2, 1v1

The prize pots for each tournament are as follows:
TF2 : Guaranteed Minimum Prize : $120 for 1st place, 30 pledges: $300 for 1st place
HoN : Guaranteed $480 for 1st place
SC2 : Guaranteed Minimum Prize : $100 for 1st place, 30 pledges: $300 for 1st place

The network will be full gigabit. Additionally we provide gaming and other servers, such as Mumble VoIP servers.

Alcohol is allowed on site, considering this ID is required for every attendee. Minors are still welcome, but they are not allowed to consume Alcohol.

For full details please check out the event information at: If you would like to follow our events we can be found on

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me.

Hope to see you folk there!
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Once again S2 Games is sponsoring our great event. As such the tournament prizes have been adjusted to reflect this:

TF2: 15+ Pledges: $120 for 1st place, 25 Pledges: $210 for 1st place, 40 Pledges: $360 for 1st place
HoN: $480 for 1st place. This prize pot does not stagger this event.
SC2: 15+ Pledges: $80 for 1st place, 25 Pledges: $120 for 1st place, 40 Pledges: $200 for 1st place

Thanks for the help S2!


In the mean time, why not join us on our minecraft server?

Hope to see you there!
Just a friendly reminder that our coming event is less than two months away!

We're still working hard to make sure it's a great time. Hope to see you there!
Hey folks,

We recently re-opened the flash games section of the forums. For those who are unfamiliar with it, check out the about post, or just jump straight into the games. Check them out at:

We especially want to see new high scores for:

Additionally, the next LAN is just around the corner! It's only ONE MONTH AWAY! We're pretty pumped and we have a few things that are almost ready for this coming event (sorry, not quite ready to say just yet). But if you are wanting to come you best sign up and prepay to ensure you get a seat. Do remember that this time we have room for up to 48 people!

Hope to see you there!
As our event nears we have many things to announce, changes we have been working on and new services and features we will be offering. We hope you enjoy what we have to say.

LANified! NETworks

LANified! is proud to announce a brand new service never before offered by us, and offered by few other events world-wide. The new service will be under the flag of LANified! NETworks and will consist of online broadcasting of various competitions and tournaments LANified! hosts. For our coming LANparty we will be broadcasting all of our tournaments as well as some other small things during the event. At this event we will be having on-site commentators for matches throughout the tournaments, as well as presenting the tournaments on a big screen for those who make it to the event.

Properly ran tournaments are key to our events and this new service is ran with the interest of making it exciting to the spectator. We are very excited to present this to the public and are looking forward to our coming event greatly. Come time of the event we will be providing information as to how to watch the broadcast and hope that you tune in. The broadcast will be available world-wide and we encourage interested spectators to pass the information about the broadcast to others they think would be interested.

We hope you are as excited about this new service as we are and we look forward to helping the competitive community expand even further in new and interesting ways.

Prizing Adjustments

We have recently reviewed the budget for the coming event and as such we will be making the following changes to tournament prizing.

TF2 : Guaranteed Minimum Prize : $120 for 1st place, 30 pledges: $300 for 1st place
SC2 : Guaranteed Minimum Prize : $100 for 1st place, 30 pledges: $300 for 1st place
HoN : Still Guaranteed $480 for 1st place

Tournament Scheduling and Ruleset Adjustments

Starcraft 2

The first notable adjustment to the Starcraft 2 tournament is that from Semi Finals on will be Bo3 (Best of 3 rounds). To clarify, both the upper and lower bracket semi final matches will be Bo3 and the Finals will also be Bo3. However the earlier stages of the tournament will remain Bo1.

The only change to the maplist is that Shakuras Plateau has been removed.

Team Fortress 2

We reviewed arena_offblast_final and have since decided to add it to the maplist. No maps were removed.

Banned Unlocks: The Sandman, Wrangler, Natasha. Any unlocks past the Australian Christmas Update (December 17, 2010) will be banned also. Update details can be found at:

Heroes of Newerth

We have been reviewing the recent changes and aditions to the game, and one of the possible changes we were evaluating is the shift to Grimm's Crossing. After thorough testing we have concluded this map is unfit for current competition as it plays to less variety in strategy than the traditional map. As such Forests of Caldavar will be used. The rules will remain unchanged and Banning Pick will continue to be used. No heroes will be banned except any heroes released near the time of the event.

