iOS Night Shift Probably Won’t Help You Sleep Better


Aug 20, 2006
Here's an article that suggests blue light doesn’t really affect your sleep, but as someone who has f.lux installed and finds that it does make a difference, I am skeptical of such claims.

…scientists have connected in many, many studies not just light and melatonin suppression, but specifically light that’s heavy on blue frequencies. Blue light can ostensibly offset the cycle of hormone production by a couple of hours or more. This has led to speculation that staring at television sets, monitors, and mobile displays disrupts or delays sleep. If you have to get up or are woken up at a fixed time, as for most people, this both reduces sleep and throws off the body’s endocrine and other systems.
I use the circadian feature on my LED light bulbs at home and it has definitely made a difference in getting to sleep. Don't know about my cell phone screen though.
Red shifting is good it's always on my laptop
I've been using this 24/7 since the first build they added it. I can't say that it has much affect on my sleep but it really helps with eye strain.