IIS Permissions/ Directory Security Headache


VP of Extreme Liberty
Jul 13, 2005

My employer recently asked me to set up a website for them. I cracked open the books (it's been a while for me, CSS is all new, very fun) and got to work. I am restricted to IIS, which honestly seems to do its job well, except for the fact that I can't grant any kinds of anonymous access.

So I set my permissions to allow full control to IUSR_VAR and my Directory Security to allow IUSR_VAR as anonymous default, Home Directory with read and write access, allow scripts, and even go so far as to grant full control access to the website files individually and still, only when using Windows authentication can I browse the pages.

The only IIS guy I know (even then, by proxy) is out of the country.

Anyone run into this shite before, and find a way out?

If any of you have run into this problem, I got the solution to mine:


Scroll down to AnonymousUserName

If you're inpatient, just try using the user name (e.g. IUSR_SERVER) as the password. Got me the access I needed. Now to clean up the changes I made earlier.
