Is MaxPC still breathing?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 24, 2000
Or is the air a bit thick in that dust cloud? I seem to remember a lot of smack and them winning the Chimp, but they seem to be stuck in quicksand right now. Nice work guys. :p
I'm sure they are folding the best they can.
They're still averaging over 1mil PPD. Quite respectable production.
Team Creamsicle is doing well, but they've got the Russians and DLTV to worry about.
Or is the air a bit thick in that dust cloud? I seem to remember a lot of smack and them winning the Chimp, but they seem to be stuck in quicksand right now. Nice work guys. :p

Oh yeah, MaxPC is still alive and breathing (unfortunate or fortunate, depending how you look at it). It kinda' makes me a little nervous not hearing anything out of them for a while. While I'm not really a big fan of MaxPC, or for that matter any of our competition, (yeah, yeah, I know all the stuff about competition being healthy :eek:) I always have to remember not to be afraid of my competitors but never ever do I ever underestimate them. ;)

I have to give credit where credit is due and MaxPC did have a hell of a ramp up, MaxPC did win the "Chimp Challenge" and as I've always heard, "talk is cheap" (I equate the "talking thing" with the "smack thing"), while they did, IMO go overboard on the smack talk sometimes, there's no denying they are #1 ATM (as far as "Chimp Challenges" go) and a lot of their "smack talk" did turn out to be true.

The only thing a member of the mighty [H]orde (like me) can say is, as tired as it may sound, the mighty [H]orde team 33 is going to kick your a$$ big time next year MaxPC and that ain't cheap talk. :p

FOLD ON, we's "numero uno" in the pernts standing and we's gonna' always be "numero uno" :D
They had a bit of help from another DC group to my understanding. ;)

They just need help, after all they are all bunch of masturbating monkies.
They just need help, after all they are all bunch of blind masturbating monkies.

Fix'd for ya :p

Poca, no proof but rumors is that some team folded under MaxPC team id to boost the PPD. We cannot call that cheating since no rule forbid this but it's unethical however... Anyway, let's put this behind us because there is no point stirring monkey poo for nothing. What matter is that we won the #2 spot without any help and that's a honourable thing to do.

No other team (there may have been a few individuals may have) helped MaxPC win the monkey challenge (you can tell by the team PPD remaining the same). They won because a larger percentage of the team jumped on the band wagon on the first day so we did not have a ramp up peroid AFTER the contest started.
No other team (there may have been a few individuals may have) helped MaxPC win the monkey challenge (you can tell by the team PPD remaining the same). They won because a larger percentage of the team jumped on the band wagon on the first day so we did not have a ramp up peroid AFTER the contest started.

Yes, MaxPC was best in recruiting participants and that make a good difference ;) even me, with shooting the load too early is wrong and I would incline in that aspect :p

No other team (there may have been a few individuals may have) helped MaxPC win the monkey challenge (you can tell by the team PPD remaining the same).

If by staying the same you mean falling by double-digits, you're right.
There were no rules, written or unwritten forbidding teams in the Chimp Challenge from outside help. To the contrary, there were big time ringers for OCF last year and MaxPC didn't get all sour grapes about it, they just came back and kicked the snot out of everyone this year. Let it go already.
There were no rules, written or unwritten forbidding teams in the Chimp Challenge from outside help. To the contrary, there were big time ringers for OCF last year and MaxPC didn't get all sour grapes about it, they just came back and kicked the snot out of everyone this year. Let it go already.

Werd. MaxPC won fairly and within the rules....

Give 'em their small victory, they've failed miserably at changing their ranking and could use a warm fuzzy. :)

Next year if you want to win the Chimp Challenge, you'll need to do better.
There is no doubt that they won. By the rules who ever got the points won, and that was great for science.

Seriously, why are people getting bent outa shape on this?!?

I'd like to see them ramp up a bit more, with the GPU client and all. We need more competition not less.

MaxPC, don't let your GPU sit without doing anything, you can do more ;) If you won the challenge, I'm fairly sure you can play into the 2 millions ppd camp...

MaxPC, don't let your GPU sit without doing anything, you can do more ;) If you won the challenge, I'm fairly sure you can play into the 2 millions ppd camp...
I believe they can get pretty close to 2mil PPD. Why they haven't to date is anyone's guess, but when you see teams like DL.TV and Russia breathing down their collective backs, it makes one wonder. :confused:
Maybe its time to go over and rile them all up again. :D

The 3 teams ahead of them stepped on the gas, theres a couple teams running them down from behind, and they've been staying pat for a while now. They've become content trading pictures with TSC Russia and not watching the scoreboard.
Maybe its time to go over and rile them all up again. :D

The 3 teams ahead of them stepped on the gas, theres a couple teams running them down from behind, and they've been staying pat for a while now. They've become content trading pictures with TSC Russia and not watching the scoreboard.

Hate to say it, but I said that would happen.
Hate to say it, but I said that would happen.

They're still new to the big time. They said they were ready to run with the big dogs, but clearly didn't know just how cut throat it is at the top. :D
Guess you need to go over there and teach them how to piss in the tall weeds. ;)
Maybe its time to go over and rile them all up again.

The 3 teams ahead of them stepped on the gas, theres a couple teams running them down from behind, and they've been staying pat for a while now. They've become content trading pictures with TSC Russia and not watching the scoreboard.
This could be part of an overall complacency from a victory attained in the CC a couple of months back. Hope it's not the case. Resting on one's laurels only ends with the barbarians storming the gates. Hmm, perhaps the top teams need another challenge like the CC for the latter half of the year, as a biannual event. Maybe have it open to the top 5 teams. That will keep everyone on their toes, and likely boost total project production by leaps and strides..

Hate to say it, but I said that would happen.
Yeah, I remember you saying that a while back and it looks like you were spot on.
Werd. MaxPC won fairly and within the rules....

Give 'em their small victory, they've failed miserably at changing their ranking and could use a warm fuzzy. :)

Next year if you want to win the Chimp Challenge, you'll need to do better.

Thank you Mr relic, those are my exact thoughts :D. If we want to whp em' next year we's just gots to do better. Sheech, MaxPC won period, no accusatiobns of cheating, no recriminations, no whining or no anything is going to change the fact they won. I have to, as bad as it feels, admit they beat us like "step children" :(. The whole point is whether they did cheat (which I don't think they did) or whatever it's water under the bridge, it's over, it's a dead horse thats been beaten to death, just let it rest and worry about "rampin' up for next year. :p

So in long road we just have to get over it and prove to them next year "you don't f*ck with the number 1 team" and "payback is a motherf*cker" ;)

I also heard "you don't frigg with mother nature" too, but I couldn't figure a way to tie it into this post. Does she use the F@H client ? :rolleyes:


I also heard "you don't frigg with mother nature" too, but I couldn't figure a way to tie it into this post. Does she use the F@H client ? :rolleyes:

I don't know if she runs F@H, but she did create the proteins that we are folding. :D

MaxPC, don't let your GPU sit without doing anything, you can do more ;) If you won the challenge, I'm fairly sure you can play into the 2 millions ppd camp...

Maybe there are a lot of WOW addicts at MaxPC? Not much GPU downtime there.