Is there a script that will compare & update all drivers against a specific folder ?


Jan 17, 2020
Say I have updated all the drivers for a specific model of pc, and I want to use that folder to update any other pc's of that model.
Is there a way to have windows look at each device in device manager and compare the drivers from a folder (all drivers are subdirectories in that folder), and have it update any drivers that are newer ?
ive never seen anything like that other than utilities that come with a system and those dont compare they just update when something new is available.
I think you can script it with pnputil to inject drivers into the driver store.
We do that for each model machine we have at work when it's being built (all ~40+ machine models use the same base image, laptops and desktops)
I think you can script it with pnputil to inject drivers into the driver store.
We do that for each model machine we have at work when it's being built (all ~40+ machine models use the same base image, laptops and desktops)
that might work.
I guess I need to clarify.
I am talking about workstation that I have already deployed.
I want to be able to take my updated folder for all drivers and take that to different workstations and update their drivers.
Probably will work if the folder is used on the same model
Youd have to use the pnputil process to inject drivers and point it to the folder
I guess it depends on how many machines you have to it quicker to just right click items in device manager and 'update driver' and point it to the folder, or is it worth the time to script it, I mean really your not going to update all the drivers on a machine more than once, I can see video drivers maybe a few times a year. But once the models built and updated, it should just sit and get used , no ?
Maybe use pnputil to enum all devices hwid/driver ver. Then script a quick search in root driver folder for any inf files | findstr *hwid. If found the insert the driver if ver newer than current. Sound fun :)