John Carmack sits down with The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan is a turd like anyone who likes him.

Threatens people over email like the childish bitch he is.

The internet never forgets no matter how much little Joe pays to try to have it removed. He’s a triggered little girl.

Don’t @ me.
Joe Rogan is a turd like anyone who likes him.

Threatens people over email like the childish bitch he is.

The internet never forgets no matter how much little Joe pays to try to have it removed. He’s a triggered little girl.

Don’t @ me.

You tell 'em!
Joe Rogan is gonna threaten to beat me up over the internet if I’m not careful.

Probably the first great troll.

His comedy also sucks.

So what'd you think of the Carmack interview?
I posted this before, but this is Carmack in attack mode, taking down Vin Diesel maybe (not sure, could be a video card manufacturer):

View attachment 183865

I'm sure dude standing in background is next... his posture is just asking for trouble

Vin DIesel? It's even cooler than that. I believe that's Jace Hall - one of the creators of Monolith Productions. You know, the guys behind Blood, Shogo, No One Lives Foerver, F.E.A.R. and many other great games.

Just try Jace Hall show on youtube. We owe the first actual Duke Nukem Forever gameplay footage to this guy. He somehow forced 3D Realms to let him play the game. Say what you will about the game, I thought it was monumental
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So what'd you think of the Carmack interview?
From the clips I've watched I realized that Rogan should have prepared better, but I'm not impartial.

At least he didn't brag about how rich he was...