Khronos looks to rebuild OpenGL as a low-overhead API. 4.5 spec released.


Feb 4, 2004

Khronos has lined up endorsements from a bunch of other prominent folks, including Gabe Newell from Valve, Jem Davies from ARM, and executives from Nvidia, Samsung, and Imagination Technologies.

In related news, Khronos has also released the specification for OpenGL 4.5, the next evolutionary step in the current incarnation of the API. Among other things, OpenGL 4.5 includes some provisions for the emulation of DirectX 11, to make porting from D3D and OpenGL easier.
Interesting, seems link a move parallel to Microsoft's in adding mantle like features to the next version of Direct X, to make it a lower overhead API.
Interesting, seems link a move parallel to Microsoft's in adding mantle like features to the next version of Direct X, to make it a lower overhead API.

Khronos has been working to reduce CPU overhead for a while now.

Efficient Multiple Object Binding (GL_ARB_multi_bind)
New commands which enable an application to bind or unbind sets of objects with one API call instead of separate commands for each bind operation, amortizing the function call, name space lookup, and potential locking overhead. The core rendering loop of many graphics applications frequently bind different sets of textures, samplers, images, vertex buffers, and uniform buffers and so this can significantly reduce CPU overhead and improve performance.
But it is in the news. Mantle really got this ball rolling on low cpu utilization, low overhead, closer to metal operation, DX is following, and now OpenGL feels the need to let us know it is doing the same. AMD is pushing API's forward for gaming, I like this, it benefits the end user, and it is my opinion that if mantle hadn't have come along DX would still be at a stand still.
I'm pretty excited for all these new changes across the board. With all that's going on even the lower spec PC's will be running circles around the PS4 in half the time it took for the last generation.
Khronos has been working to reduce CPU overhead for a while now.
Efficient Multiple Object Binding (GL_ARB_multi_bind)
New commands which enable an application to bind or unbind sets of objects with one API call instead of separate commands for each bind operation, amortizing the function call, name space lookup, and potential locking overhead. The core rendering loop of many graphics applications frequently bind different sets of textures, samplers, images, vertex buffers, and uniform buffers and so this can significantly reduce CPU overhead and improve performance.

If I understand Mantle correctly. This is exactly the type of programming Mantle is addressing. By better scheduling they remove the need to do this. These types of optimizations are needed because current API's don't make efficient use of the CPU.

Someone who is more technically knowledgeable than me want to confirm or deny my belief, please?

But it is in the news. Mantle really got this ball rolling on low cpu utilization, low overhead, closer to metal operation, DX is following, and now OpenGL feels the need to let us know it is doing the same. AMD is pushing API's forward for gaming, I like this, it benefits the end user, and it is my opinion that if mantle hadn't have come along DX would still be at a stand still.

What? AMD didn't simply steal MSFT's and Khronos' work and release it as their own! /sarc. :D

Thanks for chiming in Brent. Before Mantle all you heard about was the IHV's wanting to add features but MSFT wasn't in any hurry to do a major DX update. And game devs asking for them to make DX more transparent so they could more easily optimize their code, but again, MSFT showed no interest. Now everyone is interested and working on "Mantle like" API's (MSFT, Khronos, Apple), but some people can't seem to connect the dots.
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But it is in the news. Mantle really got this ball rolling on low cpu utilization, low overhead, closer to metal operation, DX is following, and now OpenGL feels the need to let us know it is doing the same. AMD is pushing API's forward for gaming, I like this, it benefits the end user, and it is my opinion that if mantle hadn't have come along DX would still be at a stand still.

Indeed! who could not want this.
thats a multigpu graph, we arent talking about scaling here.
I think every version of openGL was suppose to be rewritten from the ground up. Not holding my breath on this one.