LANified! 7: Down Right Fierce (Calgary Alberta Canada September 18-19 2010)


Jul 11, 2005
Hey Folks,

LANified! is coming back at you with another LAN party! The dates are Saturday September 18th (10am) till Sunday September 19th (6pm)

The tournaments we're hosting are:
-Heroes of Newerth, 3v3
-Team Fortress 2, 3v3
-Starcraft 2, 1v1

The prize pots for each tournament are as follows:
TF2: 15+ Pledges: $120 for 1st place, 30+ Pledges: $300 for 1st place
HoN: $300 for 1st place. This prize pot does not stagger this event.
SC2: 15+ Pledges: $80 for 1st place, 30+ Pledges: $170 for 1st place

The network will be full gigabit. Additionally we provide gaming and other servers, such as Mumble VoIP servers.

Alcohol is allowed on site, considering this ID is required for every attendee. Minors are still welcome, but they are not allowed to consume Alcohol.

For full details please check out the event information at:

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me.

Hope to see you folk there!
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So our next event is only one month away! We're continuing our work to bring you the best damn LAN party around. As such we have some things to announce.

First, S2 Games is returning as a sponsor. S2 Games will be sponsoring the Heroes of Newerth tournament once again. Thanks for helping us out again S2!


Second, we have updated the prizing for the tournaments.

Team Fortress 2:
15 Pledges - $120 for 1st place
30 Pledges - $300 for 1st place

Heroes of Newerth:
$300 for 1st place. This prize pot does not stagger this event.

Starcraft 2:
15 Pledges - $80 for 1st place
30 Pledges - $170 for 1st place

Please be advised that only those who prepay can pledge, and pledging does not cost anything beyond prepaying. Prizing is determined by pledges. Also remember that prepaying is cheaper than paying at the door.

Hope to see you there! -
Our seventh event, Down Right Fierce, is only 15 days away!

As such we want to notify everyone that prepayment will CLOSE one week from now. Specifically, we will close prepayment around about Midnight Friday the 10th of August 2010. Signups will still work past this, but you will be unable to prepay beyond this time.

If you are having technical difficulties we can work with you to help your situation. As such please contact us if you are having difficulties with our site, paypal or any step of the prepayment process and we will gladly help you out.

If you are planning on coming we ask that you prepay. It offers you plenty of things such as a guaranteed seat, and the ability to influence prizing for tournaments, as well as other things. It also offers us and our sponsors things such as knowing how many are coming, and how many want to enter each tournament. Furthermore it actually enables us to hold the event. As such we really appreciate those who prepay and would like to mention that every single person who prepaid at our last event, showed up!

Additionally, we now have a poster for the event! We have put up a lot at MRU and UofC, but if you want to check it out and pass it along you can access it at:!_7_Sept_18-19_2010.pdf

Also, for those who made it to our last event, we will be having the concession stand again! Once again hot fresh food will be served at our event.

If you have any questions or comments please head over to our forums and let us know what you think.

Hope to see you there!
Holy crap, so much is going on!

First, we have now exceeded our record of 18 prepays. As of this posting we have 21 prepays! In response we have adjusted how the prepays and attendance info is shown a bit.

As an additional reminder, prepay closes today (Friday the 10th) at midnight. Keep in mind that we guarantee seats for those who prepay, but those who sign up are at risk of not having a seat if we hit capacity at the time of the event. If you want to secure your seat then prepay today! Once you have prepaid, make sure to pledge for the tournaments you want to enter.

Second, I pulled all my hairs out and finally coughed up the tournament schedule. Details are available at 's front page.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for each tournament will occur AT the event. We will be calling for registration leading up to the tournament, so make sure you are present in advance of any tournament you want to enter to ensure you get registered! You must also be present for each and every match otherwise your team risks forfeiting the match (but not the tournament).

Third, we properly updated the Team Fortress 2 rules to reflect the actual way it will play. Somehow this was missed before. Details are available at 's front page.

Boy are we excited to get this event under way! Hope to see you there!