Event Tournament Schedule

The schedule is pretty much the same as the last event as it worked quite well. To clarify starting times will be:

Starcraft 2:
2pm (1400hrs) Day 1, Saturday January 22nd 2011

Heroes of Newerth:
If 6 or less teams are signed up:
9pm (2100hrs) Day1, Saturday January 22nd 2011 - Whenever it finishes

If 7 or more teams are signed up:
Stage1 : 9pm (2100hrs) Day1, Saturday January 22nd 2011 - 2am (0200hrs) Day2, Sunday January 23rd 2011
Stage2 : 10am (1000hrs) Day2, Sunday January 23rd 2011 - Whenever it finishes (remaining matches/finals)

Team Fortress 2:
12pm noon (1200hrs) Day2, Sunday January 23rd 2011

Team Fortress 2 Practice Servers and Casual Gaming Challenges

As an added service to our attendees we will be providing two servers soon which will be configured to reflect the coming Team Fortress 2 tournament. These servers are offered as a service to practice on for the coming tournament and we hope you enjoy our hard work on maintaining them. If you have issues with them please contact us immediately and we will gladly assist you with ensuring their working order. Server details will be released soon, once they have completed configuration.

Also at the coming event there will certainly be time between tournaments, it happens. As such we are going to be offering some more casual options. These options will take the form of Casual Gaming Challenges. Details are still in the works, but we aim to make these challenges accessible to everyone who attends. We will likely be broadcasting at least some of the Challenges too. While tournaments are very important to us, we want to also stimulate casual gaming.

Final Notes

We would like to remind our attendees that we can be followed on facebook: . Furthermore we provide a public Mumble server: and will be running one on-site at the event. If you have any questions, concerns or other feedback we would love to hear from you through our various channels including facebook and our forums.

To find out further details of the coming event please visit us at:

Hope to see you at our coming event!
Dear LANners,

Our coming event is nearly around the bend, but we find ourselves short on prepays. As such we are going forward with a "last call" of sorts. So between now and 7pm MST tomorrow (Tuesday 11th) we ask that you prepay if you or anyone you know were planning to attend. Otherwise if we don't get enough prepays we will have to reschedule the event.

If you have difficulties of any kind, please contact us on the forums and we will gladly assist you in whatever way we can.

LANified! LANparties
Well, we sure bumped our prepays up a fair bit. I also know of multiple people who were unable to prepay but are going to pay at the door. As such we are going forward with this event! Also, prepayment is extended until this coming Friday the 14th at midnight! If you can prepay, we ask that you do so we can plan better around how many to expect. Plus, it's cheaper ;D

As a few reminders, we will be having our on-site hot food concession again, so tasty. Serving meals, snacks and drinks!

You can also follow our updates more closely on .

For those who havn't seen it yet, we now have a flash games section of the forum, so come on down and set some high scores!

Last, but definately not least, we will be broadcasting our tournaments and event! This means we will be having commentators for our tournaments, and streaming it live both to our attendees and the internet world wide! Even if you're not sure about victory, we encourage you to enter our tournaments, and kick some ass!
We at LANified! want to thank everyone that made it out to our event. We're pretty sure that everyone had a great time.

As most of you know this is the first time we broadcasted our event and we think it turned out pretty well considering we had a few early hiccups. While it is a bit disorganized we were able to keep recordings of the broadcasts we made, and they can be found at: .

Some of our previous attendees also know that we make time lapse videos of our events. The one for event 8 can be found at:

As for the results of the tournaments, here they are.

Starcraft 2:
1st place: Invincible (money shot)
Bracket: Click here!

Heroes of Newerth:
1st place: Team Flux (money shot)
Bracket: Click here!

Team Fortress 2:
1st place: I need a team (money shot)
Bracket: Click here!

We had some great support from our sponsors this event. S2 helped us a lot, and we unfortunately had a bit of a mix-up with CPU Magazine. As such CPU has sent me a link to pass around for a free year subscription! Check it out at: . We also had some great support from the concession group, boy was that some tasty grub.

Going forward, we're already planning the next event. Expect to hear more about it soon. If you want to keep up with what's going on with us you can follow us a couple ways in addition to the site. We have a facebook page at and we now have an IRC channel! Server: Channel: #LANified! We also run a public mumble server, to connect just add (default port) to your server list. And don't forget we still have our minecraft server at !

Can't wait to see you at the next event!